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United Carribean Republic

Achievement Showcase


The United Carribean Republic is a nation led by Sir Fredrick Goodsman on the continent of Europe. The United Carribean Republic's government is a Social Democracy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The United Carribean Republic favors left wing policies. The official currency of The United Carribean Republic is the Ruble. At 899 days old, The United Carribean Republic is an ancient nation. The United Carribean Republic has a population of 1,046,614 and a land area of 10,150.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 103.11. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Basic Information About the URC

Nation Name: The United Carribean Republic (URC)

Capital City: Havana

Government Type: Democracy

Economic System: Capitalism

Head of State: Lucile Daughtery

Head of Government: Fredrick Goodsman

Rights & Freedom of Speech

Civil Rights: Yes

Freedom of Speech: Yes

LGBT Rights: Same as every other Citizen

Gun Rights: You must need a permit to wield or buy a Gun



Army Personnel: 85,000 

Navy Personnel: 40,000 

Marine Personnel: 10,000 

Air Force Personnel: 15,000 

Other Personnel: 5,000 (including coast guards, border security, special forces) 

Reserves: 210,000 

Army Equipment: 

Towed Artillery: 250 

Anti-tank Field Guns: 125 

Self-propelled Artillery: 120 

Multiple Launch Rocket Systems: 40 

Light Multi-Purpose Vehicles (Armored Cars): 1,500 

Armored Personnel Carriers: 1,000 

Trucks: 3,000 

Amphibious Vehicles: 300 

Infantry Fighting Vehicles: 400 

Light Tanks: 150 

Main Battle Tanks: 300 

Mobile Anti-Air Vehicles: 100 

Naval Vessels: 

Patrol Boats: 30 

River Patrol Craft: 80 

Corvettes: 3 

Minesweepers: 4 

Minelayers: 4 

Frigates: 3 

Destroyers: 2 

Cruisers: 1 

Battlecruisers/Battleships: 2 

Docking Landing Ships: 6 

Amphibious Assault Ships: 6 

Helicopter Carriers: 2 

Aircraft Carriers: 1 

Attack Submarines: 6 

Cruise Missile Submarines: 2 

Ballistic Missile Submarines: 1 

Interceptors: 2 

Air Force Units: 

Fighter Jets: 150 

CAS Attack Jets: 50

Bombers: 10 

Heavy Bombers: 0 

Supersonic Heavy Bombers: 0 

Stealth Heavy Bombers: 0 

Tanker Aircraft: 12 

Surveillance Aircraft: 25 

Attack Helicopters: 40 

Cargo Planes: 50 

Cargo Helicopters: 60 

Troop Transport Helicopters: 70 

Anti-Submarine Warfare Helicopters: 20 

AWAC Aircraft: 8 

Electronic Warfare Aircraft: 5 


FPV Drones: 500 

Combat Drones: 100 

Reconnaissance Drones: 200 

Surveillance Drones: 250 

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 

Nuclear Warheads: 0 (able to build them if we get enough resources because we have the project) 

Ballistic Missiles: 295 

Other WMDs: Unknown 

Auxiliary Vessels: 

Transport/Cargo Ships: 40 

Repair Ships: 15 

Fuel Tanker Ships: 20 

Hospital Ships: 5 

Other Auxiliary Ships: 30

Landing Craft: 80 

Auxiliary Helicopters: 30 

Auxiliary Aircraft: 20 

Auxiliary Land Vehicles: 250



(we also own the non-dutch part of Guyana, but unfortunately i haven't added it on the map yet)




UCR Calendar

Months and Meanings:

January -- Month of Work

February -- Month of Love

March -- Month of Birth

April -- Month of Honor

May -- Month of Might

June -- Month of Knowledge

July -- Month of Sun

August -- Month of Fire

September -- Month of Harvest

October -- Month of Rest

November -- Month of Ending

December -- Month of Beginning

National Holidays:

New Year


Day of Honor

Day of Mourning

Day of Work

World Affairs


None as of Right now


None as of Right now


Scroll down if you want to see our former nation















Leader: Aithne Daughtery


National Flag:



War Flag



Flag of Melonese Cyprus



National Anthem







Capital City











Capitol Building




















National Holidays

January 27: New Year

December 18: Christmas Day

March 1: Military Day

March 12: Harvest Day

October 14: Founding Day

February 28: Communist Day


Major Cities

Watermelon (Capital)

Cantaluope (Formerly Kanelope)

Honeydew Melon



Casaba Melon

Bitter Melon

Melon City

I don't know any more types of Melons



January: Month of Birth

February: Month of Work

March: Month of Melons

April: Month of Communism

May: Month of Usage

June: Month of Construction

July: Month of Military

August: Month of Wealth

September: Month of Honor

October: Month of the Nation

November: Month of Greatness

December: Month of Ending


Ground Forces

1.12 million peacetime soldiers

4.21 million wartime soldiers

19,000 Tanks

23,000 Armored Vehicles

+ The Entire Uchamese Army (don't know exact numbers)


50 Battleships

6 Aircraft Carriers

10 Sickle Class Destroyers

28 Frigates  

70 Destroyers

15 Cruisers

88 U-Boats/Submarines

30 Corvettes

+ The Entire Uchamese Navy (don't know exact numbers)

Air Force

170 Bombers

1,300 Fighters

900 Helicopters

326 nukes (ranging from small 3 kiloton nukes to 20 Megaton Nukes)


The Story of the assassination of Logan Watermelon(Ignore, kinda dumb)

On June 24, 2082, a RoDevs killer and about 20 other snipers went into the capital building to kill Logan Watermelon. It was Midnight and after a long day of partying, our men were tired. The only man who was not tired was General Zelenskey, of the 2nd Tanks Army, may Mr. Zelenskey rest in peace. The snipers then shot down our 27 guards and made it to Logan Watermelons living quarters. The killer then drove a RoDevs flag through Mr. Watermelons neck and then left him to die. Soon enough after only 600 seconds, our national guard came to find Logan Watermelon dead in his room. So our guard took the body of our leader to the national 1st class hospital and took the bloody RoDevs flag out of his neck and then placed our leader in a white metal box, the box would preserve and slowly heal the body of our dead leader. "After 1 year", our medical advisor said, "Logan Watermelon will be fully healed and could possibly be turned alive again, but that is only a theory, if you think it will work pay me 15,000,000 dollars." So we payed him, maybe one day he will be revived...  


Old Allies:



Bedland Order



Rest of the USSRz

and GW

All other communist alliances


Current Allies:

Soviet Federation



The British Empire

Volkovists Uchamese Rebels



Old Map:




Another Old Map:



Our Colony in Turkey:


RP colony in Vietnam (no longer own it, but one day will get it back):




Map of The Melon but on a world map:


red is our land


RP stuff:

RP Population: 127 million

RP Towns: 9,567

RP Soccer team rankings: 11th best team

RP Most Hated Alliance: None

Current Economic State: Bad



Treaty's: 2


Treaty of Gibraltar

  1. Non-aggression pact with Global Watch till 2084
  2. We lose Iberian lands
  3. We get to keep our French lands and Cyprus
  4. Our Welsh land will become Global Watch territory
  5. Iberia will become a fascist Global Watch puppet called Empire of the Melon
  6. The Melon's new government must be Global Watch leaning
  7. The Melon can stay communist
  8. The Melon is allowed to stay in the USSRz
  9. The Melon can stay independent


The Treaty of Warsaw

  • Iberia and Melon both agree to a NAP for 12 months. 
  • Melon forfeits all claims in Iberia and France. 
  • Melon is guaranteed Cyprus, Czechoslovakia and Eastern Poland. 
  • Iberia gains all Melonese territory in Iberia.
  •  Both Iberia and Melon will be protected by the Soviet Federation. 
  • Both Nations withdraw from the war and to never reenter it.
  • Melonese Citizens will be given equal rights and opportunities in Iberia. 
  • No !@#$ will take place in both Nations.
  •  Both Nations don't have to pay reparations but it is optional.
  •  Iberia has to give Melonese refugees sanctuary. 
  • Melon keeps their Nuclear Weapons. 
  • Iberia keeps the Soviet Nuclear Weapons. 
  • Both Nations must have a festival in Cyprus celebrating peace between both Nations. 
  • Cyprus must be also completely demilitarized

after the treaty we traded eastern poland and african land for the french land



Wars(Not including Civil Wars) and Bulletins for the wars

Hunton vs USSR(1)-- N/A

Global Watch vs USSRz-We are at war, How we will destroy RoDevs, Operation Red Seas is a success, plus other war news, Some terms, (Please look at this bulletin RoDevs), The Melon's empire great reform, Treaty of Gibraltar, and Trade offer to RoDevs, Our New Borders, Result: Melonese Loss, Collapse of 1st Melonese Empire, Melonese loss of Iberia and Wales.

Global Watch vs USSR part 2--War with RoDevs( I am going to say that he betrayed the treaty of Gibraltar), Melonese Victory, Regaining control of Northern Iberia, Beginning of the 2nd Melonese Empire.

Japanese Civil War--We join the Japanese war, The Bombing of Hiroshima, The Napalm bomb firestorm in Hiroshima, The last thing the Melon does in Japan, we are leaving Japan, they are a lost cause, Result: Melonese Pulling out of Japan, Destruction of Hiroshima and 2 million people, Tojo's Hand is destroyed.

Deckerton vs The Melon--The Melonese counteroffensive, Let us destroy Ireland!!!, Melonese Victory, The Deckerton invaders are stopped, borders remain the same.

Tibetan War-- Battle of Lhasa, Bombing of Nyingchi and other bombings, Result: Beginning of a World War.

GW vs ISP and more(continuation of Tibetan War)--War, War, War, War, War, End of War with Tibet, Obocchama Kun's Google Forms, and War | The Watermelon Post, Offensive into Ireland, this was expected, and billions of dollars down the drain, Result: Melonese Victory, loss of Melonese Ireland, Gaining of African and Vietnamese land.

The Greatest War--This was all a part of the plan.... | World War, Rapid Advance into Iberia and Zero Advances in Turkey, Counteroffensive at Iberia, Defensive in Turkey, Terms for peace, Nuking Madrid and other Iberian Cities, sending troops to Cyprus, and nuking Limassol, Peace, Treaty of Warsaw, and New Borders, Rebuilding, 30,000 workers sent to Iberia, and Military Stats | The Muskmelon Times, Result: Melonese Victory, loss of Iberian and African lands, gaining of Czechoslovakia, All major Iberian Cities Destroyed by Melonese Nukes.

Victorian War of Liberation--Invasion of Victoria, Result: nothing, voided.

The Iron Pakt War--Finishing up Business in Iceland, Advancing Into Zenteka, Coalition(Melonese) Victory, Destruction of Zentekan and Bedlandish Empires, Destruction of Iron Pakt, Gaining of Odessa Ukrainian Province, Gaining of Cuba.

The A&SPA War-- Fine, If you want war, you get your war | The Defense of The Melon, Melonese Loss/Win, A confusing war, The Melon lost Vietnam to the A&SPA, but pushed Italy in economic struggle and forcing them to pull out of the war, The Melonese Allies were able to defeat the A&SPA, but we never got Vietnam back...




Well that is all the Wars.              


Day of getting Nukes :) , Saturday, March 18th, 2023, 9:18pm



Basic Information
Nation Name: United Carribean Republic
Leader Name: Fredrick Goodsman
Nation ID: 489745
Founded: 10/14/2022 (899 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 17 minutes ago
Discord Username:TheMelon#6272
Unique ID: 9f7065e85416f2df2f2beb358
International Relations
Alliance: Union of Socialist Soviet Republicz Alliance Flag
Chairman of USSR
Alliance Seniority:897 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Gray Inactive Group
Commendations: 50
Denouncements: 12
Nation Page Visits: 8,653
Population: 1,046,614
Infrastructure: 8,312.32
Land Area: 10,150 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 103.11 people/sq. mi
GDP: $376,516,766.00
GDP per Capita: $359.75
GNI: $141,923,680.00
Economic Policies: Left
Currency: Currency Image Ruble
Government Type: Social Democracy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: None None
National Animal: National Animal ImageKiwi
Approval Rating: 0% (-232.02)
Pollution Index: 150 points
Radiation Index: 213.99 R (Global: 256.07 R)
OBL Team: Bullet Ants
Nation Rank: #3,993 of 11,549 Nations (34.57%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,057.81
War Policy: Help Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 3,317.14
Infrastructure Lost: 23,444.00
Money Looted: $5,444,014.60
Wars Won: 3
Wars Lost: 75

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

9 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/30 07:43 pm - United Carribean Republic had war declared by Werneron for the reason of "You didn't laugh at our ".
03/29 03:02 pm - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of Palmas Doradas led by Wave.
03/29 03:01 pm - Wave of Palmas Doradas has publicly commended the nation of United Carribean Republic.
03/24 10:45 pm - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of South Wales Land led by Sir Leo Dowden.
03/23 11:39 pm - Sir Leo Dowden of South Wales Land has publicly commended the nation of United Carribean Republic.
03/20 04:55 pm - United Carribean Republic had war declared by Militaires Sans Frontieres for the reason of "Active Raid, DM for war.".
03/19 03:01 pm - United Carribean Republic had war declared by Hypocristan for the reason of "We march to war to restore our glory.".
03/18 10:07 pm - United Carribean Republic had war declared by paciriot for the reason of "Your imperialist policies threaten global peace. We must act to restore balance.".
03/14 11:03 am - United Carribean Republic had war declared by paciriot for the reason of "Your national bird pooped on our embassy's roof.".
03/05 12:38 pm - Norodom Sihanouk of Kingdom of Cambodia has publicly commended the nation of United Carribean Republic.
03/05 12:19 pm - United Carribean Republic had war declared by Asuka for the reason of "DESTROY THE COMMUNISTS!".
02/26 11:32 pm - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of Grenio led by Noir De Markus.
02/26 05:18 am - Noir De Markus of Grenio has publicly commended the nation of United Carribean Republic.
02/24 03:40 pm - Demitrius of New Michigan has publicly commended the nation of United Carribean Republic.
02/23 10:02 pm - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of Empire Of Kindricks led by Daviesolu.
02/23 10:01 pm - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of New Michigan led by Demitrius.
02/23 10:01 pm - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of Lincolnia led by TiaKathy.
02/23 04:32 pm - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of Zarithica led by Prussian.
02/23 12:47 am - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of Jurvania led by Vojasker.
02/22 10:27 pm - United Carribean Republic changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
02/12 12:24 am - Muixx of United Africa People has publicly commended the nation of United Carribean Republic.
02/12 12:16 am - United Carribean Republic has publicly commended the nation of United Africa People led by Muixx.
02/11 07:07 pm - United Carribean Republic had war declared by United Africa People for the reason of "Testing".
02/06 01:13 am - United Carribean Republic changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
01/16 04:28 am - Sesquipedalian of gluteus maximus has publicly commended the nation of United Carribean Republic.
The United Carribean Republic is Founded

(used to be your favorite fruit guy)

UCR Peacekeepers, Caribbean Games, and Toyota in the UCR | Caribbean Broadcasting Network

Toyota go vroom

Diplomatic Relations and Trade, Business Interview #1: Velaft Mac and Cheese, Population Boom, and more | Carribean Broadcasting Network

CBN stands for Carribean Broadcasting Network, not Christian Broadcasting Network, we are forcing them in game to change the name

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
2 National Projects
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.