Nation Bulletin

Counteroffensive at Iberia, Defensive in Turkey

"Men, Woman, Children, we must all stop this menace, he is fire bombing our cities, and destroying our bloodline, let's have some REVENGE!!"- Anthelme Joly, 2089

By Sir Logan Watermelon
06/20/2023 04:02 pm
Updated: 06/20/2023 04:23 pm

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Victories in Iberia


Before we talk about that we need to talk about Turkey (I'm sorry RoDevs). With Sedrosia also having trouble pushing us back, it seems the war will never end. So we have focused every single soldier into defense. Now, no soldiers are getting past the Turkish Wall. We are willing to sign a treaty with Sedrosia, we would give food and supplies to the people of Sedrosia and pay reparations, but no land would be lost. Now we can talk about the fun part, IBERIA!!!!!


Iberia is not going down easily. That is why we decided to surprise them, navel invade them!!!

This is the map of the navel invasion:


The invasion caught Iberia very off guard, since they expected us to attack in the north, our invasion contained of 570,000 troops, who easily eliminated the 6,000 Iberians who were guarding that area, it was pretty easy to keep on advancing, the move made a lot of Iberians to move south to fend off the invasion. This led to us to keep on advancing in the north, but in Portugal fighting was still harsh, as in one battle 109,000 Melonese died and 110,000 Iberians died. And we needed to take that Portuguese land for, reasons. But the Chlorine Gases were still a big problem, so if Iberia wants to play it that way, we'll play it that way, so we equipped our troops with Chlorine Gases and Chlorine grenades. We also have threatened to NUKE IBERIA, and Iberia has no nuclear project. Overall, in our Northern Counteroffensive, we lost 460,000 troops, and Iberia lost 470,000 troops. Now the map looks like this:


(Remember, Burgundy is Melonese Advances)


We also sent 90 Bombers and 120 Fighter Jets to Lisbon, Portugal. We did the obvious, firebomb it. So we did just that, since Lisbon is an Important city to Iberia, there was anti-aircraft weapons, and Iberian planes, it was a harsh battle, and many men died, but in the end we succeeded and saw Lisbon in flames, our loses we 90 Fighters and 70 bombers. Iberian loses are unknown. We have also began the construction of 100 more bombers and 200 more Fighters. Also now Lisbon looks something like this:


I just realized that on the map we took Lisbon after Iberia mentioned it (thanks Iberia!) so what i'll say is that we lost 300,000 and Iberia lost 310,000 in the battle of Lisbon, (the bombings happened before the navel invasion). Also in the navel invasion we did lose 1 battleship and 5 warships but we did destroy 7 Soviet/Sedrosian/Iberian warships. We lost 25,000 men in the Navel landing

if you have found anything unrealistic then please tell me in the comments and i'll change it, have a great day


Posted June 20, 2023 at 4:18 pm

sorry, the color on the map is Burgundy, and Lisbon is burgundy, so I guess we took lisbon, lemme just edit the bulletin to make it more realistic 

Posted June 20, 2023 at 4:26 pm

W melon as always

Posted June 20, 2023 at 5:20 pm

@Sedrosia doesn't exist, and Soviet didn't respond to it. So, its only you

Posted June 20, 2023 at 5:42 pm

If Iberia is nuked then I will nuke you. 
