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The Fighting Pacifists (TFP) have existed for over 9 years, with honor and integrity at its core. We are a brotherhood and elite peacekeeping force built on respect, trust, and loyalty; united in defense of our independence.
While Orbis divides itself down lines set by old grievances, TFP extends the hand of friendship to all that would take it. We do not seek war, but in turn, refuse to sit by while we or our allies come under attack.
An attack on our allies is an attack on TFP. Mercy is not guaranteed and raiders may be subjected to pacifist re-education tactics.
All diplomatic inquiries should be addressed to Shock(shockrider1) or Shwin(ashwin998) via Discord.
We peacekeepers seek to ravage and assimilate the bloodthirsty, the wretched, and the warmongers into our pacifist ways. If you seek to join our cause,
1.) Join our Discord, and click here 2.) Open a ticket in #admissions 3.) Complete a short interview