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The Fighting Pacifists



Preserving Peace since 2015.
Discord | Wiki 


4a43a6c59e8e5211ed331d43b2c3f5a1bb6eeb9fx359.pngThe Fighting Pacifists (TFP) have existed for over 9 years, with honor and integrity at its core. We are a brotherhood and elite peacekeeping force built on respect, trust, and loyalty; united in defense of our independence.

While Orbis divides itself down lines set by old grievances, TFP extends the hand of friendship to all that would take it. We do not seek war, but in turn, refuse to sit by while we or our allies come under attack. 


MDoAP with Black Knights

MDoAP with United Purple Nations

ODoAP with Singularity

ODoAP with Spectre

ODoAP with Arkham Asylum
Protectors of Gallowglass

Protectors of Akatsuki 

Protectors of Panem

Protectors of SFR Yugoslavia

 An attack on our allies is an attack on TFP. Mercy is not guaranteed and raiders may be subjected to pacifist re-education tactics.

All diplomatic inquiries should be addressed to Shock (shockrider1) or Shwin (ashwin998) via Discord.

We peacekeepers seek to ravage and assimilate the bloodthirsty, the wretched, and the warmongers into our pacifist ways. If you seek to join our cause,

1.) Join our Discord, and click here
2.) Open a ticket in #admissions
3.) Complete a short interview


Council of Doves

Quichwe, Johan, Menace, Vojasker, OriArrow, The Professor, Banksie, Jamie, The Baron, Dead

Advancement within TFP is based purely on merit and never longevity. Only the hardest working and most dedicated will climb the ranks of government.


Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Fighting Pacifists (TFP)
Facilitator: Shwin , Aligned , Eriko
Defender: Shock
Council of Doves: Quichwe10 , Johan , Vojasker , Menace , Oriarrow , Alxxander , Hans
Ministry of Capital: Nebel , Fitz , King dam , Always-Wright , Magnus Gallant , Napoleon , Tanmay K
Ministry of Automation: Karibu
Ministry of Tough Love: Zangi , Markov Sunderland , Oxi
Ministry of Peace: Mysterious
Ministry of Unity: Joao VIII
Founded: 01/26/2015 (3,665 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: The FAP's White Cream
Members: 139
Alliance Rank: #6 of 506 (1.19%)
Score: 869,513.54
Avg Score: 6,255.49
Discord Server: Click Here
P&W Wiki Page: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 10 (6.71%)
Beige Nations: 2 (1.44%)
Gray Nations: 10 (7.19%)
Alliance Treasures: 4
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 4.00%
Total Cities: 3,861
Total Infrastructure: 9,801,939.47
Total Land: 17,426,494.50
Total Population: 1,369,547,572
Total GDP: $1,862,788,999,590
Total Soldiers: 46,270,313
Total Tanks: 4,018,798
Total Aircraft: 274,737
Total Ships: 37,666
Total Spies: 7,991
Total Missiles: 1,076
Total Nuclear Weapons: 418
Wars Won: 23,015
Wars Lost: 5,014
Ludwig the Oppressor3,091.66
Karl the Great2,499.33
Valbjorn Frost8,815.77
Edward I3,159.53
Adon Herr3,114.89
John Smith1,035.67
Ewan Cameron3,892.16
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension The Armed PeacekeepersN/A
Extension Rainy DaysN/A
MDoAP United Purple NationsN/A
MDoAP Black KnightsN/A
NAP RetributionN/A
ODoAP Arkham AsylumN/A
ODoAP SingularityN/A
ODoAP SpectreN/A
Protectorate AkatsukiN/A
Protectorate PanemN/A
Protectorate GallowglassN/A
Protectorate SFR YugoslaviaN/A