View Alliance
United Ummah





Sultan: Anas

Grand Vizier: -

Vizier of Economic Affairs: Omar

Vizier of Foreign Affairs: Jawadkhan

Vizier of Internal Affairs: -

Vizier of Military Affairs: Adam





       Green Lands is an extension of United Ummah.

Diplomats join our FA server.

Raiding Policy: We possess the ability to protect all of our members and applicants by fully countering the attacker. If that can't be executed, another nation will be targeted at random.





Discord is mandatory to be a member. Click HERE to visit our anime-free discord.

[NEW] 10/10 taxes*, and willing to hire some new gov members!

You may also want to check out our Wiki :)

Basic Information
Alliance Name: United Ummah (UU)
Sultan: Anas Kadkoy
Vizier: mohid , OmarMarzouk , Based Mujahid , Gopnik
Agha: Rohan , Youssef Mohamed
Mohtaseb: Sir Rips You Off , Bruce Wayne , Ali al Shammari , Mir Muhammede Kurdi
Founded: 08/17/2020 (1,635 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: $ublime
Members: 33
Alliance Rank: #38 of 507 (7.5%)
Score: 143,562.76
Avg Score: 4,350.39
Discord Server: Click Here
P&W Wiki Page: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 13 (28.26%)
Beige Nations: 1 (3.03%)
Gray Nations: 1 (3.03%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 892
Total Infrastructure: 1,743,031.20
Total Land: 2,243,638.48
Total Population: 227,026,589
Total GDP: $228,315,176,929
Total Soldiers: 10,920,329
Total Tanks: 885,880
Total Aircraft: 58,361
Total Ships: 8,600
Total Spies: 1,753
Total Missiles: 229
Total Nuclear Weapons: 84
Wars Won: 3,836
Wars Lost: 1,264
Jawad Khan3,849.73
Mujibur Rahman II2,521.71
Zalejeva Jaaskelaine1,631.73
Abdullah the 1st1,253.18
Mehmet Faris4,713.38
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension Green LandsN/A
Extension N/A
MDoAP Global Alliance & Treaty OrganizationN/A
ODoAP Empire of the RomansLink
ODoAP The Republic of LibertasN/A
ODP CamelotN/A