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The Albionic Kingdom Britnordica is a nation led by King Somerled the Wise on the continent of Europe. The Albionic Kingdom Britnordica's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Albionic Kingdom Britnordica favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Albionic Kingdom Britnordica is the Pound Sterling. At 61 days old, The Albionic Kingdom Britnordica is an established nation. The Albionic Kingdom Britnordica has a population of 1,096,167 and a land area of 5,700.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 192.31. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


The Holy Albionic Kingdom of Britnordica, also known as the North Sea Lands (Historic), Holy Albionic Empire (patriotic) or the Varangian Nation (Nostalgic) is a nation located in the British Isles (IRL Britnordica is a micronation located in the UK although not very well known) it's current King is James the III, it's current Prime Minister is Arthur Godwinson, the Clan Secretary is John Waugh and the Archbishop of Lancaster is Ronald Ceddson.


The Britnordic lands were once ruled by social groups called the Clans, the clans were ruled by a chief or elder and some clans formed confederations, some major confederations included the Agdarric, Harwick, Orkadiamin, Lancastaric and Falcircic Confederations. Once there was a man who had heard the word of Christ, his name was Wysc. He resolved to convert the Britnordic lands to Christianity, he was able to complete his task with little difficulty and he was named a saint after his death in AD 567 and many accredit the conversion as a foundation for the later Unification of Britnordica.


A man called Jack was the Chief of the Albionii Clan, one of the most influential clans by the 700s, he had 12 children, 5 girls and 7 boys, one of the boys was named Uraidh and he met a lady named Catherine from the Visigoths, she was renowned for her beauty and had fled the Visigothic Kingdom after the Cordobans had taken control. He professed his love for her and she accepted however she told him that he would need to create a strong Kingdom and unite the Britnordic lands, and so he called his brother Somerled for his help to unite the Britnordic Lands. After a 2 year campaign of fighting and diplomacy they finally took hold of Orkney and formally began the Kingdom of Britnordica under a dual monarchy, Uraidh returned and married Catherine and she and Uraidh had 4 children, Somerled sadly had no children. Uraidh and Catherine are the direct ancestors of the current King.


Over 3 centuries after the unification of Britnordica the Kingdom remained pretty similar to what it was 3 centuries ago, however a new king came to power in AD 1046 named James "the Great" who deserved his title. Under his reign there was political reform (creation of the Witan), great economic benefit, and large military increase, and overall prosperity. He even created the foundation for the welfare state. His successor wasn't as lucky though as he spent his reign fighting against his brother and sister in what started the thistle wars which were a series of civil conflicts which eventually lead to the fighting branches reconciling and the witan named a successor. Medieval Britnordica became quite well known for it's naval prowess which continued throughout it's history.


This naval prowess would serve it well when new thoughts came about sparking the renaissance. It was able to trade far and wide and started building a good relationship with Portugal who they would trade with and acted like all but one country when it came to trade. This close relationship would eventually lead to the Porto-Britnordic Alliance. There were nations that had begun questioning the Pope's authority in the North of Europe however Britnordica became one of the few nations to remain fiercly Catholic. Once the thirty year war started they became an important theater of the war as they became an important northern outpost for the Catholic League. A man called Christopher Colombus had found land to the West called "The Americas" and it was decided that they should create "trade areas" in the Americas. Britnordica sent a number of ships to sail west, one headed towards what would become Giana, Kanada, and the Bahanies where they created treaties with the Natives where the Natives could de facto keep there land and be protected by Britnordica however Britnordica would have trading rights and de jure keep there land. Many accredit these treaties as reason the Native cultures could keep there culture and live in peace with the Britnordic people who came there in search of a new life. Britnordica would go on to establish similar treaties in South East Asia, Oceania, Arabia, and Africa. An idea that had existed in Ancient times in Greece and Rome of a state without a royal. This was the idea of Republicanism. A nation in Western Europe of which Britnordica has had mixed relations with named France had recently had a revolution which had started a republic. However this republic wasnt truly free of royalty as an emperor named Napoleon had come to power and dreampt of a great European Empire and had started trying to conquer it. Britnordica chose to side against France and joined the 1st Coalition. After a large struggle by 1813 Napoleon had finally lost.


in 1763 Britnordica kick started the Industrial Revolution and a new manufacturing oppurtunities opened and modernisation begun. From then to 1909 it took part in many conflicts with other large powers across the world. In 1902 a large conflict took place between Britnordica and allies, and the French and there allies that would be known as the Grande European War. By 1978 many territories were being let go as Catholic versions of what they were, however not all and some territories still remain.

Overseas territories of Britnordica at it's peak in 1917:f9022b475d4403d4bdb10e32cd479a85c00bf3d4x333.png

Overseas territories of Britnordica in 2024:


Britnordic Mainland in 2024:


The official language of Britnordica is Albionic, however English, Scottish Gaelic and Brythonic being major languages as well. However Latin is often used Ceremonially.


List of wars Britnordica has been involved in:

The Britnordic Raid Wars


That is all, please commend my nation


Basic Information
Nation Name: Britnordica
Leader Name: Somerled the Wise
Nation ID: 660722
Founded: 12/07/2024 (61 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 12 hours ago
Discord Username:Britnordica
Unique ID: 57b6752a49d5326a27a731cb3
International Relations
Alliance: Sacrum Romanum Imperium Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:54 days
Color Trade Bloc: Camelot The Kingdom On Maroon
Commendations: 6
Denouncements: 3
Nation Page Visits: 1,139
Population: 1,096,167
Infrastructure: 11,743.40
Land Area: 5,700 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 192.31 people/sq. mi
GDP: $1,077,770,432.00
GDP per Capita: $983.22
GNI: $456,435,055.00
Economic Policies: Extreme Left
Currency: Currency Image Pound Sterling
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Urbanization Urbanization Icon
Social Policies: Conservative
State Religion: Catholicism Catholicism
National Animal: National Animal ImageRabbit
Approval Rating: 0% (-95.12)
Pollution Index: 208 points
Radiation Index: 259.21 R (Global: 383.78 R)
OBL Team: Dragons
Nation Rank: #3,609 of 11,161 Nations (32.34%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,396.34
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 956.25
Infrastructure Lost: 550.00
Money Looted: $33,491,257.59
Wars Won: 12
Wars Lost: 1

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

8 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
02/05 06:49 am - Britnordica changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Maroon.
01/30 06:47 am - Britnordica changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Maroon.
01/18 07:25 pm - Britnordica has publicly commended the nation of The Apostolic Empire led by Constantine II.
01/18 08:08 am - Constantine II of The Apostolic Empire has publicly commended the nation of Britnordica.
01/18 07:45 am - Britnordica has publicly commended the nation of Raritania led by Memem Aster.
01/17 06:58 pm - Britnordica has publicly commended the nation of Old Britannia led by Barrington.
01/06 04:52 pm - Britnordica changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Maroon.
01/05 09:37 am - Britnordica founded a new city, Base Doggersland.
01/04 10:26 am - Belarich of Nation of rich Mermaids has publicly denounced the nation of Britnordica.
01/04 08:44 am - Britnordica has publicly commended the nation of Northern Korea led by Kim Jong Uno.
01/04 08:40 am - Britnordica has publicly commended the nation of Alora led by Sirilaris.
01/04 08:36 am - Kim Jong Uno of Northern Korea has publicly commended the nation of Britnordica.
01/04 08:35 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Guam led by Mudoru.
01/04 08:34 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Kingdom of Katon led by David Alexander.
01/04 08:34 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Northern Korea led by Kim Jong Uno.
01/04 08:34 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Republic Of Micronia led by Astrid Lykke.
01/04 08:33 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Ashlantas led by Yelder.
01/04 08:33 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Nation of rich Mermaids led by Belarich.
01/04 08:33 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Prethoryn Scourge led by Vorathkyr.
01/04 07:50 am - Warmonger of Acolytes of Blood has publicly denounced the nation of Britnordica.
01/04 07:50 am - Britnordica has publicly denounced the nation of Acolytes of Blood led by Warmonger.
01/02 08:11 am - Britnordica had war declared by Acolytes of Blood for the reason of "Say hello to my little friend!".
01/01 10:13 am - Britnordica declared war on The Third Georgian Republic for the reason of "I am St Rognvald, you are a Saracen".
01/01 10:10 am - Britnordica declared war on jdkawmdka for the reason of "Let me hold all you money for you".
01/01 10:08 am - Britnordica declared war on Imperium Order for the reason of "flegg".
01/01 10:07 am - Britnordica has publicly commended the nation of Republic of Britain led by John Cain.
01/01 10:04 am - Britnordica declared war on The land for the reason of "on the end of my fist".
01/01 10:02 am - Britnordica declared war on Mesa Vista for the reason of "Crusading for the lord".
01/01 09:43 am - Britnordica has publicly commended the nation of Starfel led by Leofyr.
12/30 01:15 am - Macaulay Culkin of Wet Bandits has publicly commended the nation of Britnordica.
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
2 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.