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The French Republic

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The French Republic is a nation led by President Alexandre Napoleon on the continent of Europe. The French Republic's government is a Parliamentary Republic with very fascist social policies. Economically, The French Republic favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The French Republic is the Euro. At 385 days old, The French Republic is an ancient nation. The French Republic has a population of 922,343 and a land area of 10,600.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 87.01. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

French Republic

Sixth French Republic


French Republic's European Union flag


French Republic's current flag










The coat of arms of the French Republic


Nation Information

GovernmentParliamentary Republic
ConsulAlexandre Napoleon
Population120 million people composed of:  30% Victorians,  10% Germans, and 60% French
Time ZoneUTC +8, +9.5, +10
Date Formatyyyy/dd/mm
Driving SideRight

Anthem: La Victoire est à Nous (French)
(English: "Victory is Ours")


      Vicky France (dark green)
      Vichy France (Light green)

17px-WMA_button2b.png48°51′N 2°21′E
Largest cityParis (metropolitan)


GDP11px-Increase2.svg.png 9.483 trillion
Gini11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 29.8
HDI11px-Increase2.svg.png 0.945
CurrencyEuro (€)

Not to be confused with The First French Empire.

French Republic, officially the The Sixth French Republic,[1] is a sovereign country comprising the northern half of France and numerous smaller islands. France is one of the most largest countries in Europe and the world's fifth-largest country. Metropolitan France shares borders with Dutch Republic to the north, Prussia to the north east, South Germany to the east, Byzantium to the south east, Andorra and Spain to the south, and a maritime border with the British Empire to the north west. Its metropolitan area extends from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea. Its overseas territories include Saint Domingue and other islands. France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre; other major urban areas include Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Nantes and Nice.

The citizens of former Kingdom of Victoria[2] began moving to the Australian continent after madness in the kingdom ensued. The prince of Artois, Henry Martin of Martin Dynasty has lead Victorians into the island after a deal with the British. Henry Martin started reforms in the country improving the overall situation in Victoria as well as the deal of Southern Australian state into Victoria. After the coronation of Queen Clement, the order of Henry Martin's exile to La Plata is successful with Martin Dynasty's sins purified, leaving Victoria under a proper rule.

The City of Paris is the centre of the Île-de-France region, or Paris Region, with an official estimated population of 20,280,871 inhabitants on 1 January 2099, or about 19% of the population of France. The Paris Region had a GDP of 800 billion OBD. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide Cost of Living Survey, in 2099, Paris was the city with the ninth-highest cost of living in the world.

Victoria has a highly developed market economy and one of the decent per capita incomes globally. Victoria is a regional power, and has the world's twentieth-highest military expenditure. It is a member of international grouping known as the European Union. It is a great power and has its own bloc.



The name Victoria (pronounced: /vɪkˈtɔː.ri.ə/) is said to come from Luther Velmont Clement's wife. The wife told Luther to liberate Alsace-Lorraine from the Holy Roman Empire and France with starting his own kingdom named after her back in 1460. 

The name Vicky France is said to reference Vichy France's name as it sounds the same.

Colloquial names for Vicky France include "Vicky" and "Vic" as shortened forms. Other epithets include "The Third French Empire", "Sixth French Republic", "French Larper", and "Victoria".



The Victorians are a diverse group, predominantly of Germanic descent, deeply influenced by French culture during the 1300s. This fusion of influences shaped their identity, ultimately leading to the establishment of the Kingdom of Victoria in the region of Alsace-Lorraine. This historical development marked a significant chapter in their cultural evolution, blending Germanic traditions with a distinctive French flair.

Victoria in France has a rich history especially the Great Victorian Wars (1751-1758). Luther Velmont Clement, the first real king of the Kingdom of Victoria has liberated the lands of Alsace-Lorraine from the Holy Roman Empire and Kingdom of France after their independence war of 1460. The Martin Dynasty tricked the people under its rule, kicking Luther from power with Edward Martin II becoming the new king of Victoria.

Victoria participated in many events such as the Great Empire War of 1750 with the Northern Crown Alliance (Russian Empire, Great Britain, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Spain, and the Victorian Empire) against the Imperial Harmony (Duchy of Prussia, Austria, France, and Portugal). The war started off with the proclamation of the Victorian Empire under Viktor Martin II on the 14th of June 1748. The war ended with a complete victory for the Northern Crown Alliance as Victoria secured its title of an 'Empire'. The Great Victorian Wars kicked off when the Imperial Harmony was again created known as the First Coalition while the Northern Crown Alliance is disbanded due to tensions in Finland. The Victorian Empire survived these wars until the third coalition leading to its fall and the lost of territories except their mainland, Alsace-Lorraine.


The Kingdom of Victoria (1400-1560)

When The Kingdom of Victoria was established by Luthor Velmont Clement, the neighboring nations were alarmed mostly the Holy Roman Empire, France, Austrian Netherlands, and the Swiss Confederacy during its prosperous period.


The Kingdom of Victoria's flag during 1400-1751

 The Kingdom of Victoria was formally invited into the Holy Roman Empire but they refused it because it was too complex for their electoral system and Victoria wants to remain a sovereign nation. Luther's rule over Victoria is short lived after the head of the Martin Dynasty in that time, Edward Martin II kicked Luther from his position with the support of the Victorians. Edward II became the new king of Victoria and formed an alliance with the Kingdom of England in 1430 after their conquest in Gaul. Edward II tried to establish relations with the Holy Roman Empire but was rejected due to the Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund having interests into Victoria's lands sparked sour relations between the Empire and the kingdom. The English eventually signed a treaty with the French of non-aggression due to France facing a two front war of English troops and Victorian troops.

The French Unification of Gaul (1459-1460) began when Kingdom of France declared war on the Kingdom of England with a casus belli of reuniting Gaul under French hegemony as French troops began attacking English troops in Normandie. With Victoria, being an ally of England, vows its support and deployed 150 soldiers into the fight capturing several towns from the French as the Victorian army advances through their mainland. The English however are facing problems with their troops as they retreat from the mass French troops over 1,200 and 500 English troops are eventually captured or killed in battle. The Victorian army under Daniel Spelch led his 450 men to march onto Paris but faced an unequal fight against 700 French soldiers marching to them. Daniel ordered a rain of arrows to the rushing French soldiers but he was ultimately killed by Paul Leclair's spear impaling his neck as Victoria's army lose the offensive. A treaty was signed between the 3 nations with France gaining all of England's French territories and Victoria will be paying 400,000 amount of gold to the Kingdom of France. The Kingdom of Victoria eventually ceded to the Holy Roman Empire for economic support and joined the wars of the empire with their great army.

The French Conquest of Victoria (1465-1467)[21] began when King Edward Martin III was coronated as the new king of Victoria and he separated the Kingdom of Victoria from the Holy Roman Empire when he ignored several orders from the emperor. The French took this as an opportunity to declare war on Kingdom of Victoria with finally annexing those lands into French hegemony so in November 4, 1465, King Louis XI of France declared war on the Kingdom of Victoria under King Edward Martin III with the casus belli of annexation of the Victorian territories.


The Battle of Fort-Du-Roche in 1466 painting by Bourloigne Francois

Series of battles was fought in French soil led by the Victorian general: Evert Ludwig, facing the mighty French cavalry with Victorian spearmen. The Battle of Saint-Marie was won by the French soldiers with a devastating 700 casualties to the Victorian side. The Battle of Fort-du-Roche eventually began showing Victoria's unwavering determination against the French soldiers defeating them in an attrition war as the Kingdom of England joined the war to help its long ally, Victoria. The Battle of Meaux was very deadly for the French, as English and Victorian troops began to decimate them with arrows and swords as the rainy environment cause confusion in the battlefield. The French forces were eventually ordered to retreat while the English and Victorian troops advance through the heart of France. In 1467, a peace treaty was signed again between the 3 nations as the Kingdom of France found itself in an impasse due to the overwhelming armies of Victoria and England. The terms were France paying 500,000 amount of Argent (silver) to Victoria and the ceding of several French ports to Victoria and England, but the main part here is the annexation of Grand Est, and Hauts De France regions to the Victorian hegemony. King Louis XI was furious about this but chose to ignore because he can't do anything about it. The Kingdom of Victoria grew rich in military and economically after this war and eventually King Edward Martin III's rule ended with Lucrece Martin becoming the next king of Victoria in 1470.


The Victorian Expansion (1480-1648)

Victoria under the rule of Lucrece Martin, is focused on militarily with over 150,000 soldiers are recruited in the nation. Lucrece braced Victoria from possible wars with the French or possibly from the east as the Holy Roman Empire exerts its influence throughout Europe. In November 24,1480, a group of rebels in Wallonia has found itself in a brink of losing after Austrian soldiers overwhelm their numbers with a powerful military. The Wallonian rebels fled to the nearest Wallonian city to Victoria as they send a letter to Victoria, requesting assistance for their independence.


The Battle of Arlon in 1480 painted by Silvainne Louis

The Victorian Conquest of Wallonia (1480) began when Victorian troops under the command of Lucrece Martin, marched to Arlon where the Wallonian rebels are. Over 25,000 Victorian soldiers are set to defend the city from Austrian soldiers while they send a diplomat asking Victoria's presence in the region. Victorian diplomats replied by simply assisting their ally by liberating Wallonia from Austria sparking the beginning of the war. The siege of Arlon was very deadly as Victorian troops defend itself from powerful Austrian troops who set up walls around the city to prevent Victorian troops fleeing the city and asking for reinforcements. Lucrece sent his cavalry, managing to breakthrough while the walls are constructing, asking reinforcements from the nation. The Austrians waited for the Victorians to take initiative as they wait for the Victorians especially with their king commanding his army in the city, loses its supplies and leaves the city with hungry men. The Austrian army general this time was Godnacht II, an arrogant general who was hailed after their several skirmishes against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lucrece rallied his men with motivational speeches having faith to the Lord that He will save them after the reinforcements arrive with over 30,000 men expected.


The two sides agreed on a peace treaty of Arlon 1481, ceding Wallonia to the Kingdom of Victoria.

On February 4, 1481, 31,000 Victorian soldiers marching towards Arlon a the Austrian troops prepare for their first battle of the war. The reinforcements was commanded by Adrien Colbert, a ruthless general that is famous for their minor battles against the French during the French Conquest of Victoria. General Colbert immediately engaged the outnumbered Austrians troops with over 45,000, as Lucrece's army began to reinforce. General Colbert strategically fled to Arlon luring the Austrians in, as the Victorian cavalry swoops the entire Austrian cavalry while their troops follow Colbert's army. Deadly combat in the streets occurred as civilians were also harmed with Lucrece, rallying his men to fight till the end. Colbert's army left Arlon to quickly disrupt Austrian communications with command as they intercepted Austrian scouts on their way to Bastogne. Lucrece, with his army encircled the Austrian troops inside the city as general Godnacht II panics about their situation. The Victorian troops slaughtered Austrian troops in the city as they finally surrendered with the death tool speaks of 4,000 Victorian casualties and 39,000 Austrian casualties. Victorian diplomats later demanded Austrian surrender in Vienna as they reported the humiliation of their country against the glorious Victorian general and king, Lucrece Martin, slaughtered Austrian soldiers in the battle of Arlon. The Austrians have no choice of keeping this war as they deal with multiple uprisings inside the Holy Roman Empire and the Hungarians, plotting a rebellion against the Hapsburgs. The Treaty of Arlon 1481 was signed by two nations as they agreed on several terms with the ceding of Wallonia to the Kingdom of Victoria, marks the beginning of Victoria's expansionism in Europe, after their war against France.


The Battle of Brussels 1510 painted by Argon Helkein.

The Victorian Conquest of Spanish Netherlands (1510) began when Carlist Spain under the rule of Ferdinand II of Aragon, was struggling with its political instability with its overseas territories, mainly the Netherlands. After the Republic of Spain, loses to the Carlist rebels after Ferdinand II took control of the nation, severing ties with most of Spain's allies. The Kingdom of Victoria, under the rule of Maxime Martin took this opportunity, to expand Victoria north grabbing those water resourceful Dutch lands. Over 30,000 soldiers commanded by Maxime, marched to the borders of Spanish Netherlands and Victorian Wallonia sending a letter to the Carlist government stating their declaration of war. Spanish troops began to panic in Netherlands as they lack supplies and they have to deal with the Dutch people rallying against them for independence, formed a defensive line in Brussels, the capital of the Spanish Netherlands. The Victorian army, which is very well prepared, marched onto the city breaking their defensive line immediately before the battle even begun. The Victorian troops immediately moved to capture Brussels, sending shockwaves to Spain as they lose their very first battle. The Spanish sent their fleet and reinforcements to safeguard the coastal cities from the advancing Victorians however, the Victorians are already there waiting for their arrival as Victorian privateer and battleships destroy several Spanish ships losing over 2,000 total men. The Spanish immediately sued for peace as they panic over this disastrous performance of their military. Victorian diplomats have accepted their peace terms as they cede Flanders and South Holland to Victoria and the independence of the Kingdom of Netherlands. This sparked the sour relations of Carlist Spain and the Kingdom of Victoria, while Spain embraces itself for an upcoming takeover of the monarchists, ending their oppressive rule.


The Great Victorian Wars (1751-1758)

The Great Victorian Wars was the wars involving the First Victorian Empire under Viktor Martin II and Joaquin Martin. The wars revolved around the French-German alliance (Imperial Harmony) against the First Victorian Empire due to having the empire title. Great Britain, Russian Empire, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Spain, and the Victorian Empire formed their alliance called the Northern Crown with the purpose of bringing balance in the European continent. War eventually broke out when diplomatic relations were diminished due to Austrian diplomats being aggressive of their foreign policies.

The Great Empire War (1751-1752) begun when British and Victorian troops marched to Vienna forcing them to sign a treaty with the Austrian Empire changing its name to only Austria while they dissolve the Holy Roman Empire. The first coalition began when the Northern Crown Alliance was dissolved due to the Russo-Swedish War of Finland and the British Civil War.


The Congress of 1750 painted by Sullivan Javis, creating the Northern Crown Alliance.

The First Coalition (1753-1755) was the Kingdom of France, Duchy of Prussia, Bavaria, Wurttemberg, Baden, Denmark, Kingdom of Portugal, and Austria declaring war on the Victorian Empire and the seizing of Victorian overseas colonies in Africa, Equatorial Guinea. The first coalition was won by the Victorian Empire after General Mathieu Clement marches his troops to Paris burning their capital hall. The Kingdom of France left the coalition and focused on their stability because of their impending republican revolutionaries rising to take over.

The Second Coalition (1756-1757) began with Austria, Kingdom of South Germany, Duchy of Prussia, Denmark-Norway, Two Sicilies, and the Spanish Empire declaring war on the British Republic and Victorian Empire. The British Republic was massively reduced to rebel when the siege of London left a massive scar on the British government. The Austrians later marched to Victoria but failed to logistical issues and the Victorians pushed them back to Madrid and Vienna with the help from the Russian Empire. A peace treaty was signed including the dissolution of the Spanish Empire and the ceding of Cuba and Hispaniola to Victoria.

The Third Coalition (1758) shortly began with the Kingdom of Austria, Kingdom of Prussia, Kingdom of South Germany, United Kingdoms of the Netherlands, and the First Republic of France declared war on Victoria for the final time under Joaquin Martin. The French quickly blitzed Victoria with their famous general: Napoleon Bonaparte and the Austrian forces burning Palais du Rhin to the ground. The treaty was signed between the nations with Victoria returning the empire title to Austria including the lost of its overseas territories reducing to only modern Rhenan Republic borders. After this war, Victoria was under the French Empire as a sister republic (Kingdom of Victoria) during the Napoleonic Wars and was freed from their hegemony on 1820.


World War I (1914-1918)

under work.


World War II (1939-1945)

under work.


The Lion Wakes Up (2090)

The Kingdom of Victoria is proclaimed once again residing in Alsace-Lorraine, neighbouring Uwistan, Uchama, Switzerland, and Melon. It was plunged into a short civil war known as the First Victorian Civil War[4] against the communists but resulted in the victory of the Victorian government. The Kingdom of Victoria siezes their former empire territory until the English Channel and annexed some lands to the north, proclaiming the Second Victorian Empire. Victoria tried to grasp Gabon as a colony but ultimately failed to logistical issues and decided to pull out. Melon and Uchama declared war with a casus belli of annexing rightful territory but the government ultimately refused this leading to a void of this event.


Victoria's Honour (2090)

A small conflict in south Atlantic ensured called the South Sandwich Island War[5] or the 'war of rocks covered in ice 24/7' The South Sandwich Islands war was between Beanstopia and Victoria against Communist Britain and Federation of Molossia. Victoria peaced out from the war and decided to improve its overall nation. A treaty was signed between Iberia and Victoria as the two enter sour relations throughout Victoria's history until Victoria's War of Honor[6]. Chaos ensured in the country when the nation fell into the Second Victorian Civil War[7] against the Forsaken Brotherhood and siding with the United Defence Initiative. The war was won and Victoria goes under heavy recovery even joining the Unity Pact and the German Federation. The House of Lumiere[8] is established with the First Empire of New France's royal marriage including supposedly Bedland into the royal house.


Victorian soldiers in Morocco during Victoria's War of Honor.

With Victoria joining also the A&PSA, a declaration of war was made making Iberia submit to the A&PSA's demands. The war ended with several controversies leading with Victoria leaving the A&PSA and signing the Treaty of Nanzig with Iberia[9]. Victoria goes under a Germanic transition after their membership of German Federation is assured leading to the events of the Victorian coup[10].








The Purple Triculture Flag presenting its beautiful Martin purple and deep meaning of ethnicity.

Victoria wins the coup leading to a recovery of the nation. Victoria has established the Victorian paper Industry still carrying its economy to this day making it a significant decision of the government for their time. Victoria changes its flag to the Purple Triculture Flag leading to the proclamation of Third Victorian Empire or, The United Kingdoms of Victoria. A Bonaparte arrives[11] in the senate and took actions immediately of improving Victoria overall until the Second Brotherhood War[12]. Victoria participated in The Great China War[13] between the Chinese Union and Manchuria. The war ended with the signing of Treaty of Qingdao[14] ceding several districts to Victoria renaming the historic city to Tsingtao. Victoria also participated[15] in the UEC-A&PSA with its PMCs fighting from both sides as the Orchid PMCs in the Moroccan front sided with the A&PSA and the Nachtkrapp PMC in Ausparia sided with the Soviet Federation. After the Victorian government betrays the A&PSA and German Federation acting as a double agent from both sides, the government was removed[16] from both factions resulting in a chaos in the mainland. The government of Victoria was forced to move in the Australian continent after the chaos and established the Queensland of Victoria under Henry Martin and soon to be queen, Victoria Clement. Coronation of Queen Clement[17] lead to the drastic development of Victoria including its new modernised military and powerful assets such as nukes. The Soviet Federation has made deals with the nations of Novist, Nexiren, La Plata, and Victoria into ceding the Gabon region to the said nations. The members partitioned them and resulted into the creation of Gabon Security Accords[18].


Treaty of Rektum, Overijssel signed by the Dutch Republic and Queensland of Victoria.

Victoria established many protectorates around Orbis solely as a protected territory from hungry land grabbers. The Shandong protectorate has become its backbone from economy as the government of Shandong supplies Victoria with many materials and manufactured products while Melbournia supplies Victoria with raw materials. Nexiren, officially the Republic of Nexiren[19], a country in west south Africa is a good ally of Victoria and a recent protectorate which acts like an SGP but with high autonomy receives aid from Victoria after the Treaty of Stellenbosch[20] was signed between two parties.



The Queensland of Victoria (2096)

The establishment of the Queensland of Victoria in the continent of Australia has been a successful flee of the Victorian government from Europe, with its forces residing in Qingdao-- the Victorian army has regained its strength in military but not economically. A new ally in Oceania, Areulia has helped Victoria with its recovery and unlocking its true potential throughout the exile. After the coronation of queen Victoria 'Zhale' Clement[23], Victoria is under constitutional monarchy with its new prime minister elected, Ted Foster[24].


The Ascension of Victorian Clement, by Jeremie Chastain in June 14th.

The monarchy coming back has left a bad opinion on the Australians and Victorians in the nation and the sudden rise of political movements such as Democratic, Socialism, Bonapartism, and the secret Lumiére supporters. Queen Victoria's rule over the Queensland of Victoria has been successful throughout 2095 as Victoria goes its rebuild and the acquirement of the Shandong province in China and the formation of GSA (Gabon Security Accords)[22]. The region of Gabon has been under many cartels at that time: Carlos Cartel, Tiger Cartel, and more. The GSA has been formed to unite the Gulf of Guinea nations against attackers and to restore order in African regions thus, beginning the Cartel Wars[25]. In 2096, The Third Great Recession hits Victoria crashing its economy to the ground, trading with Areulia. Victoria's membership in the Latin Bloc has also been accepted with war against Melon and Uchamese territories but Victoria peacing out due to queen Victoria's policies of not attacking French territories. After the acquisition of Alsace-Lorraine back from the Dutch Republic[26] and Victoria's several controversial reforms, the nation goes under a giant civil war[27]. The nation was temporarily under Mateo Ondo Nguema of the Melbournia colony of Victoria.


Random soldiers getting supplies from Melonese paradrops in the nation.

The Victorian Civil War (2096) begun with the parliament collapsing and the nation is divided into 7 different sides: Loyalists, led by Queen Victoria Clement and General Piedmont A.K.A. Alexandre Napoleon; Martinists led by Henry Martin; Lumiére led by Vera Natsume II; Pro-Dutch led by Koen van Rektum; Democratic led by Ted Foster; Communism led by Riley Dawson; and Bonapartist led by Regis Bonaparte II. The civil war was the worst event in Queensland of Victoria's history as many cities were razed, captured, and destroyed. This was happening during the Yellow Sea Crisis in the far east with the Korean SGP[27]. The civil war has shown the nuking of Shepparton by Ted Foster after receiving controls of the nuclear arsenal[28]. The civil war ends finally with Loyalist forces with the support of Areulia, Dutch Republic, and La Plata uniting the nation under one banner again[29]. The new presidential elections have also begun after a year of rebuilding with Queen Clement stepping down the throne, ending Victoria's long monarchist culture.


The Republic of Victoria (2098)

After the Victorian Civil War, presidential elections were started after Queen Clement steps down from the throne. Richard Mons, the first president of Victoria makes his first order by proclaiming the Republic of Victoria or the First Victorian Republic. Richard Mons was a far-right and hates the British. Richard Mons is also seen as a hero after nationalising all the resources from British company, Titan Corporation during new constitution as a senator[30]. The nation of Victoria found itself in a brink of war against the British Empire and signed an MDP with the A&PSA.


Victorians waving the national flag of Australia after the unification.

Richard Mons also has stroke a deal with the British about the continent's resources and the acquisition of New Holland resulting into restoration of Victorian-British relations healing and being allies again ultimately uniting Australia under one banner once again[31]. Victoria has also acquired the Merchant Republic's lands and Tasmania after several wars and agreements uniting the Australian territories. Richard Mons also participated in the coalition against Mundusia but lacks action due to Victorian forces arriving in the battle late shortly before peace.

The Victorian-Valoriana War (2098) resulted into Victoria interfering with Valoriana's communist uprising and the capturing of Swiss lands and Alsace-Lorraine from Valoriana, the war ended with Valoriana's government collapsing and Victoria annexing the former lands and a stage of a big event has been completed. This was is ongoing during the Russo-American War.

The Russo-American War (2098) has been the most pivotal moment of Orbis history with Victoria betraying the Soviet Federation and siding with the Americans during this war. Victoria has participated in naval battles in the Baltic Sea as American ships are being pushed back and the Soviet Federation receiving constant pressure from both sides. The war finally ends with both sides launching numerous ICBMs at each other destroying each others' countries and the start of a new era of powers.

The Reconquête Française (2098) shortly begun when General Piedmont A.K.A. Alexandre Napoleon was sent to Europe for a special operation with the Dutch Republic and Sedrosia. This war was intense and pushes were hard to achieve after the Uchamese capitulation of the war and the Soviet Federation of Donbass joining the war against Victoria resulting for the Dutch Republic to pull out from the frontlines. Donbass shortly capitulated after Ukraine uniting the lands with cooperation with Sedrosia and Russia with Victoria effectively pushing more into Melonese lands. Peace was declared after Richard Mons was presumed death from an assassination and General Piedmont assuming control of Victoria with dictatorship and returning to Europe after a peace term of JGP of French lands-- proclaiming the Third French Empire.


The Third French Empire (2099)

Under work.


Sixth French Republic & The European Union (2100)

Under work.

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