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Lapunto Antarkta

Achievement Showcase


The Technocratic Democracy of Lapunto Antarkta is a nation led by Necrocrat Tommy Cabello on the continent of Antarctica. The Technocratic Democracy of Lapunto Antarkta's government is a Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Technocratic Democracy of Lapunto Antarkta favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Technocratic Democracy of Lapunto Antarkta is the Puntaŝilingo (Ŝ). At 1,249 days old, The Technocratic Democracy of Lapunto Antarkta is an ancient nation. The Technocratic Democracy of Lapunto Antarkta has a population of 12,042,814 and a land area of 102,833.33 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 117.11. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 55.0685%.

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URL: lapuntaretejo.reg/home

Welcome to the national website of Lapunto!

Our nation aspires to summon the best of humanity's potential by refusing to accept the traditionally applied imaginary divisions of race. We are loyal to the truth of humanity's one-ness all across Orbis. Lapunto sees all the world's people as it's own, so any who declare allegiance to our nation's worldview is capable of becoming a Puntan. We do not and must not discriminate, because as said in our national motto, "Our separation would be our death." However, for those who want to live in Lapunto, we do have a very specific rule:




National Map

Click here


Domestic Information

Puntan Emergency Services

Archive of Puntan History

Puntan National Radio

Puntan Landmarks

Puntan Political Stance

Puntan National Holidays

Currency of Lapunto

Punterneto Mobile and Internet Provider

National Leaders

Puntan Art Museum

How to learn Esperanto

Website of the Puntan Autonomy of Huŝujo Suda

Puntan Street View


Foreign Information

Global Economic National Defense Treaty Website

National Allies

National Enemies


National Alliance History

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (~ 25 October - Late December 2021)

United Nations (29 December 2021 - 12 Febuary 2022)

The Coven (14 Febuary 2022 - 4 June 2023)

Weaponized Assault Penguins (5 June 2023 - Current)



Lapunto follows the Day-Month-Year date format for dates, and the 24 hour clock for times. Our time zone is UTC-3. Because of our location in the far south, there is an extreme fluctuation in the length of days over the course of a year. The longest Day of the year lasts from 1:30 to 22:00, while the shortest day of the year lasts from 9:30 to 14:00. We do not follow daylight savings.


The Puntan Pledge of Allegiance

"Mi fidelecos la flago de mia nacio, kiu estas nedividebla, kaj simile, mia koro estas nedividebla de la nacio.”


Misc. Information

National HDI: 0.853 (Equivalent to Hungary)

National Standard Outlet: Type C

National Flower: Canelo (drimys winteri) and the story of "La Fina Floro"

National Fish: Bald Notothen (Pagothenia borchgrevinki)

Tourism Slogan: "Cold Air, Warm Welcomes"

National Dish: Caldo de Pescado

National Emergency Alert Broadcast Sound:

National Seal

National Countryball, Courtesy of Umberto I of Cilesia


Roleplay Military System

In laymen's terms, my army is a very weak invasion force and will perform modestly on the homefront and especially well in the mountains but my navy is superior to even the (real world's) United States navy.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Lapunto Antarkta
Leader Name: Tommy Cabello
Nation ID: 372560
Founded: 10/24/2021 (1,249 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 57 hours ago
Discord Username:verdakoro
Unique ID: 2cdfcb3dab783ba1638f3f10e
International Relations
Alliance: Weaponized Assault Penguins Alliance Flag
Weaponized Assault Penguin
Alliance Seniority:660 days
Color Trade Bloc: The FAP's White Cream
Commendations: 282
Denouncements: 11
Nation Page Visits: 30,273
Population: 12,042,814
Infrastructure: 85,000.00
Land Area: 102,833 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 117.11 people/sq. mi
GDP: $15,301,480,327.00
GDP per Capita: $1,270.59
GNI: $10,592,851,880.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Puntaŝilingo (Ŝ)
Government Type: Democracy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Open Markets Open Markets Icon
Social Policies: Liberal
State Religion: N/A N/A
National Animal: National Animal ImageSnow Petrel
Approval Rating: 55% (55.07)
Pollution Index: 58 points
Radiation Index: 9.11 R (Global: 179.24 R)
OBL Team: Whales
Nation Rank: #1,231 of 11,413 Nations (10.79%)
Nation Score: More Information 7,140.00
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 141,069.29
Infrastructure Lost: 80,325.00
Money Looted: $56,988,941.71
Wars Won: 56
Wars Lost: 25

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

34 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/19 08:09 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Federation of Astimeria led by Akseli Elros.
03/19 12:33 am - Akseli Elros of Federation of Astimeria has publicly commended the nation of Lapunto Antarkta.
03/11 03:52 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Federal Reserve System led by Safesplayz.
03/11 03:46 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Nation_State led by Syrano.
03/11 03:43 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Pobia led by fdas.
03/11 03:41 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of New Milky Way led by Carycyn.
03/11 03:41 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of New Jefferson led by Jimmy Rustles.
03/11 03:38 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Magaallo led by Kalumba Mavoungou.
03/09 10:09 pm - Safesplayz of Federal Reserve System has publicly commended the nation of Lapunto Antarkta.
03/01 07:59 pm - Tommy Cabello built a new project: Recycling Initiative
03/01 03:57 am - Lapunto Antarkta founded a new city, Urbo de Kalergio.
02/18 06:07 am - Lapunto Antarkta founded a new city, Urbo de Bahaullahasongxo.
02/02 11:14 am - Lapunto Antarkta had war declared by Fish for the reason of "The will of the Senate is clear. War must come to those who oppose us.".
01/25 12:21 pm - Lapunto Antarkta changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to White.
01/08 03:41 pm - Pimp C of Dirty South has publicly commended the nation of Lapunto Antarkta.
12/30 10:20 am - Tommy Cabello built a new project: Iron Dome
12/30 10:20 am - Tommy Cabello destroyed a National Project: Recycling Initiative
12/30 10:02 am - Lapunto Antarkta had war declared by Zinaba for the reason of "hello".
12/30 03:35 am - Lapunto Antarkta had war declared by United Nations of Molanga for the reason of "Hello".
12/29 11:47 pm - Lapunto Antarkta had war declared by Strydal for the reason of "The will of the Senate is clear. War must come to those who oppose us.".
12/29 01:09 am - CertifiedWarCriminal of Evil Underground Lair has publicly commended the nation of Lapunto Antarkta.
12/29 12:54 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Nova Empire led by AwesomeNova.
12/29 12:53 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Evil Underground Lair led by CertifiedWarCriminal.
12/29 12:49 am - Lapunto Antarkta has publicly commended the nation of Nationalist Finland led by Luther Suomi.
12/28 01:12 pm - Luther Suomi of Nationalist Finland has publicly commended the nation of Lapunto Antarkta.
12/26 02:43 am - Lapunto Antarkta had war declared by Kins town for the reason of "Blood for the Blood God!".
The Saga

Last updated 21 July 2024 AD

Hush mourn death of Myratgeldi, Lapunto nukes mysterious German interior settlement, Cruzeiro to be poisoned?

24 March 2097

PM Gyratmeldi found dead, SD Sajnz to take power.

21 March 2097, 14:10

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
17 National Projects
Advanced Engineering Corps
Advanced Engineering Corps is a national project that reduces the cost of land and infrastructure by 5%.
Arable Land Agency
Arable Land Agency is a national project that reduces the cost of land by 5%.
Bureau of Domestic Affairs
Bureau of Domestic Affairs is a national project that removes the timer for changing Domestic Policies
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Emergency Gasoline Reserve
Emergency Gasoline Reserve is a national project that boosts Oil Refineries' production by 100% nationwide.
Green Technologies
Green Technologies is a national project that reduces pollution from refined resource production and farms, as well as reducing upkeep costs for resource production.
Government Support Agency
Government Support Agency adds a +50% effect modifier to the nation's selected Domestic Policy.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
International Trade Center
International Trade Center is a national project that increases the Commerce rate in each city by 1%, allows your maximum commerce rate in cities to reach 115% and increases the maximum number of Banks per city from 5 to 6.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.
Recycling Initiative
Recycling Initiative is a national project that increases the effectiveness of Recycling Centers in the nation.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.
Space Program
Space Program is a national project that enables construction of an additional Missile per day. Also enables further outer-space national projects.
Uranium Enrichment Program
Uranium Enrichment Program is a national project that doubles Uranium production in your nation.
Vital Defense System
Vital Defense System is a national project that gives you a 25% chance of thwarting enemy nuclear attacks and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed.