Nation Bulletin

National Leaders


By Government of La Punta
09/04/2022 12:31 pm
Updated: 09/13/2022 02:24 am

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It's very important both the citizens of La Punta and Orbis to know who their leaders are. This page offers anyone, especially Puntan citizens, a peek into who is running the government and society of La Punta, which affects their lives in some way.


Founder: Tommy Cabello



2nd Social Director: Lucas Silva

2nd Prime Minister: Petra Novak

1st Bishop of the National Church: Horacio Olafson

1st Army Commander: Bordan Gomez

1st Air Force Commander: Gilberto Gonzalez

2nd Admiral: Arlo Arredondo



1st Social Director: Tommy Cabello

1st Prime Minister: Robertaux Vjilk

1st Admiral: Nikolas Bolzon