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Free States in the USA

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The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA is a nation led by Leader Nick on the continent of North America. The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA's government is a Constitutional Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA is the Silver Standard. At 1,316 days old, The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA is an ancient nation. The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA has a population of 9,352,963 and a land area of 92,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 101.66. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 75.0386%.

People were tired of seeing the U.S. Government become more corrupt and violating the U.S. Constitution, so they, including states, decided to declare their independence. These people and states separated from the U.S. and formed the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA. Read the full story in our Factbook.

The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA's Military Conflict History

On 11/26/2021, the Democratic Republic Xexia attacked our nation stating the reason "Welcome to Orbis". The young Free States in the USA's military suffered some losses, but our air force with the support of our allies destroyed the enemy and we came out victorious. After this conflict, our nation decided that military buildup should be made a priority.
On 5/3/2022, the nation IlIlANGELlC-H0STIlII declared war on our nation stating the reason "For King and Camelot". Our military severely outnumbered them, and we inflicted major damage. IlIlANGELlC-H0STIlII took drastic action against us by launching a nuclear attack on two of our cities, Sandy Hill and Uraniumville. We were victorious in this war, but we had a long road to recovery in our destroyed cities.
On 9/5/2022, the nation fordlandia declared war on our nation stating the reason "Nations can’t attack you without your consent. Just say no". We both fought in some ground battles against each other, and we launched multiple air attacks against them. Their military was then redirected to other conflicts, so fighting ceased, marking the end of this war.
On 9/15/2022, the nation Isopods United declared war on our nation stating the reason "Nice nation, it would be a shame if...". Our military, including other nations who were attacked by Isopods United, completely wiped them out and inflicted major damage to their cities.  We continued to attack/bomb them until we were victorious in this war.
On 9/16/2022, the nation Cobbastan declared war on our nation stating the reason "You're a disease, and I'm the cure.". This was the second pirate nation to attack us within 24 hours. Again, our military, including other nations who were attacked by Cobbastan, completely wiped them out and inflicted major damage to their cities. We continued to attack/bomb them until we were victorious in this war.
On 1/19/2023, the nation Floating Garbage declared war on our nation stating the reason "Gib me all ur moneyz". Their pirate army and air forces outnumbered us, but ironically, they did not have a strong navy. We navally bombarded them throughout the war to inflict damage. However, due to our alliance having political issues and being targeted by these pirates as well, we did not receive much aid from them. This caused our military to suffer great loses and ultimately lead us to losing this war.
On 1/20/2023, the nation Rakshasa declared war on our nation stating the reason "On behalf of Mongala aggression". Their military outnumbered us and they inflicted major damage to our military and cities. This nation attacked us due to their alliance, Camelot, taking advantage of our alliance's political issues. These issues also caused our alliance not being able to provide much aid. This war ended when they accepted our peace treaty.
On 1/21/2023, the nation Torontio declared war on our nation stating the reason "Get off my plane.". This was the 2nd nation of the Camelot alliance to attack us, again because of our alliance's political issues. Their military outnumbered us as well and they inflicted major damage to our military and cities. Our alliance could not provide much aid, especially since we were blockaded. Our military suffered great loses and ultimately we lost this war.
On 1/26/2023, the nation Borg declared war on our nation stating the reason "I will have vengeance.". They had a larger military than ours and did inflict some damage, but they did not have a navy which allowed our navy to bombard them and deal major damage. Borg attacked us due to our alliance's political issues, but the major issue was resolved during this war and Borg sent us a peace offer in response. We accepted their peace offer which ended this war.
On 2/12/2023, the nation Deathrattle declared war on our nation stating the reason "We like taking candy from babies". This was a pirate nation raid and they had a larger army and air force than ours. However, they did not have a navy, so our navy continued to bombard and blockade them throughout the war. The progress of this war was about tied the entire time, but unfortunately we did lose in the end.
On 7/9/2023, the nation The Overthere declared war on our nation stating the reason "Prepare for some light treading". This was a pirate nation that was just attacking random nations. They had no military which allowed us to inflict major damage in their cities. They unfortunately did have a nuclear missile and they detonated it in the city of Farmington causing major damage. We continued to attack/bomb them until we were victorious in this war.
On 9/25/2023, we declared war on Zargoza on order from our alliance. We inflicted major damage to Zargoza and their military was wiped out. Fighting slowed down in the end due to their shrinking military and the war ended when fighting ceased.
On 10/1/2023, the nation The Overthere declared war on our nation stating the reason "step on snek". This was the second time this pirate nation has attacked us. They again did not have a military which allowed us to inflict major damage in their cities. They unfortunately did have a nuclear missile and they detonated it in the city of Farmington causing major damage. Luckily we had just built the Fallout Shelter national project which helped mitigate some of the nuclear attack's effects. We continued to attack/bomb them until we were victorious in this war.
On 1/2/2024, we declared war on Gokuldham Society and Illinois on order from our alliance as a preemptive strike since the enemy was planning to attack us. Shortly after, the nations Terran Draconia, Pinktopia, and Chandragupta Empire declared war on our nation in defense of their allies. We inflected major damage to all the enemy nations. The cowardly nations of Gokuldham Society, Terran Draconia, Pinktopia, and Chandragupta Empire resulted in launching nuclear attacks against our nation since they were losing. These attacks caused major damage in our cities, but luckily our citizens were prepared and were in their fallout shelters. We continued to attack/bomb these enemy nations until we were victorious in all wars.
On 1/5/2024, the nations Candad, Milosia, and Benzaldehyde declared war on our nation as a continuation of the alliance war. These nations did not have any military and only used nuclear weapons because they were too cowardly to fight. Their nuclear attacks caused major damage in our cities, but our citizens were again prepared and were in the fallout shelters. We continued to attack/bomb these enemy nations until we were victorious in all wars.
On 1/8/2024, the nations Norseland, Nakagawa-Kanon, and Peoples Kingdom of Ostialia declared war on our nation as a continuation of the alliance war. These nations did not have any military ground/naval forces. The cowardly nations of Norseland and Peoples Kingdom of Ostialia only used nuclear weapons against us. The nation Nakagawa-Kanon used missiles against us, but decided to use a nuclear weapon near the end of the war joining their cowardly allies. These attacks caused major damage in our cities, but our citizens were again prepared and were in the fallout shelters. We continued to attack/bomb these enemy nations until we were victorious in all wars.
On 1/13/2024, we declared war on AlbanianLands on order from our alliance as a continuation of the alliance war. On 1/14/2024, the nation Hawaiian Republic declared war on our nation in defense of their ally. Our militaries were evenly matched with both nations early on and many battles occurred. We, including our allies, completely wiped out their militaries and were victorious in all wars.
On 2/17/2024, we declared war on Lachland in defense of our alliance member The Republic of Beagle. The enemy had more ground and naval forces than us, but we had a larger air force. We used airstrikes against them and caused major damage. Eventually their naval forces had been weakened which allowed our navy to start causing damage as well. We continued to airstrike and naval bombard them until we were victorious in this war.
On 9/25/2024, the nation Smokers declared war on our nation stating the reason "You challenge the might of Rome. We will crush you swiftly in battle.". This was due to our alliance war. We were instructed not to win this war, but we did inflict major damage and navally blockaded them.
On 9/26/2024, the nation Tree land declared war on our nation stating the reason "Blood for the Blood God!". This was due to our alliance war. We were instructed not to win this war, but we did inflict major damage and navally blockaded them.
On 11/9/2024, the nations Habibi Party, Vniversvm, and Zerg Swarm declared war on our nation due to an alliance war. Early in the war we navally blockaded all 3 nations and caused damage to their cities. Unfortunately they outnumbered us in air and land forces and caused major damage to our military and cities. They also broke out from the blockade and ultimately we lost the war.
On 12/10/2024, the nations United Canarie Islands, Zerg Swarm, and Ruination declared war on our nation due to an alliance war/raid. We navally blockaded all 3 nations and caused damage to their cities. Unfortunately they outnumbered us in air and land forces and caused major damage to our military and cities and ultimately we lost the war.
On 2/16/2025, we declared war on the nation Touchers in defense of our alliance members. Our military inflicted major damage and we did win this war. However, Touchers cowardly used a nuclear attack against us because they were losing (and did lose).


Earned Alliance Medals/Ribbons

Medal of Wartime Service, 3rd Class


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Free States in the USA
Leader Name: Nick
Currency: Currency Image
Silver Standard
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Rise of the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA

In the not-so-distant past, the United States of America was a nation deeply divided by ideological conflicts and mounting discontent with its government. As the federal system became increasingly corrupt and showed signs of violating the very principles upon which it was founded, a wave of dissatisfaction began to swell among its citizens and states. This discontent ultimately led to the birth of a new nation – the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA.

Preceding Events

Rising Corruption: The federal government of the United States had long been plagued by allegations of corruption, cronyism, and corporate influence. As the years passed, these problems escalated, causing public trust in the government to plummet.

Constitutional Violations: Many citizens and states believed that the federal government was increasingly overstepping its constitutional bounds. There were widespread concerns that the government was infringing upon individual liberties and states' rights, eroding the principles upon which the nation had been founded.

State Movements: Several states, disillusioned with the direction the country was taking, began to explore the idea of asserting their independence. These states felt that they could better uphold their values and protect the rights of their citizens by forming a new nation.

The Declaration of Independence and the Birth of the Armed Republic

In a historic moment, a coalition of states, led by a charismatic group of leaders, convened to draft a formal declaration of independence. This declaration, known as the "Declaration of Sovereignty," was a heartfelt document that outlined the reasons for the separation from the United States and the formation of the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA.

Key Points in the Declaration of Sovereignty:

Violation of Constitutional Principles: The declaration outlined the various ways in which the U.S. government had strayed from the principles of a constitutional republic, individual rights, and limited government.

End of Federal Ties: The document declared the immediate cessation of all political, economic, and military ties with the United States and proclaimed the newly formed nation's sovereignty.

Commitment to Constitutional Republic: The declaration emphasized the commitment of the Free States to establish a true constitutional republic that guarantees the rights of the people while maintaining an armed citizenry for the defense of those rights.

The Challenges and Triumphs of the Armed Republic

The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA faced numerous challenges in its early years, including economic transitions, international recognition, and the establishment of a government that upheld the principles of a constitutional republic. However, they also celebrated triumphs as they worked tirelessly to build a nation that would stand as a beacon of freedom, the protection of individual rights, and the readiness of its citizens to defend those rights.

In the present day, the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA stands as a testament to the resilience of its people and the enduring belief in the principles of a true constitutional republic. It is a land where freedom is not defined by mere majority rule but is safeguarded by a constitution that guarantees individual rights and limited government power, all while maintaining a vigilant and armed citizenry dedicated to protecting those liberties. As the nation thrives and evolves, it remains a symbol of the enduring power of the people to shape their own destiny while upholding the principles of liberty, justice, and security.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 148,059.28 sq. km
Terrain: The Armed Republic of Free States in the USA covers a range of terrain along the middle to southern eastern seaboard. It includes the Appalachian Mountain ranges, featuring various elevations and valleys, alongside the Atlantic Ocean coastlines. The landscape consists of rolling hills, forests, plains, and shorelines. Rivers flow through the valleys, serving as water sources. This varied terrain is reflective of the region's natural characteristics, offering a diverse environment for its inhabitants to explore and utilize.
Highest Peak: Mount Mitchell, 2,037 meters
Lowest Valley: Delaware River Basin, 0 meters
Climate: The climate in the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA is generally moderate, with variations across the region. It experiences typical seasonal changes, including warm summers and cold winters. Precipitation occurs intermittently throughout the year, and there may be occasional fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Overall, the climate is fairly unremarkable, without any extreme conditions or notable climatic events to speak of.
People & Society
Population: 9,352,963 people
Demonym: Patriot
Demonym Plural: Patriots
Ethnic Groups: - 0.0%
Languages: English - 100.0%
Religions: - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 98 years
Obesity: 10%
Alcohol Users: 75%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The economy of the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA is founded on principles of free-market capitalism and individual liberty. It thrives on competition, innovation, and limited government intervention. Private enterprise and entrepreneurship flourish, and citizens enjoy economic freedom to pursue their business interests. A strong emphasis is placed on protecting property rights and upholding contracts. The nation's economy is diverse, encompassing various sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, technology, and services. Its foundation is the belief that economic freedom and individual rights are essential for prosperity and overall well-being.
Average Yearly Income: $352.83
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $12,228,483,357.00
GDP per Capita: $1,307.44
Gross National Income (GNI): $7,592,815,775.00
Industries: In the self-reliant nation of the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA, a diverse range of industries underpin its economic independence and individual liberty. With a strong focus on agriculture and food production for sustenance, along with renewable and nuclear power sources for energy, the nation minimizes reliance on external resources. A flourishing manufacturing and technology sector, efficient natural resource management, a robust healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, commitment to education and research, and infrastructure development ensures self-sufficiency. Additionally, a well-established defense and security sector guarantees the protection of freedoms, fostering a thriving society built upon principles of freedom and the constitutional republic.
History: The Militia: The Nation's Principal Military Force

In the history of the Armed Republic of Free States in the USA, the Militia stands as the backbone of the nation's military might. This decentralized, community-based force has not only been instrumental in safeguarding the nation but has also become the primary military organization, reflecting the nation's dedication to self-reliance and individual liberty.

Formation and Purpose:
At the inception of the nation, the Militia was established as the paramount military force. Its formation emphasized the importance of an armed citizenry as the ultimate defenders of liberty. This militia, characterized by universal service, started as a decentralized organization, with local units spread across the nation. However, it has since evolved into a unified, nationwide military force, allowing for better coordination and effectiveness.

Defending Against Internal and External Threats:
The Militia now serves as the nation's primary military force, responsible for protecting the nation from both internal and external threats. Its rapid response capabilities and unified structure ensure the safeguarding of the nation's borders and the preservation of internal stability.

Guardians of Freedom:
Beyond military defense, the Militia symbolizes individual liberty and serves as a deterrent against potential government overreach, reminding all that power ultimately resides with the people.

Emergency Response and National Unity:
In addition to its military role, the Militia plays a crucial part in responding to natural disasters and emergencies, providing essential support to affected communities. This dual role fosters a sense of national unity and resilience.

Legacy and Endurance:
The Militia retains its role as the nation's principal military force, standing as a source of national pride and a living embodiment of self-reliance. Today, it continues to evolve, preserving its core principles while adapting to contemporary challenges. It remains the vanguard of freedom and an enduring symbol of the nation's indomitable spirit.
Soldiers: 75,000
Tanks: 25,500
Aircraft: 1,950
Ships: 325
Missiles: 2
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/30/2023 07:13 pm