The Knights Radiant |
"I have seen the end, and have heard it named. The Night of Sorrows, The True Desolation. The Everstorm." The Desolation is coming and it will wreak havoc on mankind. It is the duty of The Knights Radiant to be ready for that day. The Knights Radiant is one of the largest and most active alliances in Politics & War. We recognize the importance of our new members and invest in them accordingly with aid, guides, mentors and by providing an incredibly fun and welcoming community. Join today and fight for the future Queen of the Heralds: Adrienne Herald of War: Zeotrope Shards: Invention, Honor, Survival, Harmony, Ambition, Valor, Devotion Herald of the People: Ashoka High Prince of War: DragonKnight High Prince of Growth: Galerion High Prince of Internal Affairs: Fulcrum Ghostblood Apprentice: TRKaiser The House with Grumpy Old Bastards and The Sword Coast Protectorate Agreements with LEGO City and Royal Alba Charter Company Allies Emeritus: Banana Stand and Purple Flower Garden are considered extensions of The Knights Radiant. For any foreign affairs inquiries, please contact BigMorf (@bigmorf), HannaH (@hannahavacyn), or TRKaiser (@trkaiser). Doors are open for applicants. Make sure you apply in-game as well as on our Discord to be considered! The Knights Radiant does not tolerate acts of aggression against our members or applicants, |
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