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The People's Republic of Island is a nation led by Premier of Island, Valery Sablin on the continent of Europe. The People's Republic of Island's government is a People's Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The People's Republic of Island favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The People's Republic of Island is the Icelandic Krona. At 188 days old, The People's Republic of Island is a mature nation. The People's Republic of Island has a population of 2,775,200 and a land area of 50,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 55.50. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is seriously lacking with an approval rating of 14.7165%.

       Basic Information about the People's Republic of Island

       The People's Republic of Island is a country that was founded on September 3, 2094 following the Icelandic Revolution and has an aim to become a truly equal society and meet the motto "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs". The PR of Island is currently undergoing a transition from a state capitalist economy to a planned economy using cybernetics to properly meet the needs of everyone. 

Leader of the People's Republic of Island: Premier Valery Sablin


       Valery Sablin was born on January 1, 2067 in St. Petersburg,  he immigrated to Iceland when he was 13 and since then became a sailor and studied political science. Sablin became disillusioned with the lack of adequate education so instead decided to study physics and self teach himself politics. He quickly along with others would form the Leftist Unity Revolutionary Party of Island (LURPI) or Vinstri Eining Byltingarflokkur Íslands (VEBI) with the aim of a Leftist Revolution in Island seeing this only possible with a popular front. Although being the leader of the People's Republic of Island, he holds major power but the democracy of Island is still being constructed and his power is very limited and mostly works as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and as Chief Admiral & builder of the Icelandic Navy.
        Additionally, he is an ethnic Russian, having moved to Iceland after his parents were assassinated by fascists in the Fascist Russian State. Having studied about the USSR and Leftist Theory, he became a Libertarian Socialist, believing this is the best way to have Socialism succeed and prepare societies for a Communist transition. His ability to aid in organizing a revolution at a young age is very impressive, providing insight into his abilities. Additionally, he is openly gay believing it wrong to lie about these facts if he is going to lead, loves the ocean & sailing, stargazing, and reading both fiction & non-fiction, although he prefers science fiction.

Icelandic Laws

  • Legalized Cannabis, Alcohol, Hard Drugs use for adults
  • No form of Capital Punishment of Torture allowed
  • Legal Assisted Suicide
  • Legal Same-Sx Marriage and Polygamous Marriage
  • Mandated Worker Unions in Businesses
  • Right to Free Speech guaranteed and protected, additionally protections against discrimination based on Sx, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Political Belief, Religion or Lack Of, Disability, or Age
  • Infant Circumcision Illegal
  • All Immigration Legal with very few restrictions, Asylum easily granted
  • Limited number of rifle firearms allowed, no handguns, and heavy interview & mental health check  required to be allowed to own
  • Clear Separation of Church and State, Officially a Secular State
  • Only Wealthy are taxed and wealth is redistributed with a universal basic income
  • Abortion is always legal
  • Anyone is allowed to apply for welfare, all states of education are completely free of charge, and healthcare will be free of charge and granted to anyone
  • Consent is pivotal in relations between people
  • Murder, except in self defense is illegal
  • Fascistic or Far-Right organizations will be strictly monitored and observed to see how it can be combated.

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Selling Nation Buying Nation Date Offered Offer Return Status
Mituss Traianche
The Fighting Pacifists
Valery Sablin
SFR Yugoslavia
04:50 am
Aluminum 3,000Sell 8,997,000
(2,999 ea)
Accepted Accepted
05:00 am
2)Tan Red Horse
Dark Brotherhood
Valery Sablin
SFR Yugoslavia
04:23 am
Aluminum 1,829Sell 5,470,539
(2,991 ea)
Accepted Accepted
05:00 am
3)Kins town
Valery Sablin
SFR Yugoslavia
03:33 pm
Uranium 1,500Sell 6,148,500
(4,099 ea)
Accepted Accepted
03:37 pm
4)Kins town
Valery Sablin
SFR Yugoslavia
11:46 pm
Steel 5,000Sell 27,250,000
(5,450 ea)
Accepted Accepted
11:47 pm

Showing 0-15 of 4 Offers