View Alliance
The Sword Coast



The Sword Coast is for those who desire meaningful change in the world around them and embrace the opportunity to take action. No one is pushed to follow any one method, a battle-scarred barbarian is just as valuable as a silver-tongued merchant in The Sword Coast. The Sword Coast gives unique opportunities through internal systems of deals, contracts, and oaths - along with the consequences for breaking them.

Wiki Page | Discord Server | Foreign Affairs Server



Fortune Teller: Solomon Ben-David
Innkeepers: Pubstomper, Roberts
War Chieftain: Hunter
Vault Master: Yirmiyahu



Sorcerers of Prophecy: Victor, Cypher
Sorcerers of the Hearth: Sojourner, Ru, Ronjoy
Sorcerer of the Blade: Parapet
Sorcerers of the Vault: Sol, Hei



Aya, Dream, Lefty, Hemlock, Merow



Part of The House
MDP with The Knights Radiant
MDP with Grumpy Old Bastards

MDoAP with Weaponized Assault Penguins

Pika Party is an extension of TSC.

If you have any diplomatic inquiries, please contact Solomon Ben-David (@logistics_) on Discord.

Raiding Policy
Raiding our members or applicants is prohibited. Raiders will be countered.



It's tough to survive in these lands alone; you're more than welcome to join our party, regardless of level or experience!

To apply:
1) Apply in-game by pressing Join on this page
2) Join our Discord Server
3) Go to #welcome and open a ticket
One of our Internal Affairs sorcerers will help you from there.


Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Sword Coast (TSC)
Ancestor: Pubstomper , Alastor , Solomon Ben-David , Yirmiyahu , Uranium
Spirit of the Woods: Dream
Queen Cat: ayayaya
Prophecy: Victor Truchev , Cypher
Vault: Vit Jedlicka
Blade: Parapet , Merow
Hearth: sojourner , Hemlock , Arrietta , Ronjoy Tehmina
Founded: 12/12/2023 (227 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Olive Horizon Coast
Members: 48
Alliance Rank: #22 of 521 (4.22%)
Score: 251,144.46
Avg Score: 5,232.18
Discord Server: Click Here
P&W Wiki Page: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 3 (5.88%)
Beige Nations: 1 (2.08%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 1,291
Total Infrastructure: 2,961,567.27
Total Land: 4,369,157.00
Total Population: 414,437,680
Total GDP: $568,070,773,911
Total Soldiers: 2,417,180
Total Tanks: 669,691
Total Aircraft: 89,005
Total Ships: 978
Total Spies: 2,320
Total Missiles: 384
Total Nuclear Weapons: 56
Wars Won: 5,658
Wars Lost: 3,537
Thomas Oligersh3,059.52
Deion the Dauntless2,208.10
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension Pika PartyN/A
Extension The IslesN/A
MDoAP Weaponized Assault PenguinsLink
MDP The Knights RadiantN/A
MDP Grumpy Old BastardsN/A
Protectorate Sail Loves SingularityN/A