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The United Kingdom of Aylion is a nation led by Queen Arrietta on the continent of North America. The United Kingdom of Aylion's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The United Kingdom of Aylion favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The United Kingdom of Aylion is the Aeli. At 1,312 days old, The United Kingdom of Aylion is an ancient nation. The United Kingdom of Aylion has a population of 7,217,440 and a land area of 132,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 54.68. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Current Positions:

Member of The Sword Coast | 22/01/2024 - Present

Sorcerer of The Hearth | 26/01/2024 - Present


Dunk Hunt / Guns n' Roses / Brawlywood / Rick's Last Roll, The Fault in Our Stars / The Way the Cookie Crumbles / Catatonic / Darkest Hour / Dodge this / Casino Royale / Double Down

Former Positions:

Member of Rose | 02/08/2021- 22/01/2024

Internal Affairs Skytrooper | 25/07/2022 - 09/06/2023

Internal Affairs Captain | 09/06/2023 - 22/01/2024

Economic Affairs Skytrooper | 18/07/2023 - 22/01/2024




The Constitution of the United Kingdom of Aylion

By the Will of the Sovereign and the Accord of the Nation


By the grace of the Eternal Crown and the solemn will of the people, we, the citizens of the United Kingdom of Aylion, do hereby ordain and establish this sacred Covenant of Rule. Guided by the celestial bonds of justice, the harmonious accord of our dominion, and the ancient wisdom of our forebears, we consecrate this Constitution as the foundation of our nation. In steadfast devotion, we pledge to safeguard the peace of our lands, uphold the rights of our kin, and ensure the enduring prosperity of this kingdom through the ages.

Article I: The Sovereign

Section I: The Crown of Aylion

  1. The Sovereign, Keeper of the Nation, Guardian of Order, and the Shield of the People, shall reign as the head of state, wielding dominion as ordained by this Constitution.
  2. The Sovereign shall stand as the Commander-in-Chief of the Land and Naval Militia, and of all Naval, Aerial, and Military Forces, wielding absolute command over the realm’s defenses, safeguarding the sacred balance of law and governance.
  3. The Sovereign’s will is bound to the Constitution, above the decrees of Parliament, for none may usurp the ancient authority of the Crown, save through the lawful tenets inscribed herein.
  4. The Sovereign shall wield the power of clemency, granting reprieves and pardons in matters of justice.
  5. Upon abdication, departure beyond the mortal veil, or willing relinquishment of the throne, the eldest heir of the Sovereign shall ascend, bound by the Eternal Oath of Rule.

Section II: The Sovereign’s Decree & Veto

  1. The Sovereign, by wisdom granted through the ages, may issue Royal Proclamations, which shall bear the weight of law, provided they do not stand in defiance of this Constitution.
  2. The Sovereign may cast a Royal Veto upon any legislations passed by Parliament; such a veto may only be overturned by a two-thirds majority of both houses.

Section III: The Seal of Royal Assent

  1. No law, be it of Parliament or province, shall take force unless graced by the Sovereign’s Seal of Assent—an eternal bond between Crown and Nation.

Article II: The Legislature

Section I: The Bicameral Parliament

  1. The governance of the realm shall be entrusted to a Bicameral Parliament, where the Grand Assembly of the People and the High Council of Elders shall shape the fate of the nation.

Section II: The Grand Assembly of the People

  1. The Grand Assembly of the People, the resounding voice of the nation, shall stand as the lower house of Parliament, composed of Members of Parliament (MPs), chosen through a mixed-member proportional representation system.
  2. The Assembly shall hold no fewer than 338 seats, with adjustments made according to the flow of the populace as determined by a decennial census.
  3. Seats shall be apportioned among the provinces and the Aylion Capital Territory, their measure dictated by the will of the people.
  4. Electoral boundaries shall be drawn by an independent agency of the federal government, ensuring fairness and the unwavering integrity of representation.
  5. MPs shall serve four-year terms, bound by duty and honour, with a limit of six re-elections.

Section III: The High Council of Elders

  1. The High Council of Elders, the venerable stewards of wisdom and law, shall reign as the upper house of Parliament, composed of 120 wise and learned Elders. 
  2. Each province and the Aylion Capital Territory shall be granted no fewer than four seats, with additional seats bestowed in accordance with the growing strength of their populace, up to a maximum of twelve. 
  3. Elders shall serve terms of six years, their wisdom tempered by time, and may be re-elected no more than four times.

Article III: The Executive

Section I: The Role of the Prime Minister

  1. The Prime Minister shall stand as the head of government, appointed by the Grand Assembly of the People, entrusted with the stewardship of the nation.
  2. The Prime Minister shall hold their station by maintaining the trust of the Assembly, and should such trust wane, they may be unseated from their charge.
  3. As the steward of governance, the Prime Minister shall wield the authority to appoint and dismiss members of the Cabinet, ensuring the strength and stability of rule.

Section II: The Cabinet

  1. The Cabinet, guardians of order and prosperity, shall serve as the guiding hand of governance, administering the nation with wisdom, foresight, and unyielding duty.
  2. The Cabinet shall serve at the pleasure of the Prime Minister yet remain bound by honour to the Assembly and the Sovereign alike.

Section 3: Duties and Powers of the Executive

  1. The Prime Minister shall preside over the Cabinet, bearing responsibility for the governance of the nation and the guidance of its people.
  2. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet shall be entrusted with the implementation and enforcement of law, the stewardship of foreign affairs, and the safeguarding of the nation’s stability.
  3. The Prime Minister may, in times of necessity, advise the Sovereign to dissolve the Grand Assembly of the People and summon the nation to new elections, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.

Section 4: Acting Prime Minister

  1. Should the Prime Minister be absent, incapacitated, or resign their station, the Sovereign shall appoint an Acting Prime Minister from among the Cabinet, who shall serve until a new leader is chosen.

Article IV: The Judiciary

Section I: The Supreme Court of Aylion

  1. The Supreme Court, highest tribunal of Aylion, shall be composed of nine Justices, each sworn as Warden of Law and Guardian of Justice.

Section II: The Appointment of Justices 

  1. Justices shall be nominated by the High Council of the Judiciary and presented before both the Prime Minister and the Sovereign for approval.
  2. Upon approval, they shall stand before the people in a national referendum, requiring a seventy-percent affirmation to ascend to the bench.
  3. Justices shall serve for twelve years and may stand for re-election only once, that the wisdom of experience may temper judgment, yet stagnation be denied. 

Section 3: Lower Courts

  1. The Federal Courts of Appeal shall serve as the appellate court, directly beneath the Supreme Court, while Federal Courts shall preside over general trials.
  2. Judges of the lower courts shall be appointed by the Prime Minister, with the Sovereign’s approval, guided by the wisdom of the High Council of the Judiciary.
  3. The jurisdiction and procedures of the lower courts shall be defined by legislation decreed by Parliament, yet ever in harmony with this Constitution.

Article V: Provinces and Territories

  1. The United Kingdom of Aylion shall be divided into the Nine Provinces: Hekt (The Bastion of the North) | Veloryn (The Twilight Expanse) | Auris (The Sunlit Haven) | Saeya (The Crowned Shores) | Alynthi (The Emerald Dominion) | Cosmora (The Arcane Nexus) | Valencia (The Pearl of the East) | Thalantys (The Sapphire Vale) | Namora (The Whispering Realm)
  2. The Aylion Capital Territory, the Heart of the Nation, shall stand as the seat of the Sovereign and Parliament, the nexus from which governance flows.

Section 2: Provincial Governments

  1. Each province shall be governed by a Premier, chosen by the will of its Legislative Assembly, to stand as its steward and voice.
  2. The Premier shall appoint a Provincial Cabinet from among the Assembly’s ranks, entrusting its members with the province’s affairs and wielding the power to dismiss any who falter in their duty.
  3. The Provincial Cabinet shall oversee the ministries of governance, guiding the fate of the province and ensuring that its laws and decrees are carried out with wisdom and resolve.
  4. The Cabinet, bound by honour and duty, shall stand accountable before the Legislative Assembly, answering for every act, every policy, and every word of governance.

Section 3: Provincial Legislatures

  1. Each province shall house a unicameral Legislative Assembly, entrusted with the crafting of laws and the stewardship of all matters within its rightful dominion.
  2. The halls of the Assembly shall be filled by those chosen through the voice of the people; its Members (MPPs) shall be elected by the citizens of their province, bearing the solemn duty of representation.

Section 4: Provincial Courts

  1. Each province shall uphold a Provincial Court of Appeals, standing as the highest seat of justice within its borders, second only to the Supreme Court of the nation.
  2. The Superior Courts of Justice shall preside over matters of great consequence, wielding authority over the most solemn disputes and judgments within the province.
  3. The Courts of Justice shall stand as the pillars of law, serving as the province’s general trial courts where justice is rendered with fairness and wisdom.
  4. Provincial Courts shall hold dominion over matters of provincial law, bound by the decrees of their governing assemblies, yet ever subject to the greater will of this Constitution.
  5. The appointment of judges to the Provincial Courts of Appeals, the Superior Courts of Justice, and the Courts of Justice shall rest with the Premier, whose choice must be sanctioned by the Sovereign and guided by the wisdom of each Provincial Council of the Judiciary.

Article VI: General Provisions

Section 1: Supremacy of the Constitution

  1. This Constitution shall stand as the supreme law of the realm, unyielding and eternal. No decree, edict, or law shall rise above it, nor shall any force, mortal or divine, unseat its authority.

Section 2: Amendments

  1. No alteration to the sacred laws of the nation shall be made lightly. Amendments may be set forth only by the will of a two-thirds majority in Parliament and shall require the solemn assent of three-quarters of the provinces and territories before taking hold.
  2. Once the decree has passed the halls of governance, it must be weighed in the hands of the people. No change shall be made binding unless it is sealed by a national referendum, where no fewer than half of the citizens must cast their voice in favour.
  3. If an amendment pertains solely to one province, then the will of its people shall stand as law. The measure must first earn the favour of two-thirds of the province’s ruling assembly before being placed before its people, where a majority shall decide its fate.

Section 3: Rights and Freedoms

  1. The rights and freedoms of the people of Aylion shall stand eternal within the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a steadfast pillar of law, unbending in the face of time or tyranny.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the United Kingdom of Aylion

Article 1. All souls within all jurisdictions of the United Kingdom are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Their birthright shall be unassailable by force or decree.

Article 2. Each citizen is granted the sacred right to speak, to think, and to believe as they will, their conscience unshackled by force or decree. None shall be silenced for their truths, nor forbidden from expressing their thoughts through word, art, or craft. The press shall remain free, the flow of knowledge unchained, and all means of communication—be it written, spoken, or borne upon the waves of innovation—shall be safeguarded against suppression. Let discourse be unfettered, gatherings be peaceful, and bonds of fellowship be formed without fear, for in unity and understanding, the nation shall endure.

  • Section 1. The governance of the nation shall stand apart from the temples and sanctuaries of faith, that none may wield the Divine as a blade against the just order of the Crown.

Article 3. None may lay claim to the body of another, nor decree upon them an unwelcome fate. All beings shall possess sovereign dominion over their own form, their choices unfettered by the hands of others.

Article 4. Before the throne and the courts of justice, all who dwell within the nation shall be equal, bound to the same law, entitled to the same protections and benefits.

Article 5. No being shall suffer the sting of scorn or be cast into shadow for their race, origin, belief, form, love, or any aspect of their existence. Discrimination is a blight upon the nation and shall find no refuge within these lands.

  • Section 1. Acts of prejudice and discrimination, whether in word or deed, shall be condemned in all forms, and all future injustices, yet unknown, shall be cast into the same abyss of exile.
  • Section 2. No decree shall be issued that permits or excuses acts of discrimination, whether now or in times to come.

Article 6. The right to exist in peace, free from unwarranted peril and tyranny, is sacred. Life, liberty, and security of the person are inviolate, and none shall be unjustly deprived of such. The body is sovereign, the spirit unchained, and the freedom of one’s being shall not be cast aside without just cause.

  • Section 1. No law shall decree death as justice and the taking of life by the hands of the state is forever forbidden.
  • Section 2. Those who, in sound mind and clear will, seek release from unending agony may claim such a right, provided they declare their wish with full understanding.
    • Subsection 1. Such a request must be made with wisdom and clarity, unclouded by coercion or despair.
  • Section 3. Freedom is a shield, and liberty a sacred gift, yet both may be tempered by the hands of justice, that chaos does not reign, the wicked are subdued, and the peace of the nation is preserved. Such limitations shall be imposed only in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice, that fairness prevails, and no power is wielded in tyranny.
    • Subsection 1. Even when liberty is withheld by just cause, those so bound shall be treated with dignity, their worth as sentient beings unbroken, their existence honoured.

Article 7. No soul shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, nor forced to endure unnatural trials or medical experimentations without their free and sacred consent.

Article 8. The shackles of slavery, in all their wicked forms, are forever abolished within the nation. No being shall be made to serve against their will, nor shall any law or decree permit such a grievous violation of freedom.

Article 9. Each citizen may claim ownership of land and possessions, whether solely or in union with others, and none shall be deprived of what is lawfully theirs without just cause.

Article 10. None shall suffer the prying eyes of the state without just cause. Privacy, in all its forms, shall be guarded as a sacred right, and no authority shall intrude upon the personal affairs of any being without due and lawful justification.

  • Section 1. This right shall extend to the sanctity of one’s home, the freedom from unjust surveillance within and beyond the home, and the safeguarding of one’s personal affairs. None shall be subject to unwarranted monitoring, interception, or intrusion, nor shall their private communications or personal information be gathered, used, or disclosed without their explicit consent.

Article 11. The halls, holdings, and treasures of the people shall not be seized without lawful reason, nor shall any home be violated without just cause. Every being has the right to be secure against unjust search or seizure, and no authority shall intrude upon their domain without due cause, nor confiscate that which is lawfully theirs.

Article 12. No being shall be taken, bound, or held against their will without just cause. None shall be subjected to arbitrary imprisonment, nor deprived of their freedom save by the due process of law and rightful judgment.

Article 13. Those accused of wrongdoing shall be granted knowledge of their charge, the right to remain silent, and the counsel of their choosing. No being shall stand before the courts defenseless, nor be denied the means to speak in their own defense.

Article 13. Those accused of wrongdoing shall be granted knowledge of their charge, the right to remain silent, and the counsel of their choosing. No being shall stand before the courts defenseless, nor be denied the means to speak in their own defense.

  • Section 1. Any being who is arrested or detained shall be informed promptly of the reasons for their restraint. They shall have the right to remain silent, to retain and instruct counsel without delay, and to be informed of this right upon detention.
  • Section 2. No being shall face questioning, interrogation, or any manner of inquiry without the presence of their chosen counsel, should they so desire.
  • Section 3. The validity of any detention shall be subject to review by way of habeas corpus, and if found unlawful, the detained shall be granted immediate release.

Article 14. Justice shall be swift but fair, untainted by corruption, and guided by the light of truth. All who stand accused shall have the right: to be informed, without undue delay, of the nature of their charge; to be tried within a reasonable time and by an impartial tribunal; to remain silent, without compulsion to testify against themselves; to be presumed innocent until proven guilty by law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal; to be granted reasonable bail unless just cause for its denial is shown; to be shielded from punishment for the same crime if already acquitted or sentenced by law.

Article 15. A witness who stands before the court in honour of truth shall not have their testimony turned against them, save in cases of perjury or treachery.

Article 16. No being shall be left unheard before the law. Any who do not understand the language of the proceedings, or who are unable to hear or speak, shall be granted the aid of an interpreter.

Article 17. The light of justice shall not be obscured by falsehood. Evidence obtained through unjust means, coercion, or violation of fundamental rights shall be discarded and deemed void by right.

Article 18. Every citizen of the United Kingdom of Aylion holds the sovereign right to cast their voice in the choosing of rulers, that governance may be bound to the will of the people. Elections shall be free, fair, and shielded from corruption, and none shall be denied their rightful place within the halls of decision.

  • Section 1. The right to vote shall extend to all citizens, who may choose representatives for the Assembly, the High Council, or any legislative body of the nation.
  • Section 2. All who meet the lawful requirements shall be entitled to stand for election, that the ruling seats be ever open to those of wisdom, skill, and the people's trust. 

Article 19. No council, assembly, or house of rule shall endure beyond five years without renewal. At the appointed hour, the writs of governance shall be returned, and the people shall shape anew the course of the nation.

Article 20. The halls of governance shall not fall silent, nor be left to stagnation. Both the Grand Assembly and High Council of Parliament and all legislative assemblies of the provinces shall convene no less than twice within year.

  • Section 1. In times of peril, emergency, or unrest, additional sittings may be called forth, ensuring the realm is never without leadership in its hour of need.

Article 21. The realm shall not be ruled in secrecy or silence. No law shall be forged beyond the sight of the people, nor shall governance act without the voice of those it serves, save in matters where the safety of the nation demands such.

Section 1. Every citizen shall hold the right to partake in government, whether by direct vote, through freely chosen representatives, or by standing in service to the nation.

Article 22. All beings within the nation shall have the right of equal access to public service, unbarred by status, origin, or station. None shall be denied the ability to serve or be served by the institutions of the nation.

Article 23. None shall be left in destitution, for the right to a standard of living that ensures health and well-being is sacred. All shall have access to food, water, clothing, shelter, and the social provisions necessary to live with dignity.

  • Section 1. No law or decree shall permit the hoarding of essential resources at the expense of the people, nor shall access to life-sustaining necessities be granted only to the privileged.

Article 24. The nation shall provide refuge, not ruin, for those who fall upon misfortune. Those who face unemployment, homelessness, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or any plight beyond their control shall not be abandoned to despair but shall be granted the security and aid necessary to endure.

Article 25. Knowledge is a light that shall not be extinguished. Education shall be granted to all, from childhood to mastery, and shall be free to all citizens, that wisdom may flourish across the nation.

  • Section 1. This shall include preschool, primary schooling, secondary schooling, and higher education, ensuring all may ascend the path of learning.
  • Section 2. All except higher education is mandatory, and no child shall be denied their rightful instruction, for ignorance is a blight upon civilization.
  • Section 3. No school, university, or academy shall become a haven for hatred. All institutions of learning shall foster understanding, tolerance, and harmony among all beings, whether human or otherwise.
  • Section 4. The rulers of the nation shall uphold the distinction between education and indoctrination, ensuring that knowledge remains a tool of enlightenment, not oppression.

Article 26. The well-being of the people shall be safeguarded, and none shall suffer from lack of healing. Healthcare is a universal right, and all who seek aid shall receive it, unburdened by coin or circumstance.

  • Section 1. All medically necessary treatments shall be provided freely, that both physical and mental health may be preserved, diseases prevented, and ailments cured without price or privilege.
  • Section 2. Parliament and all governing bodies shall ensure that access to healing is never impeded, and that no barrier—be it financial, social, or political—shall deny care to those in need.

Article 27. The sky, earth, and waters are sacred and shall not be defiled. The right to a healthy environment is fundamental, and none shall be deprived of clean air to breathe or pure water to drink.

  • Section 1. The land shall not be poisoned for the gain of the few, nor shall reckless hands be permitted to sunder the balance of nature, for the well-being of the people and the prosperity of the nation are bound to the health of the world itself.

Article 28. All beings of full age shall have the right to forge bonds of love and kinship, unburdened by prejudice. No law or decree shall deny any being the right to wed or form a family on the grounds of race, nationality, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity, form, or status.

  • Section 1. Such unions shall be entered into freely, with the full and willing consent of all who partake in them. All who stand in union shall possess equal rights within marriage, during its course, and should it come to dissolution.

Article 29. None shall be denied the right to bring forth or raise the next generation, be it through pregnancy, adoption, or surrogacy, whether by traditional or advanced means. Parenthood is a right unshackled from prejudice, and no being shall be forbidden from such a path on account of race, !@#$, nationality, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity, form, or status.

  • Section 1. Should a guardian or household be deemed unsafe, or should a child suffer neglect, harm, or peril, the Crown shall hold the right, through lawful decree, to remove the child from such a place and ensure their safety in the hands of those who will grant them care and dignity. 

Article 30. The children of the nation shall be shielded from harm and granted the right to all measures of protection befitting their youth. This duty shall be upheld by their family, society, and the Crown, without any discrimination as specified in Article 5, Section 1.

Article 31. Each soul has the right to labour with dignity, to choose their employment freely, and to work under just and favourable conditions, unburdened by coercion or fear. None shall be deprived of the means to earn their livelihood.

Article 32. None shall be valued less than another in the halls of labour; equal work shall yield equal pay, and all beings, without discrimination, shall receive their rightful due.

Article 33. All who labour shall receive just and favourable remuneration, ensuring for themselves and their family an existence worthy of sentience. Where necessity arises, the nation shall stand as a refuge, providing rightful aid and protection.

Article 34. Those who labour shall hold the right to unite in fellowship, forming trade unions and assemblies to protect their interests and their welfare.

Article 35. Rest is the right of all who labour, and none shall be denied the sanctity of respite. The hours of labour shall be bound by reason, and all shall know the blessing of leisure and fair recompense.

Article 36. Upon the birth or arrival of a child into one’s care, all new parents shall be granted leave from their labour, that they may nurture, guide, and strengthen the bond of kinship. Such leave shall be paid, ensuring that no caregiver is forced to choose between duty to their child and their livelihood.

Article 37. Those who are pregnant shall be granted leave from labour, that they may safeguard their health and well-being throughout the course of pregnancy. No being shall be denied the time necessary to ensure a safe and dignified experience.

Article 38. None shall be cast aside for taking leave in the name of family. Their place in labour shall remain unchallenged, their benefits unbroken, and their rights upheld. Those on leave shall continue to participate in benefit plans and retain credit for their length of service, employment, and seniority.

Article 39. When the time of leave has ended, each soul shall return to the station they once held, free from fear of dismissal or mistreatment. No being shall be deprived of their rightful place in labour for fulfilling their duties as a caregiver.

Article 40. No master of trade or ruler of labour may strike against a worker for claiming their right to leave. Any who seek to punish, diminish, or penalize those who exercise their freedoms shall stand in defiance of this Charter and shall face rightful consequence.

Article 41. Each citizen shall possess the right to traverse the breadth of the nation, to dwell where they will, and to cross the lands of the nation unshackled by unjust barriers. None shall be denied entry, refuge, or departure save by lawful decree in matters of grave necessity.

Article 42. Those who claim sanctuary within the nation, by birth or by lawful right, shall be free to settle in any province, to carve a livelihood as they see fit, in the pursuit of their rightful place within the kingdom.

Article 43. Culture, art, wisdom and scientific advancements of the ages shall not be locked away but shall remain the right of all. The people of the nation shall be free to create, to share, and to partake in the splendours of knowledge and beauty.

Article 44. None shall be stripped of their heritage nor forbidden from honouring their lineage. The nation shall stand as a beacon of unity and diversity, where all languages may be spoken, all traditions upheld, and all creeds honoured in harmony.

Article 45. The sacred rights and freedoms enshrined within this Charter shall never be undone, diminished, nor weakened. Though amendments may be wrought, they shall serve only to expand the blessings of liberty and justice.

Article 46. This Charter, bearing the will of the Sovereign and the people, stands as the eternal guardian of the nation’s justice. Let none seek to corrupt its purpose, for the Crown, the Assembly, and the people are bound by sacred oath to uphold it in all things.

Signed and Ratified

On this most hallowed day, under the celestial light of the Twin Moons, the Constitution of the United Kingdom of Aylion is decreed, sealed by the hand of the Sovereign, the Will of the Assembly, and the Voice of the People, to stand eternal for generations to come.

Let these words stand eternal, as a beacon of justice, an oath unbroken, and a vow to the Nation.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Aylion VIP
Leader Name: Arrietta
Nation ID: 349795
Founded: 08/02/2021 (1,312 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 19 minutes ago
Discord Username:brownwidow#5869
Unique ID: a4af52bdd72642e7ae2629e85
International Relations
Alliance: The Sword Coast Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:410 days
Color Trade Bloc: Astral Olive
Commendations: 40
Denouncements: 5
Nation Page Visits: 9,686
Recent Visitors: VIP Only 0 nations from 0 alliances in past 24 hours
Population: 7,217,440
Infrastructure: 63,057.94
Land Area: 132,000 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 54.68 people/sq. mi
GDP: $11,166,259,511.00
GDP per Capita: $1,547.12
GNI: $628,124,120.00
Economic Policies: Extreme Left
Currency: Currency Image Aeli
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Urbanization Urbanization Icon
Social Policies: Liberal
State Religion: None None
National Animal: National Animal ImageAylish Dove
Approval Rating: 0% (-889.37)
Pollution Index: 9,246 points
Radiation Index: 145.76 R (Global: 215.47 R)
OBL Team: Basilisk
Nation Rank: #895 of 11,317 Nations (7.91%)
Nation Score: More Information 7,436.13
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 175,556.10
Infrastructure Lost: 217,868.00
Money Looted: $237,290,748.40
Wars Won: 75
Wars Lost: 47

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

33 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/01 06:25 am - MasterChief of Revived has publicly commended the nation of Aylion.
02/24 02:38 am - Tomas Adem of Republic of Terminalia has publicly denounced the nation of Aylion.
02/22 01:46 pm - Yeamin Akanda of Bracksia has publicly commended the nation of Aylion.
02/19 07:55 pm - Aylion had war declared by United States of Serbia for the reason of "For Spying".
02/14 04:52 pm - Aylion had war declared by Holy Kingdom of Chad for the reason of "You brought this on yourself".
02/13 10:27 pm - Aylion declared war on Land of Atlas for the reason of "Daddy, I'm coming".
02/11 10:29 pm - Aylion changed their Color Trade Bloc from Beige to Olive.
02/08 04:00 am - Sthef of Chiikawa has publicly commended the nation of Aylion.
02/08 12:46 am - Aylion had war declared by VooDoo for the reason of "War is inevitable.".
02/05 08:53 am - Aylion had war declared by Biscuitia for the reason of "Memes.".
01/31 07:50 pm - Aylion had war declared by Pacific Trade Union for the reason of "For Rose! 🌹".
01/29 11:21 pm - Aylion had war declared by Global Occult Coalition for the reason of "This, is, SPARTA!".
01/29 09:54 pm - Aylion had war declared by Best Australia for the reason of "Your existence is inefficient. War protocol activated.".
01/28 10:15 pm - Xorism of The land of Xor has publicly commended the nation of Aylion.
01/28 10:14 pm - Aylion has publicly commended the nation of Newcanoodia led by Vladimir brozshny.
01/28 10:14 pm - Vladimir brozshny of Newcanoodia has publicly commended the nation of Aylion.
01/27 09:56 pm - Aylion had war declared by Van Diemens Land for the reason of "You challenge the might of Rome. We will crush you swiftly in battle.".
01/24 07:02 pm - Aylion had war declared by Celestial Empire of Avalon for the reason of "Cute is ultimate justice!".
01/20 03:12 am - Aylion had war declared by American Council Republic for the reason of "We don't like you".
01/19 07:22 am - Aylion had war declared by Taxonomica for the reason of "Your flag is cute, but mine's better. Let's settle this in a totally extra way.".
01/10 11:29 pm - OwO of UwU Empire has publicly denounced the nation of Aylion.
12/30 07:54 pm - Aylion has publicly commended the nation of Gurkenglas led by Mako.
12/22 01:29 am - Aylion has publicly commended the nation of Xrossland led by Aero.
12/18 04:16 am - Aylion had war declared by Juicebox for the reason of "YEET".
12/14 04:16 am - Aylion declared war on Cascadian Socialist Republic for the reason of "Daddy, I'm coming".
12/14 01:58 am - Aylion declared war on Chopsticks for the reason of "We have come to liberate you".
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
18 National Projects
Advanced Engineering Corps
Advanced Engineering Corps is a national project that reduces the cost of land and infrastructure by 5%.
Arable Land Agency
Arable Land Agency is a national project that reduces the cost of land by 5%.
Bureau of Domestic Affairs
Bureau of Domestic Affairs is a national project that removes the timer for changing Domestic Policies
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Clinical Research Center
Clinical Research Center is a national project that allows you to build an additional Hospital in each city.
Government Support Agency
Government Support Agency adds a +50% effect modifier to the nation's selected Domestic Policy.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
International Trade Center
International Trade Center is a national project that increases the Commerce rate in each city by 1%, allows your maximum commerce rate in cities to reach 115% and increases the maximum number of Banks per city from 5 to 6.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Ironworks is a national project that boosts Steel Mills' production by 36% nationwide.
Mass Irrigation
Mass Irrigation is a national project that boosts food production nationwide.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.
Propaganda Bureau
Propaganda Bureau is a national project that increases your military unit recruitment rate.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.
Space Program
Space Program is a national project that enables construction of an additional Missile per day. Also enables further outer-space national projects.
Specialized Police Training Program
The Specialized Police Training Program Increases the crime reduction rate from Police Stations to 3.5% and Increases commerce in all cities by 4%.
Vital Defense System
Vital Defense System is a national project that gives you a 25% chance of thwarting enemy nuclear attacks and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed.