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Vought International


Welcome to Vought International. We are the leading company in managing and creating superheroes that save the world and beyond.

Now you all might be thinking, woah! What a company, how did this company become so good??
The answer is simple. It is because of the leadership





 NotSad  (I am told he is famous)

 Alexio  (Is he the shadow leader?) 

sneb (She likes to put zinc in sink to sink it)

-----the seven-----
These are the elite of the elite super heroes. These are the best of the best that the company can offer.

Head of PR: DemonSpawn (homelander - 100% isn't gonna take over the company, hopefully)

Head of Security : Mongo Manning (First war was started under a mango tree)

Head of HR: Ianoo (his name is Lanoo)


----below seven----
This is our second best selling product of the company. One step below the seven but still strong.

Deputy of fa: Lachlan (danger isn't his middle name)

Deputy IA: Aqualeafy (he loves Poland for some reason)

Deputy ma: mrpotatoe (his boss is mango. He is potatoe. Don't mess with ma)



Blair, Jimmy, Matshaa , Spanky




As a company we have some non sekrit treaty, all are given below:

1.Wei is our extension

2. Protected by rose 


For FA matters please come to our FA server:


Now you all may be tempted to show your power by losing to us, well don't do it. Any attack on our members will result is us sending our superheroes who will 99.999% destroy your alliance back to the stone age.



We have the right to counter any attacks on members and applicants

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Vought International (VI)
CEO: NotSad
COO: Alexio , General snobi
The Seven: DemonSpawn , Mongo , Iano
Below Seven: Uther Pendragon , Lachlan I , Leafry
Superhero: Tenken123 , Dick Buttkiss , Perseus the Great , Icarus
Founded: 12/01/2024 (79 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Purple Hue
Members: 20
Alliance Rank: #44 of 498 (8.84%)
Score: 109,637.34
Avg Score: 5,481.87
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 1 (4.76%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 523
Total Infrastructure: 1,236,912.54
Total Land: 1,455,845.00
Total GDP: $222,158,133,487
Total GNI: $258,316,985
Total Soldiers: 2,842,790
Total Tanks: 435,206
Total Aircraft: 38,789
Total Ships: 4,238
Total Spies: 1,038
Total Missiles: 268
Total Nuclear Weapons: 28
Wars Won: 2,754
Wars Lost: 1,366
Vought International: Be a Superhero

Vought International is an established alliance looking for dedicated members to become part of a growing community. We look forward to having you as a part of our community!

Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension Politics and WeiN/A
Protectorate RoseN/A