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New Republic of Macedonia is a nation led by King Karusa on the continent of Europe. New Republic of Macedonia's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, New Republic of Macedonia favors far left wing policies. The official currency of New Republic of Macedonia is the Macedonian Denar. At 1,047 days old, New Republic of Macedonia is an ancient nation. New Republic of Macedonia has a population of 11,319,180 and a land area of 143,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 79.16. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.
The New Republic of Macedonia (N.R.O.M.) is a young Balkan nation, which gained independence from North Macedonia on the morning of 17th May 2022. Unlike North Macedonia which peacefully split from Yugoslavia without bloodshed, the independence of N.R.O.M. costed thousands of lives.
The state's history goes back to 2019, when the newly elected SDS government in the then FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) went against democracy and the people's wishes, changing the state name in an iron fisted breach of democracy to 'North Macedonia'
This name change sparked immense controversy within the Macedonian population at the time, and led to the creation of the Macedonian Liberation Army (MLA). The MLA was a privately funded underground militia organization made up of ex-police and ex-military servicemen all around the world. Over 70% of its members were Macedonian Diaspora, while the other 30% were multinational hired guns, who joined the MLA for money and work.
The organization was ruled and led by an unknown individual, who simply refers to himself as "Karusa"
Throughout 2019 to 2020, the organization spent their time privately funding themselves via multiple operations in South America and Africa, acting as a PMC entity for safeguarding resources for their clients.
Via this method, they raised enough money to arm themselves to the teeth, developing their own air brigade and armour battalions. The vast majority of their vehicles and aircraft were soviet era, with the odd modern, western asset. By 2021 they grew to 20,000 members strong.
Throughout this time frame, the SDS kept driving North Macedonia into a ditch, further condemning the country with worsening economies, human rights and liberties. The situation was a disaster, and the MLA were determined to make things right.
Karusa devised a plan to cripple the nation's fragile defenses, but also introduced a new plan to completely take over governance for the country via a massive coup to destabilize the region and hijack the government.
Thus in 2021, the concept of "N.R.O.M." was born. An independent Macedonia in the Balkans, ruled by nobody but themselves.
The organization mapped key trade routes and highways, and mapped out plans of attacks. 80% of which revolved around the capital city of Skopje. A quick subjugation of the armed forces in Skopje would force a quick capitulation, they reckoned. However they simultaneously developed attack plans for two other cities, Tetovo and Gostivar, as a diversion to redirect the bulk of the Macedonian army away from Skopje, before the main attack was carried out. Their plan aimed to limit Macedonian casualties altogether, in an attempt to preserve the Macedonian people. Including soldiers.
Despite their plans simply being to redirect and distract, a shoot to kill policy was still implemented to protect the militants in the MLA throughout their operations. Allowing them to use as much lethal force as possible to protect themselves while retreating or holding a strategic line. Although they were never to engage first.
Once the plans were complete in February of 2021, they issued a formal warning to North Macedonia. Which summarized, effectively conveyed this message:
"Reverse all actions which harm the Macedonian people, and regain sovereignty. Otherwise we will take what little of it [State Sovereignty] you have left."
This message was largely ignored by the corrupt government, but they still heightened security in key parts of the country. As the MLA was now deemed a terrorist organization because of the perceived threat.
The MLA gave North Macedonia less than a year to begin showing progress, otherwise a declaration of war would be promptly issued.
1st of January, 2022. Absolutely zero progress was made, and the situation only worsened. 21,000 members strong, the MLA deployed to North Macedonia. Using bribes and interstate contacts, all militants and armour belonging to the MLA snuck into the country effortlessly. Setting up bases of operations in every single major city in the country.
By the 7th of January 2022, the MLA were ready to begin the war. They first needed to draw attention away from Skopje. So 5,000 MLA soldiers traveled to Tetovo, Gostivar, and Kumanovo. Their first act was blowing up the UCK monument in Kumanovo, and burning the houses of known UCK associates in the three cities. Resulting in 6 deaths, all of which were ex-UCK terrorists.
A further 14 civilians, a mix of Albanians and Macedonians, were gunned down after they tried to pick up arms against the MLA soldiers. However citizens were urged to evacuate these cities by the MLA and NM governments to minimize civilian casualties.
Most police officers in the affected cities were already informed beforehand of the incursion, and thus abandoned their posts and did not respond to the MLA tanks rolling down the streets, or the armed insurgents patrolling the cities. Resulting in a military deployment, as planned.
Thus, on the 8th of January 2022, the Macedonian Civil War begun.
Once the conflict started in the main 3 cities, consisting of nearly 30,000 Macedonian soldiers and 11,000 MLA insurgents, the secondary force of 10,000 insurgents ambushed Skopje. Bombing the tarmacs of the main city airport with attack helicopters, in an attempt to destroy what little air power North Macedonia had.
Armoured vehicles and thousands of soldiers flooded into the city, in one massive blitz operation to capture the parliament house. The strike was surprising, and caught the North Macedonian military off guard - lasting less than 24 hours, 173 Macedonian soldiers were killed in combat. Where 230 Macedonian insurgents lost their lives.
But it was an operational success, the parliament house was under occupation by the MLA, while congress was in session. This ensured that the insurgents had a significant choke hold on the country by rounding up every single important politician in the state. Removing the ability for the NM Military to bomb the parliament house.
Meanwhile, the primary conflict zone in Tetovo, Gostivar and Kumanovo was a lot bloodier. 1,133 MLA insurgents were killed, while 1,358 North Macedonian soldiers were killed. It was a tight and bloody deathmatch in all three cities, with neither side gaining or losing any ground.
While the two conflicts raged, a detachment of 1,000 insurgents broke off and systematically shut down the country from the inside, by spreading out and destroying or blocking every single major highway in the state, and capturing major electricity substations. North Macedonia was in the dark now. And the country's self sufficiency went out the window. They were on the brink of collapse.
In desperation, the North Macedonian military, using whatever resources and electricity they had for emergencies, launched a state-wide counterattack against the insurgents. This saw some success, as the government restored electricity to the state by killing off 150 insurgents which were guarding the substations and power stations. Utilizing the special forces, no North Macedonian soldiers died in the operation for electricity.
However the government saw little success in freeing up highways, as the resistance there was even fiercer, and more plentiful. 77 Insurgents lost their lives holding down the highways, while 760 North Macedonian soldiers lost their lives without the special forces being able to assist them. The government freed up only one highway, which was not enough.
The counteroffensive saw the liberation of Kumanovo, wiping out 2,728 insurgents, with the government losing 926 soldiers. However Tetovo and Gostivar remained in the MLA's hands, with 356 insurgent losses, and 1,192 North Macedonian soldiers KIA.
The attempt to liberate Skopje's Parliament house resulted in 19 insurgents dead, and 2 ex-UCK politicians executed on live television as a warning to the government, which resulted in the North Macedonian special forces abstaining from further action for the next few hours.
All in all, the war lasted up until the 11th of May, 2022. When the Prime Minister of North Macedonia made the decision to succumb to the insurgency, and give independence to the New Republic of Macedonia.
At first the NROM territory encompassed only half of Skopje, and saw the mass exodus of civilians all over the country, believing the NROM to be a terrorist state. King Karusa took charge of the new government, assigning a handful of other individuals to form the first government on the 17th of May 2022. After all was said and done, the MLA was dissolved and only 1,000 people resided in the city-state of NROM.
However it quickly became obvious that under King Karusa's rule, the other half of Skopje began to flourish and thrive. With jobs, a healthy economy, and a massively improved standard of living. The newly developed city state also designed their own passports and reintroduced the old Macedonian flag as the national flag. Making them seem a lot more lucrative for the Macedonian people.
Over the course of time, NROM annexed more and more of North Macedonia since the collapse of their government. Eventually capturing all of Skopje, and then the entirety of the Northern, North Western, and North Eastern parts of the country. With no resistance to stop them, NROM grew in size dramatically.
With the new land, NROM was finally able to develop into a real state in the Balkans. They then formed the Macedonian Military to maintain border security, after being the only country in the Balkans without a military for several weeks. The Macedonian military consisted of 3,000 conscripts armed with newly bought AKM and Ak-47 assault rifles.
It only took a month or two for the entirety of North Macedonia to be annexed into NROM, making The Kingdom of New Republic of Macedonia, the only Macedonia in the Balkans. Ending North Macedonia's short sovereignty.
Ever since then, King Karusa has completely revamped the country's living standards and human rights. Restoring Macedonia to a fully capable nation with a strong national identity and hardy politics unmoved by political pressure. Subsequent wars have erupted since NROM's takeover, prompting the country to militarize quicker than any other nation in the Balkans. Developing a strong standing military of over 100,000 troops, and several thousand armoured vehicles. The Macedonian Air Brigade was officiated as well, introducing jets and other advanced aircraft the Macedonians had never been able to use previously.
The third Balkan War sparked because of Macedonia's renewed sovereignty and strenghened political relationships with neighbours. Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and Kosovo launched an attack against Macedonia. As a result, Serbia and Turkey jumped in to take advantage of the war for their own gains, defending Macedonia for their mutual goal of more land.
As a result, the Macedonian region unified, Turkey fully claimed Cyprus and Thrace, Kosovo was completely ripped apart, with land being claimed by Macedonia and Serbia, Bulgaria lost Pirin, and Albania lost the land they owned around the Ohrid lake, among other small tid bits.
Despite taking the Macedonian region from Greece, NROM still supplied Greece with aid, both military and humanitarian. Allying with other Balkan countries, they assisted Greece with fighting Turkey and removing them from the Balkans. Finally ending all Ottoman footholds in the region. Greece reclaimed Thrace and Cyprus, as well as East Thrace and the Western coast of Turkey.
Map of N.R.O.M. (Macedonia)
National Flag (Old) (Old FYROM 1900's flag.)
National Flag (Current) (Credit: @snop_granchinja on Twitter.) (Changed at 12:59 am on the 4th of December 2024. - October 13th 2106 game time.)
War Flag (Old North Macedonian flag)
Coat of Arms (Credit: @Snop_granchinja on Twitter.)
N.R.O.M. Uses our own Denar. The newly established Macedonian Denar is much more powerful than the old Denars, being almost identical to the Euro. 1 Euro = 1 MKD. 1 MKD = 1.02 USD. 1 MKD = 1.66 AUD.
Possession of Weed:
The only way to legally access Cannabis in Macedonia, is if it is medically prescribed. Non-prescription weed is illegal, as only the government mandated strain of C. sativa is legal in the country. The punishment for growing or owning weed illegally is a hefty fine ranging between 250-500 NROM Denars, or 257-514 USD depending on the quantity or strain. With a maximum of 1 week in prison and 48 hours of community service. After which, a mandatory 1-year free rehabilitation plan is appointed to the user.
Mandatory Military Service:
Every single Macedonian citizen of Macedonian descent, unless physically or mentally impaired, must serve 2 years in the Macedonian Army upon reaching 18 years of age. After graduation of high school at 18 years, each Macedonian citizen is enlisted into the Macedonian army to serve out two years. 1 year in active duty, and 1 year as a reservist. After they turn 20, they can decide if they wish to remain in the armed forces or return to civilian life. No additional benefits are granted upon returning to civilian life, however those who remain become eligible for deployment, a full military salary and full benefits package for the remainder of their service, and if eligible, for the rest of their lives. Non-Macedonian Macedonian citizens are exempt from mandatory service unless deemed eligible by the government. They are instead mandated to a part time community service role for two years, in which they are allowed to undertake studies and gain employment like regular citizens. Upon the completion of the two years, and a police check, they become allowed to join the military in all branches. Physically or mentally impaired citizens are fully exempt from military and community services. Citizens are able to legally avoid the mandatory service by leaving the country, however, are required to complete their service once they re-enter the state. Dodging the draft in-state results in a maximum prison sentence of 2 years.
Capital Punishment:
Capital Punishment is normally out of the picture; however the death penalty is still legal in Macedonia. For heinous crimes against citizens, such as extreme physical or mental violation, or violence, offenders will be publicly shamed and degraded, before being executed live on a separate channel for those who wish to view the execution. For extreme treason, or crimes against the state and national identity, offenders face immediate private execution if the severity cannot be excused. Execution by law enforcement to any known terrorists, or offenders committing acts of terror against citizens, tourists, or symbols of national identity, are not protected by the law and a shoot on sight protocol is followed for the safety of Macedonians, and those in Macedonia. The military reserves the right to hunt down enemies of the state and assassinate them. Note that unjust criminality in Macedonia does not go unpunished. Any known crime organizations who are known to mutilate other human beings or animals will be mass targeted and slaughtered by the armed forces.
The government owns a plethora of free Kindergartens, Primary schools, High schools, and Universities fully paid for by the state. Ensuring free education nationwide. Private school/university options do exist in every city, and a reasonable fee follows enrolment into these schools. Education is mandated for citizens up until High school level. University remains optional. Home schooling is prohibited unless special consideration is granted. Parents who do not send their children to school will be fined a fee of over 1,000 Denars for each month their child hasn't attended school. No prison sentences exist for this law.
Owning, producing, selling, and consuming any and all types of alcohol is fully legal in the country. National alcohol brands include Homemade Rakija made of Plums, Grapes, Pears and Raspberries. As well as two major Beer brands. Skopsko and Zlaten Dab. Alcohol is 100% prohibited to minors under 16 years old. Citizens who turn 16 are allowed only beer. Citizens who turn 18 gain access to Wines, Whiskeys, Champagne, among other alcohols below 40%. Citizens who turn 20 are allowed Moonshines, Brandies, and Rakija. As well as all alcohols between 40-90%. Alcohol above 90% is illegal. Anyone caught breaking the prohibition law (Underage drinking or supplying alcohol to a minor) faces a fine between 100-300 Denars. Or a maximum 10 year prison sentence depending on severity and intentions. (Deliberately attempting to damage a young citizen with potent alcohol.)
Macedonia shut down all dirty energy sources early into its establishment. The government heavily invests in clean, natural energy such as solar, hydro and geothermal to power the nation. Macedonia also has a heavy wind and nuclear power industry, with fossil fuel, oil and coal-based generators and power plants banned.
Assisted Suicide:
Assisted Suicide is illegal in the country in all forms. Doctors are unable to prescribe any lethal medications to patients. Fatally ill citizens must be peacefully let go at a hospital. Doctors caught attempting to facilitate the suicide of a citizen will be jailed for life, and their medical license revoked. The citizen who attempted medical suicide will be placed under suicide watch, and a lifetime rehabilitation plan. After 10 years, the citizen can 'vouch' for the doctor which has been jailed. The vouching system enables a jailed doctor to be released after 10 years instead of serving a life sentence, however they will never be able to practice medicine again.
Same-Gender Marriage/Sexuality/Modesty:
The Macedonian Orthodox Church prohibits marriage of a same-gender couple. The Macedonian government also doesn't officially recognize eloped same-gender couples, or eloped couples in general. A same-gender couple can legally remain a couple in the country, however cannot get married. Homophobia and hate crimes against homosexuals are illegal in the country. Although any member of the LGBT community is safe in Macedonia, they still lack access to services such as gender-reassignment surgery and hormonal supplements such as testosterone or estrogen (Unless physically needed, such as Kallmann's Syndrome patients.) Homosexuality is not taught in the education system outside of human history classes, where the curriculum includes lessons in violence against marginalized groups. (Minorities and Homosexuals.) In order to reduce racism and homophobia in the nation. Conversion therapy is illegal in Macedonia. Both LGBT and Heterosexual couples are legally prohibited from displays of public indecency or unreasonable public acts of love (Inappropriate nakedness or acts of affection apart from hugging and kissing.) ((No public acts of passionate love or indecent exposure.)) Publicly parading sexuality in public must be kept to a minimum. (No gatherings or regular events where the main topic is sexuality.) Due to the nation's strong ties in Christianity, modesty is a massive part of the Macedonian culture. Keep EVERYTHING at home, or in a privately owned business where it cannot be seen from the outside. (Signs such as Gay bar are still allowed.) Small fines of up to 50 Euros apply for lustful or immodest displays. (Women are still allowed to wear revealing clothes in public except for in churches, however must have their privates and thighs covered at all times. Men must remain covered in most public places, and can lightly undress, eg, go top-half revealing, in places such as gyms and beaches/pools.) Modesty summary: Wear what you want, but don't flash everyone with privates. Maximum prison sentence reaches up to 3 years for serious crimes such as flashing minors. PDF Files are chemically castrated, placed under a lifetime rehabilitation plan, or put to death depending on what actions they've taken. Anyone caught defending people who belong to this group in any capacity will receive the same treatment.
The Macedonian government mandates unions in large businesses to ensure the fair pay and safe working conditions for all workers in Macedonia. Companies who are of eligible size may be fined up to 5,000 Euros, or shut down permanently if they fail to comply with the law, or evidence of employee mistreatment is discovered. No prison time exists for this law. Unions are prohibited from taking advantage of foreign workforce who travel to the country for work, or the exploitation of non-Macedonian citizens. (Macedonians who do not have Macedonian heritage.)
The government has no right to instruct citizens on how to spend their money. Any money earned by Macedonian citizens after tax is theirs and theirs only. The government will never force citizens to spend money in a certain way apart from tax (Which is automatically deducted from each pay slip) Ignore all texts or phone calls of people claiming to be from the government, who are requesting payment over the phone. You are being scammed. Scam hotlines are available, call any of the anti-scam numbers to begin an investigation if you believe you are being scammed. If proof of a scam has been found, you will be refunded (if the scam was successful) and a police unit will be dispatched to begin tracking down the scammer. Scamming results in a dynamic prison sentence. 1 year of jail for every 120 denars extorted out of citizens. (1 month per 10 Denars.) Several statistical studies show that overseas scammers who target Macedonian citizens are 400x more likely to perish in an accident than regular people in the next 3 months. Scammers who resort to scamming to survive will be appointed a minimum wage community service job to support themselves or their family. However must work until dismissed by the government, before they can legally apply for an official, higher paying job.
Free Speech:
Macedonia has free speech laws for all citizens, and no social media posts, internet searches, public speech, etc, will be monitored by the government (Unless extreme acts of terror are suspected, or anything that could link to an ongoing investigation.) Suppression of free speech is illegal, however extreme hate speech may face fines of up to 20 Denars. Repeat offenders (Anyone caught with over 10 incidents of harmful speech, or speech encouraging hate or harm to someone or a group of people) may be publicly beaten by the police. If you believe you have been unjustly assaulted by cops due to hate speech, apply for an investigation into your case at any police station. If you have below 10 officially recorded cases of hate speech, you may be eligible for compensation, and the offending officer will be fired. All police officers have body cams which are constantly recording. Report ANY on duty officer without an active bodycam.
Hard Drugs:
All hard drugs are illegal in the country. Anyone caught pedaling drugs into the country, or producing/consuming it themselves, will be arrested immediately and may face jail time of up to 20 years. (If selling/pedaling.) Or a rehabilitation program of 5+ years (if consuming.) Drug cartels, gangs, mafias, or any group intentionally selling harmful drugs will be mass eliminated by the armed forces or special police units. This may include border blocking and entrapment until all criminals/terrorists have been caught or killed. Macedonia has a 0 tolerance policy for organized crime. Prison has no room for them, and we have an excess amount of ammunition. Members of any known mob, mafia, cartel, etc can seceretly turn themselves in to the police to be placed under witness protection if forcefully initiated into an organized crime syndicate. In exchange for information. The police will stage this as a rival kidnapping or some other abduction to ensure safety of the whistleblower.
Government spending:
Macedonia must remain self sufficient and must not build an economy reliant on trade or foreign investors. Macedonia is not allowed to borrow money and must only do what they can afford. Which may result in slow progress, but will always maintain a healthy economy with no risks so long as the capacity to remain self-sufficient is protected. All other monetary gains by trade are only supplementary, and not the main source of income or resources for the country.
Infant circumcision is strictly illegal. Anyone caught circumcising their infant or anyone else below the age of 18, faces up to 5 years of jail time and a 750 denar fine. However adults over the age of 18 may decide for themselves if they wish to be circumcised. As adult circumcision is legal for the adult individually. They are not allowed to appoint circumcision for any other citizen apart from themselves.
Macedonia has strict immigration laws. Asylum seekers who make it to the Macedonian border are granted temporary protection lasting up to 1 year behind the Macedonian borders, in specialized asylum camps guarded by military personnel. During this time, Asylum Seekers must learn either English or any of the two Macedonian languages (Original or Slavonic) to be eligible to stay in Macedonia as an immigrant. Failure to learn the language will get asylum seekers relocated to a safer country willing to hold them. Asylum camps are mandated by the government via the Architectural Act of 2023 and Infrastructure Code of 2022, ensuring Asylum camps are self sufficient towns on their own, with Macedonian architecture instead of tents and temporary buildings, with at least one mandated 'natural scenery view' that the town must either overlook, or be overlooked by. (Usually a mountain or forest.) This is to provide the best quality of life for even temporary individuals residing in the country. After the 1 year, and if eligible, Asylum seekers may decide if they wish to apply for residency, or be relocated to another safe country allied with Macedonia for residency. Macedonia only accepts 1,000 immigrants per year for residency/citizenship in the country, if the immigrants came as a result of people movement. (Asylum seekers.) Immigrants moving to Macedonia for a better life or opportunities must first apply for authorization to enter the country beforehand, prior to applying for residency or a work Visa online or at the Macedonian embassy in their homeland (If it exists, otherwise, national police stations or relevant government offices.) Emigration is on a case by case basis, and is limited to 10,000 people per year. All people including tourists must apply for authorization to enter the country even if it's only for transit between airports. However authorization is normally free. Illegal immigrants are deported on arrival and kept out by force. Legal immigrants, citizens or not, may face deportation upon committing a serious crime which results in bodily harm or property damage. Citizenship is granted to individuals who have lived in Macedonia for 5 years. Resident based citizens may be eligible for a Macedonian passport after 6 years of permanent residency. After which they become Non-Macedonian Macedonians. All Macedonians born to Macedonian parents, born outside of Macedonia, are automatically granted blood-based citizenship and are eligible for a passport. Forgery of official documents or smuggling persons into/out of Macedonia result in a maximum prison sentence of 50 years. Anyone can freely leave the country without restrictions. However cannot be forced out. Support services are available if you feel like you are being extorted, or are in danger of being smuggled/kidnapped. We value your life and safety in Macedonia. Any incursions or invasions of Macedonian land via illegal immigration or insurgencies will be intercepted with extreme, unrelenting force by the Macedonian military until all opposing parties have been rendered incapable of resistance or escape.
Firearm Ownership:
Gun ownership is common in Macedonia. All firearm holders must first apply for a license to own firearms. Category A and B firearms cover hunting based items such as rifles and shotguns except for pump actions. All handguns, semi-automatic and pump action weaponry fall under a category C license. To be eligible for a Cat A&B license, citizens must have a clean criminal record and a High school diploma. And must also pass a competency and safety test. Category C eligibility sees the requirement for citizens to have had prior military service (outside of mandatory 2 years.) or Police service for a minimum of 1.5 years. Access to military weaponry (Light machine guns, certain assault rifles, explosives, high powered snipers, etc.) are strictly prohibited for civilian ownership. Anyone caught owning firearms without the appropriate license will face jail time of up to 1 year, and a fine of up to 2,000 Denars based on severity. Any crimes undertaken with illegal weaponry, or firearms in general, may result in life in prison. Depending on severity. For category A and B holders, citizens are limited to 2 firearms per license holder. Households are limited to a maximum of 6 firearms per house. Possession of more than 6 firearms results in a 1,000 denar fine. Category C holders may own up to 3 firearms individually.
Macedonia is an Orthodox Christian nation. All churches in the state are Orthodox churches, except for a few private institutions for other faiths and denominations. Orthodoxy is the official religion of the state, however is not forced upon citizens. Religious freedom exists in Macedonia, except for any religion which is related to, based around, or named after any devilish figures such as Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, etc. Satanists are jailed for life. If you wish to be an atheist, be an atheist. However do not call yourself a Satanist or Luciferian, for it is inappropriate the same way as calling yourself a NotSee would be, even if you claim you are not one while wearing the title. Any Satanic churches will be instantly shut down, all facilitators and members charged a 200 Denar fine, with the possibility of 5 weeks community service. Do not brand your atheism under evil figures.
Healthcare is free for all citizens in Macedonia. The government pays for all public hospitals and clinics, and does not charge citizens for ambulances. Both land, or air. This includes essential or life saving operations and surgeries. However anything cosmetic is not covered by the state, and includes a fee for each operation. Treatment for negligent self harm or mutilation, which were a result of accidents in which the patient knew their actions were stupidly dangerous, pointless, and could result in injuries, include fees and are not covered by the state.
Polygamist Marriage:
Polygamist marriage is not permitted in the country. Citizens are only allowed to be faithful to one partner at a time when married. Polygamist marriages cannot happen, and polygamy with individuals who have children is not permitted. Casual polygamy (Example, two girlfriends or boyfriends) is not illegal. However, if you want to get married, choose only one to get married to.
Macedonia's tax system revolves around the citizen's own wealth. Any citizen of Macedonia who is not doing financially well will be taxed to a significantly lesser degree than a citizen who is well off, or extraordinarily wealthy. Taxes from citizens are funneled directly into the upkeep of the nation's infrastructure, conservation, healthcare, education, police and military forces. Among many other things. At the end of the financial year, the vast majority, if not all, of the tax paid by each individual citizen will be returned to them in a 'tax return'. Tax evasion is punishable with a maximum of 2.5 years in prison depending on severity. Or with 72 hours of unpaid community service.
The government publicly admits to torturing certain individuals. Torture is a very frowned upon tool at the government's disposal and is heavily sanctioned. Hence why torture is banned for the majority of criminals. However, any high valued target who falls into the category in which torture is permissible, may not be exempt from torture. These individuals may include: Captured leaders or any other authority figure of an insurgent group or enemy army which has invaded Macedonia, High profile terrorists who have inflicted great harm to the citizens of Macedonia or any persons visiting Macedonia, Any and all criminals who actively engage in Deep Web activities, Human traffickers, prolific abusers, or anyone who harms people or animals 'for the fun of it' or some form of payment/content creation, Cyber attackers who attempt to disrupt the cyber security of Macedonia, among other subjects. Everyone listed in the shortlist is eligible to be tortured both physically and mentally by the government for information, or simply to get what they deserve. The list contains several more entries which are confidential or are simply too long to list.
Women have the right to their own bodies in Macedonia, the country's abortion policy allows women to terminate their pregnancy during the 1st trimester of their pregnancy under normal circumstances. Abortions any later than the 1st trimester is strictly illegal, however special consideration may be granted for citizens under these conditions: The pregnancy is a result of extreme violation of the woman (!@#$), the pregnancy threatens the life of the woman, or the baby has been screened for chronic conditions which will severely impact their quality of life. Unlawful abortion of a developed fetus may result in 5 years maximum prison sentence.
Welfare Programs:
Any citizen of Macedonia who is in extreme poverty or is a victim of unfortunate circumstance, they may be eligible for welfare services which include payslips of up to 250 Denars weekly and shelter with free meals, water and bedding. Citizens who wish to accept the government's welfare services must be willing to do community service in return for the country's hospitality. Welfare programs last for blocks of up to 2 years. Throughout this time, citizens are urged to find employment elsewhere, otherwise once the 2 years is up, citizens may choose to return to the street for a year until they are eligible for a second term of welfare, or be drafted into the military for a minimum commitment of 5 years to keep them off the street and give them superior wages to purchase a home. Citizens can only receive 2 terms of welfare support before they are automatically drafted into the military.
New Republic of Macedonia suffered its first nuclear strike in the capital city of Skopje on the 7th of November 2022. (28th November 2081)
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