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Dressrosa is a nation led by President Daniel I on the continent of Europe. Dressrosa's government is a Dictatorship with very moderate social policies. Economically, Dressrosa favors moderate policies. The official currency of Dressrosa is the Dressrosanchervonets. At 1,472 days old, Dressrosa is an ancient nation. Dressrosa has a population of 13,477,784 and a land area of 185,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 72.85. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Dressrosa is sovereign independent nationalist moderately socialist nation lead by its very well known ultimate  leader, President Daniel I. The nation has its set of standards of living that are kept strong and inclusive to all the ethnic and religious groups cross the great nation. These standards include,

  • Sovergnity: Through sovergnity, Dressrosans rule themselves by themselves under the leadership of President Daniel. The nation shall be self dependent through industry, strong economy, strong homeland security to ensure the safety of the citizens and strong intelligence/Military to protect the wide boarders of the nation from east to west and from north to south. Any attacks on any part of the nation is an attack on the nation as a whole.
  • Justice: A nation with no justice turns to jungle where the strong eats the weak and exploit their hard work earned earnings. Dressrosa has one of the strongest justice systems and justice pannel under the leadership of President Daniel I and the minister of justice Admiral Fujitora who once said

"If you don't want Justice to be dishonored, keep it close to you at all times! If we lose credibility just by admitting fault, we didn't have any in the first place!"

This justice is to apprehend and detain criminals and protect those who need the protection to live a peaceful life behined the walls of Dressrosa and assure  the people will never go through the decade of oppression under the Donxiute Family led by Don Doflamingo. 

  • Education: Education is a major priority, though not free at the post-secondary to give an incentive for students to put a larger effort into studying. Interest rates will be low to give opportunities for as many young people as possible. The country strives to have the best people to lead society to a better future. Illiteracy shall be at 0%.
  • Generosity: the nation is generous towards the less fortunate individuals in the society. The welfare system is available to help the residents in need especially those with a disability and the newcomers who travel to the nation in the hope of seeking a better life while being active members in helping Dressarossans build and keep the nation prosperous. The nation is also a firm believer in helping countries going through natural disasters.
  • Health care: A healthy nation is a wealthy nation. The government strives to ensure health care system at its highest peak to serve the residents
  • Public safety and homeland security: safety above all, the government's top priority to ensure the citizens and residents feel safe. No tolerance for crimes.
  • Infrastructure: A top priority for a strong community. Strong sturdy infrastructure not only serves the needs of the residents and the country and not only supports the economy but it gives an image to a civilized nation.
  • Environment: primary duty of the government, businesses, and residents to work together for a clean nation. The government shall fund cleaner forms of energy such as nuclear and wind working together hand in hand, businesses shall ensure any waste is disposed of properly and the residents shall recycle.

                                                               Dressaroassa and its people shall unite together 

For A Strong Leadership

For A Strong And Fair Economy

For True Independence


Charter of Rights, Freedoms & Responsibilities

Unlike many nations that call for rights and freedoms as part of their constitution, Dressrosa has a responsibilities section as its important to have a give and take relation ship between the country and the people. The people have rights and freedoms but they are also have responsibilities towards their great nation and its Leader President Daniel I


  1. Equality Rights: Everyone is equal before and under the law. There are no exceptions no matter what. Under the court of law, you are innocent until proven guilty unless its a federal crime such as spying, treason, terrorism, plotting to overthrow the government, escaping the mandatory military service of 3 years, serial killing, ra_pe. In these cases you will be tried under the national court in the presence of the president in court because many of these crimes are serious and punishable by death sentence and only the president can authorize death sentence nation wide.
  2. Right to bear arms: Bear arms is a right provided the citizen is both mentally and physically stable , have registered the fire arm. Its more meant towards citizens who live in the northern parts of the country or farm areas and fields where it takes the police a long time to reach especially during storms and late hours of the night. Citizens are allowed to defend themselves  and their families under the self defense Act
  3. Right to life: Dressrosa is a life oriented nation. We however unlike many nations that claimed pro life that's strictly oriented towards assisted sui-cide and abortion. The nation seeks to ensure people's lives are valuable through out their life span. we provide mental health to ensure low sui-cide rates if any, we provide relief to the citizens in need and at risk of extreme depression. heavy attention is placed on sick kids hospitals, orphanages, foster homes , juvenile correction centers as well as other correction/detention  centers where ever institutions server the needs of the under age citizens  and all citizens in general nation wide to ensure safety.
  4. Freedoms
  5. freedom of thoughts and beliefs: you can believe in anything you want as a citizens except criticizing the government. you are allowed to bring concerns and questions to be addressed in the annual national conference but unreasonable criticisms aren't covered. The discrimination and hate speech is also not protected under this freedom
  6. Freedom of religion: religion is between the Individual and God. The government does not have any preferred religion .Every Individual is free to practice their faith provided it does not bring harm to others or insult others of different religions.
  7. Freedom of expression/peaceful Assembly: peaceful protest is allowed provided the discussion between the authorities and citizen has already taken and no agreement was reached. Rioting is illegal punishable by 5 years in prison, Fines for all the damages and criminal record. Burning the flag, insulting the leader are also a crimes. They are not freedoms protected under freedom. Other demonstrations require government approval
  8. Freedom of the Press: very limited and they are required to show all their news and have a meeting with the president to review their notes before reporting them to the public. The media is now allowed to go free telling their stories. Any false stories will result in channel closure.
  9. Responsibilities
  10. Be a model of good citizen who returns the favors by being productive. Ask for help if employment is needed
  11. tax payment
  12. report any crimes before they happen if possible for the greater good to protect as many people as possible
  13. blood donations provided you are healthy. The health professionals shall not accept any blood for storage unless its confirmed healthy
  14. keep the city clean, Littering is heavily fined
  15. donations: always welcome to help those in need
  16. Other rights, responsibilities will be added when brought up and are in need for the greater good for the country and its people
  17. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

National Holidays

January 1st: New year

march 17-Dressrosa Day-Nation establishment

Holy Thursday to Easter Monday

April 22 - President's Birthday

May 1st-Labour day

May 25th- Announcing the power of the people day-people rule themselves by themselves. Even though President Daniel is the head of state, But people have 30% of the power which they can use to request where tax money can be best spent and what is essential. This can be done during the annual national assembly lead by the President> this also means There are no elections and Oppositions parties are not allowed to exist

first Monday of August-Civic day

second Monday of October-Thanks giving

November 11-memorial day: remembering the fallen soldiers

December 25th-Christmas


Hollywoodian War I

May 24th-June 14

Allied Powers: Oasis, Rose, Mystry Inc => Roasistry

Axis powers: The Knights Radiant, Grumpy Old Bastards, Guardian, Error 404, Children of The Light, The Order, Black Knights, and Oblivion joined forces into Hollywood

Reasons for the war: Hollywood attacked Rose for no particular reason which then led to Oasis's TFP to declare on Hollywood and arghhh sub axis affiliate to declare back at TFP

Events: At the sun set of May 24th, the hollywoodian cities blared their  alarming  sirenes  throughout their nations as Roasistrian forces reached the walls of the sphere with their ships carrying millions of tanks, aircraft and solidiers and storing millions of missiles and nuuclear missiles. The hollywoodian skies started lighting from the bombs bursting in the air bombing and destroying everything they can find. The hollywoodian forces in their turn also moved in the opposite directions and also bombarded roasisterian nations causing heavy damages to their armies. The damages and destruction was all time extensive on both ends for the entire duration of the war. 

Dressrosa role in the war

Dressrosa being a TFP nation, it took a strong stand and a vital role in fighting till the end. Despite the challenges that resulted from it being attacked by nations that surpassed Dressrosa by 6 yet dressrosa made critical damages to the incoming nations as well as the nations that dressrosa took initiative to attack. 

within the course of the war, Dressrosa captured 14 spies, lost 48 intelligence agents, took a damage of 7758 on its infrastructure nation wide, made damages to enemies of approximately 14022.54, destroyed a missile and 2 nuclear missiles of the enemy, casualties on soldiers came to be approximately 873405and the damages on enemy soldiers came to be 952000 soldiers , Tank losses came to 28978 where as the damages on enemy tanks came to be 37500, air force losses came to be 1850 where as the damages on enemy air forces came to be 2300 planes, and finally the naval forces casualties came to be 128 ships while the damages on enemy ships were 356 ships. 

Financial losses: Dressrosa owes an amount of 50 million on purchasing steel, ammunition and gas during the duration the war. The war may have costed more but the loots from the losing nations covered some costs.

Global War I

Dec 11-Dec 19-2021

Alliance side: oasis and mystry

Axis Alliance-Black water and Clock

About the war: is a Great War that begun when BlackWater and Clock blitzed Mystery Inc. & Oasis, also referred to as MysOasis, due to an MDP agreement. Coincidentally, Oasis blitzed Clock on the same day and same time Clock and BlackWater blitzed MysOasis. The war concluded with a white peace at server update on the 19th of Demeber, just 8 days after the beginning of the war making Global War 20 the shortest Global War in Orbis history. The reasoning for the extremely short war may be attributed to Clock's plans to blitz Rose which they did approximately 20 minutes after the white peace came into effect starting Global War 21.

Role Of Dressrosa: Dressrosa being a nation in TFP, was involved. unfortunately the sheer powers were massive, the nation held tight. The military was decimated to bare minimum. Fleet Marshal Monkey D. Garb especially was on top of deffending the nation. Unfortunately the sheer power from other nations, most intelligence agents were captured and executed during the war. 

Losses: 300k soldiers, 25k tanks, 1675 planes, and 305 ships. the nation is 100 million debt for the nuclear project in addition to 17million borrowed for rebuild funds.


Improvement Losses: 2 Tank Factories

In a total of 29 battles with 29 nations, Dressrosa  was able to fight until the final day. One of the wars unfortunately was lost due to alliance instructions not to completely send the opposing nation to a beige mode, the opposing player at life line of 8 vs. 10 declared victory. 

End of war: a white peace agreement was reached between the two sides due to the reason of the war and the added comparable casualties on both sides let to conclusion that neither side is winning and so ceasefire agreement was reached to make a possible recovery more affordable on both sides

Global war II

March 19-April 8 (2022)

Axis: Polaris, UPN, USN, TFed, Fark, WTF, Spartans, UCR, LPH, Genesis, Sanctuary

Allies:TFP, TAP, Waffle House (WH), Dark brotherhood (DB), Thunderstruck, The Fear, ExP, AC

Reasons for the war: 1. Oasis bloc needed to prove ourselves in battle and fix some bad PR, 2. The axis block declassified alliance diplomacy deals that gave oasis a bad PR

Role of Dressrosa: As usual Dressrosa taking part to assist its allies in bringing a better reputation which we deserve, fought grueling battles against all attacks the nation had as offensive and defensive and won the majority of them only due to the difference in troop count and the attacking nations being much larger. 

Losses: 2 tank factories, 2 plane hangers, 2 stadiums, 50 agents captured, 389 battleships destroyed , 9897 tanks, 154639 soldiers, 2 million civilians killed  (due to nuclear attacks), 923 fighter jets as well as 10000 infrastructures lost




Other Laws

  1. Animal Protection Act : Any abuse to animals or hunting trophy animals will result in capital punishment with irreversible order. While farm animals could be used for food however due to reports from nations abuse to animals and the methods used, Dressrosa takes a stand to protect animals just as much as humans against abuse for the purpose of profit or other wise.
  2. Food safety and preservation Act: Food safety is a crucial issue. Its very important to ensure all foods are safe for the public and for the animals. Any contaminations will result in sever sanctions. there will be highly qualified quality assurance employees to insure everything is done correctly and safely. ii) on preserving foods, reports have come from other nations that excess food gets wasted instead of it being given to employees or donated to places that may need it. By Dressrosa Laws , No foods shall be wasted. any waste of food for the purpose of profit or waste will result in hefty fines, 3 years in prison and permeant criminal record.
  3. Employee fair payment Act: All employees must be paid fairly. Tip culture is prohibited if Tips are used towards paying an employee a fair wage. Tips are meant to be extra and as a reward for excellent service.
  4. Day light Savings: No day light savings. The nation will use the winter time all year around. This wouldn't prohibit businesses from starting earlier however government institutions  start at 9 AM to 6PM.

National Projects

On health and citizen care: under the supervision of President Daniel and the minister of health Dr.Alexy Lominov, Dressrosa has been active on the health care where hospitals have been actively been built and the progress is ongoing cross the nation. medical labs are also being planned for research of infectious diseases.

On the citizens care: the nation has been building orphanages and strong foster care for children as well as rehab facilities to mitigate alcohol and drug abuses to all ages cross the nation. high efforts are also in place to build more senior homes and ensure seniors are well protected and cared for by the staff as well as entertained.

On the Industry: The minister of Industry Froncois Allen has been working tirelessly with the team. He has constructed the steel, oil, aluminium and munition factories cross the nation. The munition industry is a cooperate project between the ministry of defense under lieutenant Andrei Vasilevskiy and the minister of industry due to the fact munition is a materialized industry that requires raw materials which are the specialty of the ministry of industry.

On the Military: The defense minister Gen. Andrei Vasilevskiy and his top military officials Lt. Robert Ritter Von Greim the air force general, Commander Alfred Keller the ground forces commander and the Admiral Monkey D. Garp the navy fleets admiral have been working tirelessly to stay on top of the military industry. They have ensured there are barracks for all the current enlisted soldiers, Airforce is on its full capacity as well as as the navy. the missile research is on its early stages of progress for more missiles to be designed and tested for a long distances measures. Further research is done on telecommunication, intelligence and other defense enhancements. President Daniel the commander in chief general of the National Army is working closely to ensure projects are in good progress and the military education is at its highest  proficiency graduating the best military officers on the global level.

 Trades: Ministry of trades is on its full capacity thus far with 100% capacity nation wide on the national level thanks to Michael Trumann the minister of trades. Next steps on the trade are on their advanced stages for international trades with the outside world. 

Domestic National Economy: The minister of Finance Jamie McIntyre with great appreciation has been working with his team to open more banks and more shopping malls for citizens cross the nation with very competitive prices that are in line with citizen's income. More banks and malls are under constructions ready to be open in the near future.

 Transportation: Unlike most other nations, Dressrosa streets hold privately owned cars. The public transportation is entirely subways nation wide due to their speed and efficiency to travel and take people to their desired destination in a timely manner. The minister of transportation Angela Beaudreau has been working tirelessly to build subway routs cross cities and provinces as well as railways for citizen convenience. Railways are mostly used to transport people and good via train between near by provinces where as subways are within the city. Railways and subways have been found to be much more suitable to avoid traffic jams due to the size of large vehicles. Commercial trucks drive on highways and usually park in the designated parking stations outside the city. Any products are then unloaded in smaller trucks to deliver to shopping malls and supermarkets. Airways is are also available for national and international flights. there are also Cruises and ships for people who desire travelling on water.

Homeland Security: the minister of homeland security Lieutenant Demitri Lavrov has done an outstanding job insuring crime rates within the nation is kept at absolute control. The crime rates in all the cities are at 0% due to his tactical abilities to deter crimes and ensure citizens safety. Citizens can be outside their homes at 2am or 3am with no worry to be harmed.

Environment: Despite the oil industry being a major source of income, the minister of environment Kyle Jameson has been working with other ministries such as agriculture to plant trees which naturally absorb CO2 in the air, build recycling centers in all cities to reduce garbage amounts and keep a healthy clean nation. Littering is heavily fined nation wide. Further steps include but not limited to having self serve recycling machines that function as vending machine where people drop plastic bottles for money in addition to trash cans for non recyclable garbage. the ministry of environment is also planning to open factories that would convert CO2 to solid rock and purchase energy machines that turn garbage to electricity in addition to the nuclear power that is already exists at its full potential supported by the ministry of energy and its minister carmen pollivier.












Basic Information
Nation Name: Dressrosa
Leader Name: Daniel I
Nation ID: 282466
Founded: 03/17/2021 (1,472 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 2 hours ago
Discord Username:President Daniel I of Dressrosa#
Unique ID: 5e8366ef912b3473aaa8acaa9
International Relations
Alliance: The Fighting Pacifists Alliance Flag
Armed Peacekeeper
Alliance Seniority:1,451 days
Color Trade Bloc: The FAP's White Cream
Commendations: 63
Denouncements: 4
Nation Page Visits: 13,503
Population: 13,477,784
Infrastructure: 92,500.00
Land Area: 185,000 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 72.85 people/sq. mi
GDP: $18,293,739,499.00
GDP per Capita: $1,357.33
GNI: $7,932,423,090.00
Economic Policies: Moderate
Currency: Currency Image Dressrosanchervonets
Government Type: Dictatorship Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Christianity Christianity
National Animal: National Animal ImageGolden eagle
Approval Rating: 0% (-318.64)
Pollution Index: 4,393 points
Radiation Index: 139.45 R (Global: 152.99 R)
OBL Team: bulls
Nation Rank: #436 of 11,383 Nations (3.83%)
Nation Score: More Information 9,628.25
War Policy: Help Fortress Fortress Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 154,550.20
Infrastructure Lost: 129,566.00
Money Looted: $261,872,548.14
Wars Won: 128
Wars Lost: 20

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

37 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/25 06:08 pm - Dressrosa has publicly commended the nation of Democratic Republic of Benga led by Ronjoy Tehmina.
03/25 06:56 am - Ronjoy Tehmina of Democratic Republic of Benga has publicly commended the nation of Dressrosa.
03/23 12:54 am - Dressrosa has publicly commended the nation of INDIAA led by TUSHAR.
03/23 12:54 am - Stanko1987 of United States of Serbia has publicly commended the nation of Dressrosa.
03/23 12:49 am - TUSHAR of INDIAA has publicly commended the nation of Dressrosa.
03/09 04:09 am - Dressrosa has publicly commended the nation of Federal Reserve System led by Safesplayz.
03/09 01:45 am - Safesplayz of Federal Reserve System has publicly commended the nation of Dressrosa.
03/08 06:45 am - Daniel I built a new project: Spy Satellite
02/24 08:06 am - Daniel I built a new project: Space Program
02/24 07:44 am - Dressrosa founded a new city, Rodinov.
02/20 06:29 pm - Spider of Kingdom of Zagorje has publicly commended the nation of Dressrosa.
02/18 04:35 am - Dressrosa changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to White.
02/18 04:34 am - Dressrosa has publicly commended the nation of Republic of Terminalia led by Tomas Adem.
02/16 09:14 pm - Tomas Adem of Republic of Terminalia has publicly commended the nation of Dressrosa.
02/08 09:00 pm - Dressrosa has publicly commended the nation of LaVale led by Rageproject.
02/07 03:53 pm - Rageproject of LaVale has publicly commended the nation of Dressrosa.
01/29 02:12 am - Dressrosa changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to White.
01/17 04:36 am - Daniel I built a new project: Bureau of Domestic Affairs
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
21 National Projects
Advanced Engineering Corps
Advanced Engineering Corps is a national project that reduces the cost of land and infrastructure by 5%.
Arable Land Agency
Arable Land Agency is a national project that reduces the cost of land by 5%.
Arms Stockpile
Arms Stockpile is a national project that boosts Munitions Factories' productivity by 20% nationwide.
Bauxiteworks is a national project that increases Aluminum Refineries' productivity by 36% nationwide.
Bureau of Domestic Affairs
Bureau of Domestic Affairs is a national project that removes the timer for changing Domestic Policies
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Clinical Research Center
Clinical Research Center is a national project that allows you to build an additional Hospital in each city.
Emergency Gasoline Reserve
Emergency Gasoline Reserve is a national project that boosts Oil Refineries' production by 100% nationwide.
Government Support Agency
Government Support Agency adds a +50% effect modifier to the nation's selected Domestic Policy.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
International Trade Center
International Trade Center is a national project that increases the Commerce rate in each city by 1%, allows your maximum commerce rate in cities to reach 115% and increases the maximum number of Banks per city from 5 to 6.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Ironworks is a national project that boosts Steel Mills' production by 36% nationwide.
Mass Irrigation
Mass Irrigation is a national project that boosts food production nationwide.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.
Propaganda Bureau
Propaganda Bureau is a national project that increases your military unit recruitment rate.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.
Space Program
Space Program is a national project that enables construction of an additional Missile per day. Also enables further outer-space national projects.
Spy Satellite
Spy Satellite is a national project that enables training of an additional Spy per day as well as increasing damage and decreasing cost of Espionage.
Vital Defense System
Vital Defense System is a national project that gives you a 25% chance of thwarting enemy nuclear attacks and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed.