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The Aegis Order




Welcome to The Aegis Order


At The Aegis Order, our mission is clear: to ascend the ranks of Orbis and establish ourselves as the preeminent force in the realm. We are dedicated to growth and excellence, driven by the pursuit of strength and strategic mastery. As we navigate the complexities of Orbis, our alliance stands united in our commitment to rise above challenges, forge alliances, and solidify our position at the pinnacle.

Our Core Values:

Strength Through Unity: Together, we are stronger. We foster a community where each member's contributions are valued, and collective growth is our foundation.

Strategic Brilliance: We thrive on tactical acumen and strategic foresight. Every decision is guided by our long-term vision of dominance in Orbis.

Resilience and Adaptability: In the face of adversity, we persevere. Adaptability is key to overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities.

Join Us:

Are you ready to be a part of something greater? Join The Aegis Order and embark on a journey to redefine power in Orbis. Together, we will forge our path to becoming the strongest force this world has ever seen.





 Supreme Aegis:



High gov:

Head FA: Carnage

Head MA: Godsbane

Head IA: Blue, Bread

Head EA: Carnage
Protectorate: Camelot , Sail Loves Singularity

 MDP: Liberty Coalition, Valyrian Order, Agora

ODoAP: Uppsala, Yorkshire, The Combine, New York Knights

ODP: Strike Brigade


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Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Aegis Order (TAO)
Supreme Aegis: A gaming yt , Carnage
mid gov: Den
staff: LG2
Founded: 01/11/2022 (1,173 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: $ublime
Members: 27
Alliance Rank: #49 of 493 (9.94%)
Score: 98,037.51
Avg Score: 3,631.02
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 5 (15.63%)
Beige Nations: 2 (7.41%)
Gray Nations: 3 (11.11%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 573
Total Infrastructure: 935,984.73
Total Land: 1,317,911.00
Total GDP: $116,342,339,424
Total GNI: $122,087,112
Total Soldiers: 4,400,410
Total Tanks: 389,679
Total Aircraft: 30,723
Total Ships: 4,513
Total Spies: 895
Total Missiles: 237
Total Nuclear Weapons: 17
Wars Won: 1,823
Wars Lost: 1,198
Zeig Henry1,056.76
Digit the Red968.83
Bikbik Alberto547.30
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
MDoAP Dawnfire LegionN/A
MDoAP Vought InternationalN/A
MDoAP Liberty CoalitionN/A
MDoAP AgoraN/A
ODoAP New York KnightsN/A
ODoAP The CombineN/A
ODoAP -Yorkshire-N/A
ODoAP UppsalaN/A
ODP Strike BrigadeN/A
Protectorate CamelotN/A
Protectorate Sail Loves SingularityN/A