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Action, Anarchy, Agora!

0% Taxes to anyone.



Constitution of the Decentralized Agorist Society


We, the free individuals, in order to foster a society based on liberty, mutual aid, and voluntary cooperation, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Decentralized Agorist Society.

Article I: Fundamental Principles

Sovereignty of the Individual: All individuals are sovereign unto themselves and possess inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.

Voluntary Association: All interactions and associations within the society shall be voluntary. No individual or group may compel another to act against their will.

Non-Aggression Principle: No individual or collective shall initiate force, coercion, or fraud against another's person or property.

Article II: Rights and Freedoms

Right to Property: Each individual has the right to acquire, keep, use, trade, or give away their property as they see fit, provided it does not infringe on the rights of others.

Freedom of Exchange: The freedom to engage in trade and commerce without interference from any external authority is fundamental.

Privacy: The privacy of individuals in their communications, transactions, and personal lives shall be protected.

Free Speech and Information: There shall be no censorship or restriction on the expression of ideas or the dissemination of information.

Article III: Systems of Justice

Dispute Resolution: Disputes shall be resolved through arbitration or mediation by mutually agreed-upon third parties.

Restitution: Any harm done by one individual to another's person or property shall be remedied through restitution, not punishment.

No Monopoly on Justice: No single entity shall have the monopoly on adjudication or enforcement of disputes.

Article IV: Economic Systems

Free Market: The economy shall operate on principles of the free market, where supply and demand dictate the flow of goods and services.

Decentralized Currency: The use of decentralized, cryptographic currencies is encouraged to eliminate centralized control over money supply.

Mutual Aid: Support networks and mutual aid societies are to be formed and maintained by voluntary contributions to assist those in need.

Article V: Defense and Security

Self-Defense: Every individual has the right to defend themselves, their property, and their community from aggression.

Voluntary Defense Organizations: Defense against external threats or aggression shall be managed by voluntary, decentralized defense organizations.

No Standing Army: There shall be no centralized military or police force.

Article VI: Governance

Decentralization: Governance structures, if any, must be decentralized, with decisions made at the lowest practical level.

Consensus or Majority: Decisions affecting communities should be made by consensus where possible, or by a majority where consensus cannot be reached.

Revocability: Any form of leadership or representation must be revocable at any time by those it serves.

Article VII: Amendments

Amendment Process: This Constitution may be amended by a consensus of the society, or by clear, transparent mechanisms agreed upon by the majority, ensuring that changes reflect the will of the free individuals.


This Constitution is established to promote peace, prosperity, and liberty in a society where individuals are free to pursue their own happiness without infringing on the equal rights of others. Let this document serve as a beacon for those who seek freedom from coercion and an embrace of voluntary cooperation.

This draft could be further refined or expanded based on community feedback and evolving needs of the society. Remember, in an agorist society, the constitution would ideally be living and adaptable, reflecting the dynamic nature of a society without centralized control.


Alliance war history:

Agora vs The High Table- win

Agora vs singularity- peace

Agora vs Arrgh- peace

Agora vs Derby gangsters- peace.

Government of Agora

High King

 Cloud/546581 👑

Tetragrammation Clerics

Nicholai, Crusades, Fireshadow, Frank Reagan

Panzer Elite Council:

Supreme ruler Will

Diplomacy of Agora

Contact Cloud for foreign affairs

Goodbye To Adan Segredo.


Basic Information
Alliance Name: Agora (JUSTICE!!!)
👑 King: Cloud
Tetragrammaton Cleric 🪙: Nicholai , Adan Segredo , Crusades , Fireshadow
🎖️ Panzer Elite Soldiers: Supreme Ruler Will
Founded: 05/04/2024 (329 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: The FAP's White Cream
Members: 5
Alliance Rank: #122 of 492 (24.8%)
Score: 10,725.33
Avg Score: 2,145.07
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 2 (28.57%)
Beige Nations: 1 (20%)
Gray Nations: 2 (40%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 88
Total Infrastructure: 112,905.53
Total Land: 199,887.00
Total GDP: $22,946,738,586
Total GNI: $36,418,681
Total Soldiers: 319,552
Total Tanks: 12,696
Total Aircraft: 1,542
Total Ships: 428
Total Spies: 35
Total Missiles: 9
Total Nuclear Weapons: 1
Wars Won: 870
Wars Lost: 560
Arei Tri891.34
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
MDoAP The Aegis OrderN/A
MDoAP New York KnightsN/A
MDoAP The CombineN/A
MDP Tea Bois Schizo RaftN/A
MDP ThunderClan CatsN/A
MDP Strike BrigadeN/A
ODoAP Galactic EmpireN/A