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Free Traders Worldwide

Achievement Showcase


Free Traders Worldwide is a nation led by The Supreme Almighty Junta on the continent of North America. Free Traders Worldwide's government is a Stratocracy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, Free Traders Worldwide favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of Free Traders Worldwide is the Whatever. At 111 days old, Free Traders Worldwide is a mature nation. Free Traders Worldwide has a population of 584,239 and a land area of 7,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 83.46. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Free Traders Worldwide, (FTW) is a collective of nomadic bands that sustain themselves by trading, scavenging, and raiding. Individuals who prove to be exceptional in any of these activities may achieve the rank of "General" and serve on the Supreme Almighty Junta. There are no laws other than the edicts issued by the Junta.

FTW claims no territory, they travel and operate throughout the North American continent. FTW is divided into camps which are generally aligned towards the common goals of the Free Traders. Disagreements and skirmishes between camps occasionally occur, though most conflicts are settled through an arbitration between Generals.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)02/21/2025 10:05 pm Holy Order of Kingdoms BankFree Traders WorldwideRaparane$271,884.
2)02/21/2025 10:05 pm RaparaneFree Traders WorldwideRaparane$786,133.001,659.000.00195.0030.000.000.00128.003.00248.000.005.00
3)02/21/2025 10:04 pm Samurai BankFree Traders WorldwideAstatine$
4)02/21/2025 10:04 pm AstatineFree Traders WorldwideAstatine$18,565.0033.0022.0022.
5)02/21/2025 03:39 pm Samurai BankFree Traders WorldwideEldia$
6)02/21/2025 03:39 pm EldiaFree Traders WorldwideEldia$21,
7)02/21/2025 04:44 am The Syndicate BankFree Traders WorldwideNew star$5,000,000.0010,
8)02/21/2025 04:33 am Free Traders WorldwideThe Enterprise BankFree Traders Worldwide$0.006,665.450.000.0048.,244.53276.9650.000.00
9)02/21/2025 04:29 am Free Traders WorldwideThe Enterprise BankFree Traders Worldwide$20,000,000.000.00900.00750.00100.00750.00900.00200.
10)02/20/2025 03:24 pm National Nation of The WorldFree Traders WorldwideNational Nation of The World$65,232.000.0036.
11)02/20/2025 04:27 am Apex Factory BankFree Traders WorldwideLos Pollos Hermanos$
12)02/20/2025 04:27 am Los Pollos HermanosFree Traders WorldwideLos Pollos Hermanos$4,316,478.
13)02/19/2025 02:17 pm Nederland empirie BankFree Traders WorldwideNederland empiri$
14)02/19/2025 02:17 pm Nederland empiriFree Traders WorldwideNederland empiri$66,220.000.00370.000.000.00369.00333.
15)02/19/2025 02:13 pm SenkuFree Traders WorldwideSenku$49,835.000.0074.000.0012.000.0062.

Showing 0-15 of 349 Records