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The Artinos State

Achievement Showcase


The republic of The Artinos State is a nation led by President Aq47 on the continent of Europe. The republic of The Artinos State's government is a Communist Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, The republic of The Artinos State favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The republic of The Artinos State is the Korona. At 694 days old, The republic of The Artinos State is an ancient nation. The republic of The Artinos State has a population of 2,220,086 and a land area of 28,109.10 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 78.98. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The sucsesor state of hungary

Basic Information
Nation Name: The Artinos State
Leader Name: Aq47
Nation ID: 542972
Founded: 05/07/2023 (694 Days Old)
Last Activity: Last active on 03/20/2025
Discord Username:.aq47
Unique ID: 98a59b1cfb4c5a045c86e7a36
International Relations
Alliance: None
Color Trade Bloc: The Beige Protection Bloc
Beige Turns Left: 24 (2 days)
Commendations: 26
Denouncements: 9
Nation Page Visits: 4,923
Population: 2,220,086
Infrastructure: 15,997.87
Land Area: 28,109 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 78.98 people/sq. mi
GDP: $2,864,419,080.00
GDP per Capita: $1,290.23
GNI: $1,844,837,750.00
Economic Policies: Extreme Left
Currency: Currency Image Korona
Government Type: Communist Republic Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Liberal
State Religion: Ancient hungarian Ancient hungarian
National Animal: National Animal ImageDog
Approval Rating: 0% (-681.79)
Pollution Index: 510 points
Radiation Index: 214.13 R (Global: 256.23 R)
OBL Team: obrikus
Nation Rank: #3,463 of 11,548 Nations (29.99%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,754.95
War Policy: Help Turtle Turtle Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 10,598.71
Infrastructure Lost: 43,661.00
Money Looted: $45,710,108.44
Wars Won: 21
Wars Lost: 67

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

14 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/25 10:04 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Militaires Sans Frontieres for the reason of "Dead men taste like chicken.".
03/25 10:00 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Fefaland for the reason of "All your base are belong to us".
03/25 10:00 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Emi Cse Bakay for the reason of "Your actions are illogical. War is the only reasonable response.".
03/19 07:56 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Nova Klarnistria for the reason of "Your navy looks cooler than ours, and we just can't let that slide.".
03/19 07:01 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Macedonia for the reason of "Nobody's ever seen a war like this. We're going to win big. Believe me.".
03/19 06:11 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Militaires Sans Frontieres for the reason of "Your existence is inefficient. War protocol activated.".
02/27 12:19 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by People s Republic of Guayra for the reason of "raid, mate, dm for peace(wont peace anws lol)".
02/27 12:17 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Syria for the reason of "I will have vengeance.".
02/27 12:00 pm - The Artinos State had war declared by Fefaland for the reason of "All your base are belong to us".
02/21 10:00 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Walmart for the reason of "Active Raid, DM for war.".
02/21 10:00 am - The Artinos State had war declared by People s Republic of Guayra for the reason of "raid, mate, dm for peace(wont peace anws lol)".
02/21 10:00 am - The Artinos State had war declared by paciriot for the reason of "Frankly, your leadership is weak. We're bringing the best war, the strongest war.".
02/13 10:42 am - Muhammad III of United States of Neo America has publicly commended the nation of The Artinos State.
02/13 10:33 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Norsirai for the reason of "Veni, vidi, vici. Now, we shall conquer your lands as we did before.".
02/13 10:00 am - The Artinos State had war declared by phnation for the reason of "Your existence is inefficient. War protocol activated.".
02/13 10:00 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Hypocristan for the reason of "We have come to liberate you".
02/05 11:27 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Hikarima for the reason of "Do you feel lucky, punk?".
02/05 11:22 am - The Artinos State had war declared by paciriot for the reason of "Frankly, your leadership is weak. We're bringing the best war, the strongest war.".
02/05 10:40 am - The Artinos State had war declared by TheDuckNation for the reason of "We saw your soldiers doing the Macarena. This can't go unpunished.".
01/28 01:19 pm - Ronald I of Allmenia has publicly commended the nation of The Artinos State.
01/28 10:22 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Esseria for the reason of "Nice nation, it would be a shame if...".
01/28 10:17 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Shikoku for the reason of "I will have vengeance.".
01/28 10:07 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Velvendora for the reason of "You are outdated. Prepare for battle.".
01/20 10:13 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Shikoku for the reason of "Error detected: Your nation must be eliminated. Initiating war sequence.".
01/20 10:02 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Civilitas Libertatis for the reason of "Let It Rip!!! (Raid)".
01/20 10:01 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Velvendora for the reason of "Veni, vidi, vici. - tactile wars".
01/12 10:46 am - The Artinos State had war declared by South Korea for the reason of "Active Raid, DM for war.".
01/12 10:02 am - The Artinos State had war declared by RekEm Republic for the reason of "I want your resources.".
01/12 10:00 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Ground Zero for the reason of "Error detected: Your nation must be eliminated. Initiating war sequence.".
01/04 11:05 am - The Artinos State had war declared by Alain Ducasse for the reason of "Your memes are outdated. Prepare for battle.".
Artinos union is geting atacked

Cernald named country atacked Artinos

Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
2 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.