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The Big One

Achievement Showcase


Supreme Raider The Big One is a nation led by King JustMe on the continent of Asia. Supreme Raider The Big One's government is a Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Supreme Raider The Big One favors moderate policies. The official currency of Supreme Raider The Big One is the Gold Standard. At 1,100 days old, Supreme Raider The Big One is an ancient nation. Supreme Raider The Big One has a population of 937,633 and a land area of 35,952.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 26.08. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.









#1 wars won 

#4 money looted

#29 nukes launched

#43 ships sunk

#61 total infra destroyed







View Bank Activity | View Nation

Show rows starting at

Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)03/13/2025 08:58 am North Atlantic Treaty Organization BankThe Big OneAracagua$296,786.005.004.0011.
2)03/13/2025 08:58 am AracaguaThe Big OneAracagua$22,707.
3)03/12/2025 08:52 am The great communist alliance BankThe Big OneHristosiya$29,
4)03/12/2025 08:52 am HristosiyaThe Big OneHristosiya$108,167.000.0015.006.0024.000.00246.000.0066.00254.0024.001.00
5)03/12/2025 08:52 am North Atlantic Treaty Organization BankThe Big OneEprad$31,
6)03/12/2025 08:52 am EpradThe Big OneEprad$86,640.001,182.0025.000.0056.000.0029.
7)03/12/2025 08:52 am Prusso Roman Imperial Union BankThe Big OneRiver-Blue$404,222.00407.002.0063.0044.00179.0030.005.00131.00406.0083.0051.00
8)03/12/2025 08:52 am River-BlueThe Big OneRiver-Blue$2,780,947.00899.0012.00176.00658.00212.00184.00160.0043.000.0078.004.00
9)03/09/2025 01:54 pm United War Front BankThe Big OneHocking Hills Republic$1,797,890.00886.0056.0059.0048.00206.0082.004.0012.00114.004.004.00
10)03/09/2025 01:54 pm Hocking Hills RepublicThe Big OneHocking Hills Republic$194,297.000.0088.000.0055.00105.00218.000.000.00298.0083.0052.00
11)03/09/2025 01:53 pm Singularity BankThe Big OneIvexia$461.
12)03/09/2025 01:53 pm IvexiaThe Big OneIvexia$202,921.000.0069.00883.000.0021.005.0055.00503.00659.00441.00138.00
13)03/09/2025 01:53 pm House GalacourtThe Big OneHouse Galacourt$0.000.00949.
14)03/09/2025 01:52 pm The Fighting Pacifists BankThe Big OnePocono Socialist Republic$120,067.00522.
15)03/09/2025 01:52 pm Pocono Socialist RepublicThe Big OnePocono Socialist Republic$10,969,667.001,604.000.000.00950.

Showing 0-15 of 3,327 Records