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Basic Information
Alliance Name: Unforgiven Legion (U.L.)
Unforgiven Emperor: Drekkza
Unforgiven Legatus: Jack Rackham
Unforgiven Tribunus: Rexar , Kermit The Frog , Veroivot
Decayed Primus Pilus : Agent Crew , Pastor Lee
Decaying Centurion: Dima V Alexeyev , Maverick
Founded: 06/23/2019 (2,086 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Purple Hue
Members: 15
Alliance Rank: #61 of 481 (12.68%)
Score: 48,087.40
Avg Score: 3,205.83
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 10 (40%)
Beige Nations: 7 (46.67%)
Gray Nations: 6 (40%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 519
Total Infrastructure: 574,107.94
Total Land: 1,228,078.00
Total GDP: $57,950,019,230
Total GNI: $62,059,550
Total Soldiers: 1,740,367
Total Tanks: 113,183
Total Aircraft: 8,801
Total Ships: 2,793
Total Spies: 908
Total Missiles: 219
Total Nuclear Weapons: 102
Wars Won: 1,632
Wars Lost: 1,558
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
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