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The Paranoid Pirates of Slyvakia is a nation led by Daimyo Xandar Walf on the continent of Europe. The Paranoid Pirates of Slyvakia's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Paranoid Pirates of Slyvakia favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Paranoid Pirates of Slyvakia is the Śloty. At 1,194 days old, The Paranoid Pirates of Slyvakia is an ancient nation. The Paranoid Pirates of Slyvakia has a population of 373,607 and a land area of 26,266.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 14.22. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Loosely Paranoid Pirates of Slyvakia

The breakaway state of Slyvakia enjoys an all year-round winter season whilst battling their never-ending civil war split between several factions. Almost all Slyvakians are an armed pirate oriented workforce, plundering the seas for whatever is of value. Their eccentric king favors unrestricted military-grade weapons for civil use and spend most of the time hiding in the snowy mountains with his armed factions avoiding airstrikes from anti-piracy governments. It's not always about the money, it's for the burning of pixel farmers!

Notable Achievements: 

|| Former Member of The Armed Peacekeepers ||
Global War 20
Most Wars 



|| Ex-Fanatical Member of the 86'ers ||
Caused someone to put a 50m bounty out of spite to defeat a 850 infra raider











|| Permanently Indoctrinated Member of Arrgh! ||
Sanctuary Skirmish, the founders of Arrgh's 11th Meme Division and Agora's Fall









Arrgh Achievement Badges (Badge Spam)

Launch 100 nukes






Launch 100 missiles






Took part in Arrgh mass raids/nuke runs






Top 10 net damage in Arrgh's mass raids/nuke runs






Win against all 3 counters and your target






Extorted a player






Finish a war with a nuke






Get kicked out of Arrgh for inactivity by Vilktakis


View Bank Activity | View Nation

Show rows starting at

Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)12/16/2024 10:06 pm SlyvakiaFranceSlyvakia$1,320,618.
2)11/22/2024 02:58 am SlyvakiaSayyedistanSlyvakia$579,688.00167.
3)11/15/2024 11:10 am SlyvakiaThe Second Tweek EmpireSlyvakia$698,783.00653.
4)11/04/2024 10:52 pm SlyvakiaUnited States Of SSASlyvakia$225,503.00651.
5)11/04/2024 03:11 pm SlyvakiaNoordzee RepublicSlyvakia$218,606.00626.
6)11/02/2024 12:17 pm SlyvakiaArrgh BankSlyvakia$10,000,000.004,,100.003,300.00
7)10/27/2024 10:07 am SlyvakiaSlyvakia$3,085,200.00775.002.0038.00178.000.0032.000.00222.0031.00144.00144.00
8)10/27/2024 01:23 am SlyvakiaThe RepublicSlyvakia$3,150,851.00909.002.0042.00198.000.0035.001.00256.0053.00160.00160.00
9)10/26/2024 04:32 pm Organization of United Pact BankSlyvakiaFinlaska$335,638.0043.009.0022.0027.001.0019.0010.0022.008.003.0015.00
10)10/26/2024 04:32 pm FinlaskaSlyvakiaFinlaska$728,269.001,139.0016.00403.00203.000.00339.000.0074.0040.0024.000.00
11)10/23/2024 12:25 pm SlyvakiaArrgh BankSlyvakia$26,000,
12)10/23/2024 12:18 pm United Socialist Alliance BankSlyvakiaVladistan$6,482.
13)10/23/2024 12:18 pm VladistanSlyvakiaVladistan$96,463.000.000.00163.0080.000.000.0036.00123.000.009.0020.00
14)10/23/2024 09:21 am The Grand Red Army BankSlyvakiaRavania$
15)10/23/2024 09:21 am RavaniaSlyvakiaRavania$3,042,327.000.0081.000.000.0042.00222.003.004.0012.00106.000.00

Showing 0-15 of 624 Records