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The United Imperium

Achievement Showcase


The Republic of The United Imperium is a nation led by President Rysander Regan on the continent of North America. The Republic of The United Imperium's government is a Constitutional Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Republic of The United Imperium favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Republic of The United Imperium is the Dollar. At 1,353 days old, The Republic of The United Imperium is an ancient nation. The Republic of The United Imperium has a population of 16,058,687 and a land area of 185,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 86.80. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Motto Translates to “Only Fears Fear”. Our other motto is “Out of Many, One”.

Major War History/Achievements: 

Successful Lunar Landing

TAP Graduate

TFP Milcom

GW20 (Enlisted Rank) 

GW23 (Lieutenant) 

Second Delta War

Size Does Matter (Captain)

The Final Showdown



Classical Liberalism

Laissez Faire Capitalism

Arsenal of Democracy

An Attack on One is an Attack on All

Better Dead than Red

Give me Liberty or Give me Death

The Only Thing we have to Fear is Fear Itself

God Will Always Favor Liberty Over Tyranny

Climate: Cold Continental

Temperature: -13 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit

Rainfall: High (81 inches of precipitation)

Winds: High (Average around 11 mph)


Lowest Altitude: 240 ft (Illinois Valley)

Highest Altitude: 1269 ft (Mount Roosevelt)

Arability of Land: Moderate-High (62% of Land is Usable for Agriculture)

Terrain Type: Largely flat, occasional rolling hills, rocky bluffs on the coast of Lake Michigan

Major Industries:

Vehicle Manufacturing (6% of GDP)

Commerce (12% of GDP)

Computing (16% of GDP)

Uranium Mining (29% of GDP)

Farming (32% of GDP)

Notable People Within Government:

Current President: Tristan Roosevelt

Head of Senate: Senator Rysander Regan

Chief Justice of the High Court: Clayborne Thomas

Commander of the Army: General Thomas Sherman

Commander of the Navy: Admiral Christian Nimitz

Commander of the Air Force: Commander Colin Yeager

Chair of the National Intelligence and Espionage Agency: General Darren Eisenhower

Chair of Cyberwarfare: Alvin Turing

Special Operations Commander: Lysander Panetta

Chair of Military Logistics: Eric Remmers

Director of Imperium Space Exploration Agency: Witchowski von Braun

Real-World Inspirations:




History Below:

June 9, 2059 - The United Imperium declares independence from the Communist Monarchy of Canada

June 22, 2065 - The Republic of the United Imperium is officially formed, as is the city of Roosevelt.

July 28, 2065 - The City of Star's Hollow is officially founded.

September 22, 2065 - President George Delano Lincoln is sworn in as President of the United Imperium.

October 20, 2065 - The United Imperium joins The Armed Peacekeepers Alliance

November 24, 2065 - The City of Chicago is founded.

January 30, 2066 - The City of Bradyia is founded.

January 31, 2066 - The United Imperium begins the foreign raids campaign.

March 12, 2066 - The City of Mountain's Ridge is founded.

June 27, 2066 - The City of Springfield is founded.

July 31, 2066 - General Eisenhower becomes NIEA Chairman, General Thomas Sherman becomes General of the Army.

December 21, 2066 - The City of Indes Mones is founded.

January 22, 2067 - The Original Economic Depression Begins

January 30, 2067 - The Foreign Raids Campaign is put on hold following the misstrike on the Carolina Republic.

July 4, 2067 - The City of Balboa is founded.

May 23, 2068 - Original Economic Depression Ends, United Subway Corporation Opens Bradyia Subway

August 18, 2068 - The City of New Washington is founded.

September 16, 2068 - War against Richard's Kingdom ends in victory

December 21, 2069 - The City of Eisenhower Farmtown is founded

June 22, 2070 - President Lincoln wins a second term in office

August 1, 2070 - The Bald Eagle is selected as the National Animal

January 1, 2071 - War with Eastern Seaboard begins

January 3, 2071 - Siege of Roosevelt begins

January 10, 2071 - War with the Eastern Seaboard ends in victory, Siege of Roosevelt Ends

January 20, 2071 - Global War begins between Oasis/Mystery Inc and Clock/Blackwater

February 14, 2071 - Eisenhower Generals win the UIFL Championship vs Patriots

April 27, 2021 - Global War is Ended in a White PEace

June 16, 2071 - Pirate Counter Initiative Leads to Strike Against Moniyan Empire

August 3, 2071 - Moniyan Empire is Defeated

October 24, 2071 - Great Rebuild is Complete

January 29, 2072 - First Great Expansion is Complete

February 10, 2072 - Stars Hollow Patriots win UIFL Championship vs Knights

April 22, 2072 - The United Imperium is Promoted to The Fighting Pacifist Alliance from TAP

April 23, 2072 - The Great Infrastructure Expansion is Complete

May 5, 2072 - The City of Independence is Founded

September 24, 2072 - Pirate Counter Initiative Leads to Strike Against Timurid Empire

November 7, 2072 - Timurid Empire is Defeated

February 15, 2073 - New Washington Panthers win UIFL Championship vs Knights

March 23, 2073 - The City of Saint Francis is Founded

July 22, 2073 - The City of New Carthago is Founded

November 21, 2073 -  The City of Kiev is Founded

February 1, 2074 - NIEA unanimously votes to create anti-bioweapon task force

February 8, 2074 - Bradyia Pirates win UIFL Championship vs Knights

February 14, 2074 - The City of Seattac is Founded

April 10, 2074 - The War of Hegemony Begins

April 16, 2075 - Second Delta War Arbitration Tribunal Begins

April 25, 2074 - The City of Nova Liberty is Founded

August 17, 2074 - Barracuda Squadron kills George Ivanov in Marina Bay

November 2, 2074 - The United Imperium gains a position within TFP Milcom

November 3, 2074 - The United Imperium begins the Ayyslamic Counter War

December 1, 2074 - The Ayyslamic Counter War ends in a draw

December 7, 2074 - The War of Hegemony Ends in a TFP Victory

December 8, 2074 - The War on Dreamistan begins

January 23, 2075 - The War on Dreamistan ends in Imperium Victory

February 15, 2075 - Stars Hollow Patriots win UIFL Championship vs Eagles

March 25, 2075 - The City of Fort Evergreen is Founded

June 31, 2075 - President Lincoln Wins A Third Term in Office

August 10, 2075 - The City of Port Lusitania is Founded

September 4, 2075 - The United Imperium becomes nuclear capable

December 13, 2075 - The Hall of Professors is Founded

January 7, 2076 - The Imperium Space Exploration Agency is Founded 

February 8, 2076 - Jericho Glenn becomes the first American to go to space

February 10, 2076 - The United Imperium Signs the Elysium Treaty, Finalizing Second Delta War Reparations

February 15, 2076 - Eisenhower Generals win UIFL Championship vs Knights

April 16, 2076 - The City of Newark is Founded

May 2, 2076 - Aldrin Shepard becomes the first man from the United Imperium to go to the moon

July 4, 2076 - Tricentennial of the United States of America

September 2, 2076 - Dark Crystal War/Pirate War Begins

October 13, 2076 - The City of Seal Point is Founded

November 16, 2076 - Dark Crystal War/Pirate War Ends

January 1, 2077 - The City of Phantomia is Founded

January 10, 2077 - The United Imperium formally enters the Cilgwri Civil War

February 13, 2077 - The United Imperium Creates the Uranium/Lithium Mining Initiative

February 15, 2077 - Roosevelt Eagles win UIFL Championship vs New Washington Panthers

February 21, 2077 - The Zacharia Mutants win the TFP Baseball Tournament

March 1, 2077 - The Hand of Fate Blitz Begins

June 21, 2077 - The Hand of Fate Blitz Ends in White Peace

June 22, 2077 - Vegas Confederacy War Begins

September 9, 2077 - The City of The Grave of Technoblade is Founded

November 6, 2077 - The Vegas Confederacy War Ends in a Draw

November 29, 2077 - President Lincoln Orders Air Force Tactical Redesign

January 31st, 2078 - The Roosevelt Eagles win UIFL Championship vs Balboa Knights

February 28th, 2078 - The City of Alexandria is Founded

March 16, 2078 - The Roosevelt University Founders win College Basketball Tournament vs Michigan 

April 8, 2078 - The United Imperium Wins the World Cup against Osiris

June 1, 2078 - The United Imperium Founds Embassy Row

July 16, 2078 - The United Imperium formally intervenes in the Pahang-Dreamistan War (Gulf of Tonkin War)

September 9, 2078 - The United Imperium Founds Anniversary

October 10, 2078 - The United Imperium defeats Dreamistan in the Gulf of Tonkin War

January 8, 2079 - The United Imperium Founds New Tokio

March 1, 2079 - The United Imperium Formally Intervenes in the Elysian Civil War

April 21, 2079 - The United Imperium Founds Cantave Iten Detroit

June 27, 2080 - Tristan Roosevelt Defeats Rysander Regan in the 2080 Presidential Election

September 17, 2080 - The United Imperium Declares War on Nukeya

October 11, 2080 - The City of Cracked Opal is Founded

January 31, 2081 - Nukeya Wins the War of '81

March 2, 2081 - The United Imperium Declares war on Tagros and Dreamistan

April 16, 2081 - The United Imperium Defeats Tagros and Dreamistan

November 6, 2081 - The Great Chaos Begins

September 15, 2083 - The Great Chaos Ends

January 23, 2086 - The City of Pacifica is Founded
March 31, 2090 - The City of Pulisichia is Founded
April 8, 2090 - The United Imperium becomes the first nation in history to land on Mars

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Show rows starting at

Selling Nation Buying Nation Date Offered Offer Return Status
The Knights Radiant
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
11:49 pm
Oil 10,000Sell 35,210,000
(3,521 ea)
Accepted Accepted
04:44 pm
Derby Gangsters
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
04:23 pm
Iron 10,000Sell 37,170,000
(3,717 ea)
Accepted Accepted
04:44 pm
The Syndicate
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
04:32 pm
Aluminum 10,000Sell 26,310,000
(2,631 ea)
Accepted Accepted
04:43 pm
Grumpy Old Bastards
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
06:31 am
Food 200,000Sell 73,000,000
(365 ea)
Accepted Accepted
07:00 am
5)Kins town
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
11:58 pm
Gasoline 5,000Sell 16,010,000
(3,202 ea)
Accepted Accepted
12:12 am
6)United People of Utah
James XXI
Name Withheld
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
07:56 pm
Munitions 10,000Sell 19,150,000
(1,915 ea)
Accepted Accepted
08:27 pm
7)Eyes of Sauron
Frodo and Sam
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
04:44 pm
Aluminum 10,000Sell 26,440,000
(2,644 ea)
Accepted Accepted
08:27 pm
The Fighting Pacifists
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
07:31 pm
Steel 7,500Sell 28,687,500
(3,825 ea)
Accepted Accepted
08:26 pm
9)MIBHG Country
Men In Black
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
08:24 pm
Steel 2,500Sell 9,560,000
(3,824 ea)
Accepted Accepted
08:26 pm
The Knights Radiant
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
07:45 pm
Credits 2Sell 119,999,782
(59,999,891 ea)
Accepted Accepted
08:26 pm
11)The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
The Knights Radiant
04:19 am
Gasoline 700Buy 2,118,200
(3,026 ea)
Accepted Accepted
09:12 pm
12)The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
Grumpy Old Bastards
08:31 pm
Coal 111Buy 399,711
(3,601 ea)
Accepted Accepted
09:11 pm
13)The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
Dragon Sect
The Immortals
08:38 pm
Oil 300Buy 1,069,500
(3,565 ea)
Accepted Accepted
09:11 pm
14)The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
Weaponized Assault Penguins
07:41 pm
Bauxite 620Buy 2,266,720
(3,656 ea)
Accepted Accepted
09:11 pm
15)First Light
Dryden Vos
SFR Yugoslavia
The United Imperium
Rysander Regan
The Fighting Pacifists
08:03 pm
Uranium 800Sell 1,999,200
(2,499 ea)
Accepted Accepted
09:10 pm

Showing 0-15 of 66 Offers