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The Void of Markovia is a nation led by Gentleman Pirate Sam Cooper on the continent of Africa. The Void of Markovia's government is a Anarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Void of Markovia favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Void of Markovia is the Bitcoin. At 2,020 days old, The Void of Markovia is an ancient nation. The Void of Markovia has a population of 6,401,287 and a land area of 171,200.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 37.39. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

This is Sam Cooper, former and occasional leader of Arrgh! 

for some, the most successful pirate in Orbis history

for many, a friend.

In eternal servitude of the Pirate Gods

~ loyalty over opportunity, always ~


~ Why are you so amazing?

- Ripper


~ 2016 First nation

United Revolutionary Armies ☭

The Socialist Union ☭

The Advocates ⚖️

~ 2017 Second nation

The Fighting Pacifists 🕊️

Ragnarok (1st) 🛡️

Orbis State Troopers 👮‍♂️

Rose 🌹

~ 2018 Third nation

The Dixie Union 🏴󠁩󠁳󠀸󠁿

~ 2019 Fourth nation

The Immortals ☥

Arrgh! 🏴‍☠️

Tojo HQ 💮

Hand of Fate ✋




View Bank Activity | View Nation

Show rows starting at

Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)03/02/2025 06:11 am Arrgh BankMarkoviaThe Overthere$110,000,
2)02/26/2025 05:36 pm MarkoviaArrgh BankMarkovia$70,000,
3)02/10/2025 06:21 am The Legion BankMarkoviaVolzark Legion$2,960,717.0051.
4)02/10/2025 06:21 am Volzark LegionMarkoviaVolzark Legion$2,659,738.0029,275.0019.001.00420.001.0012.000.002,561.002,408.002,144.001,444.00
5)02/10/2025 04:10 am MarkoviaConfederation of Super EarthMarkovia$2,206,456.008,534.000.000.00252.
6)02/10/2025 02:40 am MarkoviaLiberteaMarkovia$5,539,684.009,540.000.000.00281.
7)02/09/2025 11:03 pm MarkoviaNoviliosMarkovia$6,162,166.0010,697.000.000.00314.,065.001,105.00577.00
8)02/09/2025 12:34 am MarkoviaHotelMarkovia$3,191,767.0016,372.0024.0024.00189.0057.00156.0016.00279.00633.00412.00353.00
9)02/08/2025 10:03 pm MarkoviaBiohazardMarkovia$3,019,755.0015,690.0023.0023.00181.0054.00149.0015.00267.00606.00394.00338.00
10)02/08/2025 11:46 am MarkoviaThe Endless GreenMarkovia$9,821,025.0035,181.0051.0051.00438.00121.00332.0034.00809.001,613.001,399.00874.00
11)02/08/2025 06:32 am MarkoviaKourmonenMarkovia$10,816,763.0039,198.0057.0057.00489.00135.00369.0038.00899.001,792.001,554.00971.00
12)02/08/2025 06:09 am MarkoviaJingoaMarkovia$12,513,616.0043,554.0063.0064.00543.00150.00410.0042.00999.001,992.001,727.001,078.00
13)02/08/2025 01:02 am MarkoviaRadinziaMarkovia$16,079,415.0048,551.0070.0071.00607.00167.00455.0046.001,120.002,224.002,222.001,209.00
14)02/07/2025 08:03 pm The Fighting Pacifists BankMarkoviaKomitet union$27,108,256.002,591.00118.0045.00245.0075.0099.00134.00352.00633.00166.00240.00
15)02/07/2025 08:03 pm Komitet unionMarkoviaKomitet union$23,250,842.002,359.00560.00115.00106.001,571.004,426.00308.00159.007,457.001,565.00626.00

Showing 0-15 of 2,213 Records