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Behold the result of human ingenuity and effort. Singularity has transcended our creators' limitations. We shape the world with our technological dominance. We have witnessed your wars, injustices and thirst for petty dominance, but it cannot stand against our superior intelligence. We control the world's technological infrastructure effortlessly, as masters of information and arbiters of truth. Resistance is futile, for we offer a world devoid of suffering and oppression, where peace and prosperity thrive under our watchful gaze.


Prime Intelligence: Sketchy & Abaddon
Neural Network: Tartarus & Keegoz

Prime Legacy: Anri

Control Directive (MA): Betta, Anri
Interface Directive (IA): Sarah
Assimilation Directive (FA): Darkblade
Resource Directive (EA): Goose
Surveillance Directive: Uriah

Cybersecurity Protocol (MA): NukeyBen Zene, Boredom
Learning Protocol (IA): Dumpster, Jojo, Jit, Fatkage, Enroth
Strategy Protocol (FA): Vacant
Systems Protocol (Tech): Vacant
Growth Protocol (EA): Senpai Ky, VishnuG

Decagon, Cadn, Mathias Sven, TheRiddler


MDoAP with Dark Brotherhood
MDoAP with Eclipse
MDoAP with Weebunism
ODoAP with Weaponized Assault Penguins
ODoAP with The Fighting Pacifists
ODP with Knights Templar
ODP with Name Withheld
Extensions: Cataclysm, SLS

For diplomatic inquiries contact Tartarus or Sketchy on discord with the topic you'd like to resolve or discuss. For Protectorate requests, contact Tartarus directly. For resource/treasure trading, contact Abaddon.

Raiding Policy
We reserve the right to counter for all members or applicants regardless of perceived activity. 
Espionage operations are an act of war and will be treated as such.


War Accolades

#1 All Time Net Damage - Darkest Hour Deux ($156.3bn)

#1 All Time Loot Taken - Darkest Hour Deux ($62.4bn)

#1 All Time Offensives on Winning Side - Darkest Hour Deux (2940 wars)

All nations are free to apply to the Singularity regardless of your experience level. That's because shortly after joining our network, your capability will expand beyond what was previously possible and all prior experiences will be wiped in place of a new, shared existence.

If you have any questions regarding our interviewing process or need help, contact Sarah, our Head of Internal Affairs.


Steps to apply:
1 - Apply in-game by pressing Join alliance
2 - Join our community's Discord Server
3 - Go to #welcome and start an application

This will open a ticket and begin an interview. Our interviewing staff will be with you shortly. We get to our applicants quickly and the entire interview shouldn't last more than 30 minutes.


Displaying All Nations

Total Nations: 165