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Evlamican Empire

The Evlamican Empire is a nation led by Prime Minister Evlar on the continent of Africa. The Evlamican Empire's government is a Parliamentary Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Evlamican Empire favors left wing policies. The official currency of The Evlamican Empire is the Pound Sterling. At 2,705 days old, The Evlamican Empire is an ancient nation. The Evlamican Empire has a population of 5,735,271 and a land area of 82,900.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 69.18. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The great Empire was once the bastion of the Evlamican faith, and now stands as a testament to the strength and progress of the Evlamican people who turned to secularism and democracy to match the teachings of the faith, which encourage acceptance and progress over tradition and uniformity. Base.png Knightfall.png dial-up.png

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Evlamican Empire
Leader Name: Evlar
Currency: Currency Image
Pound Sterling
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The nation of Evlamica was first founded as the Evlamican Empire, and was centered around the preservation and spread of Evam, the main faith of the nation-state. All aspects of society were dominated, directly or indirectly, by the religion. However, recently the nation has made a drastic shift towards a liberal, secular government that cares for the needs of all and respects the beliefs of all. The country still officially follows Evlam, but chooses to live by the messages of the faith rather than the name of it; Evlam preaches acceptance and charity, not oppression and dominance.
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 133,414.29 sq. km
Terrain: Evlamica features diverse terrains with badlands, plains, and hills in the center; mountains and long beaches on the East coast; mountains, beaches, and ocean cliffs on the West coast; floodplains along the major rivers; and swamps and marshes along the southern coast. The Northern coasts are largely frozen over. There are two main deserts, one being in the mid-Southeast and the other being in the West.
Highest Peak: Mt. Zendal, 6,705 meters
Lowest Valley: Corpress Basin, -126 meters
Climate: Evlamica is mainly temperate, but experiences extreme heat around the desert regions in the West and mid-Southeast. Northern areas experience typical cold temperatures.
People & Society
Population: 5,735,271 people
Demonym: Evlamican
Demonym Plural: Evlamicans
Ethnic Groups: Evlamican - 74.0%
Merinoan - 21.0%
Native Rakorian - 5.0%
Languages: Evlamien - 93.0%
Rakorii - 5.0%
Mernan - 1.0%
Religions: Evlam - 82.0%
Ankorianism - 5.0%
Atheism - 11.0%
Life Expectancy: 83 years
Obesity: 7%
Alcohol Users: 66%
Tobacco Users: 14%
Cannabis Users: 3%
Hard Drug Users: 1.4%
Description: This nation has a libertarian-minded, but appropriately liberalized, economy which gives priority to market pressures, even within the government. Still so, the state offers a liberal social net to endure wealth is dispersed among the whole population ethically.
Average Yearly Income: $205.72
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $4,868,103,575.00
GDP per Capita: $848.80
Gross National Income (GNI): $1,276,433,105.00
Industries: Evlamica boast a diverse set of industries. Raw and processed metals production dominates the industrial market with a strong focus in bauxite mining and refining. Oil and gas industries also have a strong position. Additionally, Evlamica has worked to develop fairly strong tourism and commercial industries, but those industries have been hurt by war in recent times.
History: The Evlamican armed forces were established as the primary defenders of the faith of Evlam. Despite the nationwide shift towards a secular state, the armed forces still serve in that capacity. Evlamica prioritizes its air and, to a lesser degree, naval forces over land for both religious and strategic reasons, but it does not neglect the ladder either.
Soldiers: 465,000
Tanks: 38,500
Aircraft: 2,325
Ships: 100
Missiles: 2
Nuclear Weapons: 1
Last Updated: 07/04/2019 09:44 pm