Achievement Showcase
The Gravel Pits is a nation led by Board Chairman Asbestosmuncher__ on the continent of North America. The Gravel Pits's government is a Anarchy with very anarchist social policies. Economically, The Gravel Pits favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The Gravel Pits is the Water Credit. At 75 days old, The Gravel Pits is an established nation. The Gravel Pits has a population of 944,788 and a land area of 21,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 44.99. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Processing request to summarize our current operational status. Loading geographical parameters: former designation "Arizona." Current designation: "The Gravel Pits" Error 404: United States not found.
Welcome to the most efficiently miserable stretch of irradiated dirt this side of the blast zones. Our primary exports include: rocks (various sizes), more rocks (now with extra radiation), and whatever our raiders can pry from the cold, dead hands of our neighbors. Economic efficiency: suboptimal. Water status: critically low. Distribution method: whatever the Board of Directors decides you deserve. Alternative acquisition methods: highly illegal, highly popular, and surprisingly lucrative for those with sufficient ammunition and a flexible moral framework. Current population consists of 30% human, 45% cybernetically enhanced, 15% questionably human, and 10% individuals who prefer not to be categorized due to outstanding warrants. Leading industries include organ redistribution (non-consensual), cybernetic upgrades (quality not guaranteed), gravel mining (BUY OUR ROCKS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WE ARE BEGGING YOU), and professional scavenging (theft with extra steps). We are vaguely governed by the Board of Directors, a group of the leaders of the factions in and around the pits. These include, but are not limited to: Skinny Pete's Cannibal Convoy, the New Phoenix Gravel Company, "Not the Mob," and Waffle House, which shockingly managed to survive everything.
For any requests toward the Board of Directors, the leading entity around these parts, please use the messaging platform "Discord" and contact asbestosmuncher__, the Board Supervisor.
11MD's best propagandist, and Orbis' #1 schizoposter. The silliest of geese.
This has been your mandatory orientation to the Gravel Pits. Stay toxic and stay seething, farmers.
End transmission.
Alliance History, Awards & Accomplishments:
C20: Day 51
Seniority: 5 Days
Seniority: Ongoing
Seniority: Ongoing
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