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Castrum Dei

Castrum Dei is a nation led by Basileus Basil Salvatore on the continent of Europe. Castrum Dei's government is a Theocratic Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, Castrum Dei favors moderate policies. The official currency of Castrum Dei is the Gold Standard. At 172 days old, Castrum Dei is a mature nation. Castrum Dei has a population of 1,394,094 and a land area of 12,400.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 112.43. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 75.2372%.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)02/04/2025 01:31 am The Legion BankCastrum DeiCatalia$0.0012,
2)02/03/2025 09:26 pm The Legion BankCastrum DeiCatalia$175,000,,000.007,000.00
3)02/03/2025 09:24 pm The Legion BankCastrum DeiCatalia$10,000,,000.001,000.002,000.001,000.00
4)02/02/2025 03:36 am Castrum DeiThe Legion BankCastrum Dei$50,000,000.0010,000.005,000.0010,000.001,500.002,500.003,000.003,400.000.0012,000.003,000.002,000.00
5)01/01/2025 09:08 pm phalicitopiaCastrum Deiphalicitopia$118,400.000.00712.0029.000.00716.002.0018.0020.0014.007.005.00
6)01/01/2025 09:08 pm SibirCastrum DeiSibir$947,671.000.000.00152.000.000.00110.000.00131.
7)01/01/2025 09:07 pm Refugee CampCastrum DeiRefugee Camp$442,649.
8)01/01/2025 09:07 pm PolistoniaCastrum DeiPolistonia$1,044,973.
9)01/01/2025 09:06 pm A cool placeCastrum DeiA cool place$329,
10)12/29/2024 03:09 am Castrum DeiThe Legion BankCastrum Dei$200,000,,
11)12/18/2024 04:59 am AvaelnCastrum DeiAvaeln$134,261.000.00118.000.00177.000.0011.000.0028.0026.00799.007.00
12)12/18/2024 04:59 am PolistoniaCastrum DeiPolistonia$1,067,498.000.0046.
13)12/18/2024 04:58 am Confederate states of OphirCastrum DeiConfederate states of Ophir$824,
14)12/18/2024 04:57 am Empire of TuffiaCastrum DeiEmpire of Tuffia$577,549.000.000.00772.000.0026.000.0088.0050.0070.000.00184.00
15)12/18/2024 04:57 am Kingdom of DiomondCastrum DeiKingdom of Diomond$60,648.000.00231.000.000.0097.000.00217.000.00833.001.00138.00

Showing 0-15 of 65 Records