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The Socialist Democracy-Republic Of SSC_Chiraq is a nation led by Senator Kev Flocka on the continent of Europe. The Socialist Democracy-Republic Of SSC_Chiraq's government is a Social Democracy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Socialist Democracy-Republic Of SSC_Chiraq favors left wing policies. The official currency of The Socialist Democracy-Republic Of SSC_Chiraq is the Pound Sterling. At 244 days old, The Socialist Democracy-Republic Of SSC_Chiraq is an old nation. The Socialist Democracy-Republic Of SSC_Chiraq has a population of 641,987 and a land area of 4,550.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 141.10. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


SSC Chiraq

Born in 1918 The Socialist Democracy-State Of SSC Chiraq is a fairly new nation during its time being a nation it has seen much violence but its people have stayed loyal to the country and its beliefs as the SSC believes and pushes for a Free Left-Wing State in modern day the SSC is at war with many terrorist organizations in the East almost every city in this country has a ghetto. From the sands of Fresno to the concrete in York, the country does see in major cities gang violence and cartel violence up in the Rum-Raq region since the creation of the SSC it has always had Left-Wing (Modern Democracy/Socialism) beliefs with a current population of 12 million people it is a mostly English/Spanish language speaking country the SSC is praised to be one of the most Modern  Socialist Democracy nations in modern time. But in recent years it’s been on a breaking point with Rumburg in 2023 it finally boiled over and The Eastern Front Began.



Migration Period-


The raqians were previously a group of peoples from North America, co-existing with the Valgs, the Agno, and the Rums. Following a great famine caused by extreme conditions, the tribes migrated southwards. The Raqians migrated into the area that came to be known as Chiraq between the 4th and mid-7th centuries, and warred with the Rums that inhabited the area. In 1113, the Marks, led by Khan Unger, united all tribes except the Valgs under the Chiqack Empire. This lasted until the ascension of the Reczniek family to the Chiraian throne in the early 17th century, beginning the collapse of the empire.


Chiraian Theocracy(1630-1866)


In 1630, the Chiraq Theocracy was established following the capture of the  capital of England, which was renamed York. The country was governed as a monarchy under the Renan family, an influential trade family who were not of Chiraq origin. At the time of its founding, it was lead by Albrecht Renan, who was described as a people's man, despite his massive palace which became the Kremlin. During his reign, many of the poor gained basic welfare, unheard of at the time.

The country was primarily populated by the Chiraqian people, and thus the realm was known colloquially as Chiraq, though officially, it was the Chiraian Theocracy. Following the Winter War, the Kingdom Of Rumburg invaded Chiraq. The war led to an alliance and political union with the Kingdom Of Angnolia, via the marriage of Erick Renan (Albrecht's successor) and Queen Lenna of Agnolia. Most of Agnolia (except West Agnolia which became the region of Chiraq) eventually left the union following the death of Queen Lenna of Agnolia in 1740.

The country did not participate in the colonial race that swamped America, Europe, and the South Americas, which weakened the country's status as a regional power to rivals such as the Kingdom Of Lespia and the Kingdom Of Valgos. Around the same time, the Century Of Revolution ignited in the Kingdom Of The Untied States inspiring many disgruntled with their monarchies. In Chiraq, many were disgusted with the Renan family's decadence and were radicalized by the Arcasian Revolution ; giving birth to Chiraq nationalism and a desire to free itself from foreign rule.


Kingdom of Chiraq (1866-1918)


The Chiraq nation-state was established following the 1859 Revolution when King Carlõs proclaimed the Kingdom Of Chiraq in 1866, with himself as king. The King promoted a Chiraq identity, one based in nationalism and a proud military tradition. One of the Chiraqs army's first feats was in WW1 with the conquest of (the present day region of Arizona) from the Kingdom Of Wehlen.

The Latino People who had inhabited Arizona for centuries, were at first welcoming to the Chiraqians. However, they were treated poorly by their new Chiraq overlords; being subjected to racist laws, forced to relocate to make way for Chiraq settlers, and having to see some rights be suppressed by authorities. In contrast, the Agnolian people were treated well and were even given more privileges than the Arizos, so long as they assimilate into the Chiraq culture — Those who assimilated are now known as Agno-Raqs.

However, King Carõls began losing popularity due to many unpopular decisions and the fact that he failed to give a male heir. A Communist movement inspired by the Arcasian and USSR revolutions soon rose to national prominence. Led by Ewald Alphonso, the democratic movement grew in popularity and by 1918, it had fractured the monarchy's support. On July 4th, 1918, the modern Socialist-Republic of Chiraq was founded with Ewald Alphonso as its first president.


Democratic era (1918-1999)


Following their involvement in WW2 against Wehlen and the axis powers in 1938-1946 they were now on track to becoming a superpower, Ewald Alphonso wrote a constitution which tried to establish the institutions necessary for a democratic republic, the most notable of which was the Grand Assembly. But due to the fact that Chiraq was now a republic, Chiraq was now seen as a possible prize for the twin superpowers; USA and USSR. Soon, Alphonsos government became the victim of a military coup led by the nationalist general, Brain Higgs. Higgs instituted a reign of terror that crushed dissent against his government. The 2nd Chiraq war erupted in 1930 when WW2 had started, outraged by the violence, ordered an attack against Higgs troops.

The civil war ended after Colonel Tarquin Soll intervened in the Battle Of Francisco which resulted in Higgs capture and His death. Soll restored the republic with himself as president and established the Untied Chiraq Party, Soon however a terrorist organization known as

IS-IS bombed multiple skyscrapers in Chiraq starting the War On Terror that continues today, the UCP which served as the governing party of Chiraq. Under Soll's leadership, the young republic experienced stability and growth and protection from foreign influence, which solidified the country's position.

Unfortunately over time, Soll grew increasingly authoritarian, which brought the country into stagnation and increased political and racial tensions. Tarquin Soll was eventually succeeded by Ewald Alphonso, a reformist within the UCP who promised to bring reform to the country. Unfortunately soon into the 2000s, a combination of infighting, a hasty liberalization of the economy and continental economic tensions led to a rescission and the empowerment of various ideologies.


Modern era (2001-…)


After Ewald Alphonso impeachment Chiraq had a questionable future soon Kev Flocka became the 4th president of the Social-Democratic Republic Of Chiraq reforming old Articles in the constitution making the country a more socialist state Kev Flocka slowly but surely in his first term got the country out the rescission and had the economy thriving, but on the horizon Rumburg seemed to be interested in Chiraq soon into Kevs 2nd term, Rumburg had shot down a Chiraq plane with Chiraq public denouncing them and now letting people who want to escape the Rumburg kingdom into Chiraq soon Chiraq had declared a special military operation close on the rumburg border this ended in a firefight with Rumburg and Chiraq forces starting the Eastern War as Chiraq pushed into the Rumburg savanna the question now is how will Chiraq continue to fight? Along side with many cartels taking control in the mountains and forests of Wisconsin as the state is massively underdeveloped most cities have much important tho like Churno M16 and the Red Milita battle cartels everyday out in Wisconsin

To Be Continued…




SSC/WarTime Flag:

Basic Information
Nation Name: SSC_Chiraq
Leader Name: Kev Flocka
Nation ID: 625740
Founded: 06/14/2024 (244 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 30 hours ago
Discord Username:Updascorejaaybo1800
Unique ID: 43c3f5fbd3072be18d83ed5f0
International Relations
Alliance: Cult of Raccoon Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:153 days
Color Trade Bloc: Pirate Black
Commendations: 12
Denouncements: 2
Nation Page Visits: 1,519
Population: 641,987
Infrastructure: 4,907.22
Land Area: 4,550 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 141.10 people/sq. mi
GDP: $486,216,811.00
GDP per Capita: $757.36
GNI: $200,277,690.00
Economic Policies: Left
Currency: Currency Image Pound Sterling
Government Type: Social Democracy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Catholic Catholic
National Animal: National Animal ImageNone
Approval Rating: 0% (-105.67)
Pollution Index: 208 points
Radiation Index: 259.07 R (Global: 380.59 R)
Nation Rank: #5,141 of 11,249 Nations (45.70%)
Nation Score: More Information 540.34
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 5,153.45
Infrastructure Lost: 1,855.00
Money Looted: $159,182,389.90
Wars Won: 12
Wars Lost: 4

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

3 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
02/07 06:15 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on People Democratic Of Silisia for the reason of "CoR RAID".
02/07 06:15 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on British colonial empire for the reason of "CoR RAID".
02/07 06:14 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on New United Kingdom for the reason of "CoR RAIDDD".
02/07 06:14 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Republic of Nyondo for the reason of "CoR RAIDD".
02/07 06:13 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on kendom for the reason of "CoR Raiddd".
01/13 12:55 pm - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Catalina Republic for the reason of "CoR RAIDDDD".
01/13 12:55 pm - SSC_Chiraq declared war on BRASIL DO SUL for the reason of "CoR Raid".
01/13 12:54 pm - SSC_Chiraq declared war on That Nation for the reason of "CoR RAIDDDD".
01/13 12:54 pm - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Kavostya Republic for the reason of "CoR RAIDDDD".
01/13 12:53 pm - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Aroma for the reason of "CoR RAIDDDD".
01/08 02:11 pm - SSC_Chiraq has publicly denounced the nation of Polishlithuaniancommonwealth led by PingoDaPenguin.
01/03 06:52 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Dylexia for the reason of "CoR RAIDDDD".
01/03 06:51 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on United Nations Of Israel for the reason of "CoR RAIDDDD".
01/03 06:50 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Banglaland for the reason of "CoR RAIDDD".
01/03 06:49 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Holy dictatorial Hetmanate for the reason of "CoR RAIDDDD".
01/03 06:48 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on britska for the reason of "CoR RAID".
12/28 09:36 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on france ww7 for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/28 09:35 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on United for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/28 09:34 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on All united for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/28 09:33 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Piltover for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/28 09:33 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Republika Srbija for the reason of "CoR Raid, DM for peace.".
12/16 06:18 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Gibranian for the reason of "CoR raid".
12/16 06:17 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Uthor for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/16 06:17 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on All united for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/16 06:16 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Father Time for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/16 06:14 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Aldovia for the reason of "CoR Raid".
12/10 08:28 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Polishlithuaniancommonwealth for the reason of "SillyCat counter ;)".
11/22 05:24 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Home Reclamation Government for the reason of "Say hello to my little friend!-CoR Raid".
11/22 05:23 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Dark island for the reason of "CoR Raidddd".
11/22 05:21 am - SSC_Chiraq declared war on Antaris for the reason of "CoR Raiddd".
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
2 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Emergency Gasoline Reserve
Emergency Gasoline Reserve is a national project that boosts Oil Refineries' production by 100% nationwide.