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Fearless is a nation led by الملك Alfred on the continent of Europe. Fearless's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Fearless favors left wing policies. The official currency of Fearless is the Dollar. At 11 days old, Fearless is a new nation. Fearless has a population of 503,633 and a land area of 6,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 83.94. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 73.0121%.

#### King Alfred: Leader of Independence and Builder of the Fearless State

**King Alfred** is the character who combined courage and wisdom, and managed to lead the *Fearless* people to independence. Born in 2002, he was reacted king on **09/07/2024**, after a long struggle for freedom. During his reign, a stable constitutional system was established to guarantee the rights of citizens, in addition to receiving honorary royal medals and crowns inlaided with gold and jewellery.


### 1. The coronation of King Alfred

**Coronation Date:** 09/07/2024

**Place:** **Independence Square** in the capital **Casterly Rock**

#### **Coronation Ceremony:**

The coronation ceremony of King Alfred was held in **Independence Square**, a large square where people gathered to celebrate the coronation of their leader. The head of religious affairs led the coronation ceremony, where he placed at the head of the king **the royal crown**, which was specially made for this special day, and inlaid with diamonds, gold and jewellery. This crown is considered a symbol of sovereignty and power, and the people gave it to the king as an expression of gratitude for his leadership.

#### **The Royal Crown:**

- **The crown inlaid with diamonds and jewellery:** Made of pure gold and inlaid with rare precious stones, symbolising the royal authority and the leadership of the people.

#### **Medals and medals received by the King:**

1. **Medal of Eternal Courage:**

I dedicate to the king in honour of his courage and sacrifices in leading the struggle against external forces. The medal is made of gold and is decorated with a large diamond stone that symbolises purity and sincerity.

2. **Taj of Freedom Medal:**

The country's highest medal, awarded to the king in centisation of his role in achieving independence. It is designed using pure gold, and inlaided with precious stones that represent the loyalty and loyalty of the people.

3. **Golden Victory Medal:**

It is awarded in recognition of the military success of the liberation of the country. A gold medal engraved with the Kingdom's emblem and symbol of victory, and it is one of the highest national awards.

4. **Silver Falcon Medal:**

Represents the power and future vision of the king. The medal is made of pure silver and is inlaid with small diamonds, symbolising insight and strength.

5. **The Diamond Star of the People:**

A special gift from the people as an expression of their loyalty to the king. A completely diamond star, representing the unity of the people and their complete loyalty to the royal family.

6. **The Golden Armour of the Nobility:**

The nobles gave him to the king in appreciation of his support and continued protection of the rights of the nobles and the interests of the country. The shield is made of pure gold and inlaid with precious stones.


### 2. The Royal Guard "King's Guard"

Once crowned, King Alfred established a private royal guard force known as the "King's Guard"**. This force consists of elite highly trained soldiers, whose main task is to protect the king and the royal family.

- **Commander of the Royal Guard:** General **Leandro Harvington**.


### 3. The national army

King Alfred established a strong national army, diverse in its branches between land, sea, and air forces. It is equipped with the latest military technology to be ready to defend the Kingdom.

- **National Army Commander:** General **Michael Cross**.


### 4. Cabinet

**The Council of Ministers** is the executive authority that leads various ministries under the supervision of **elected Prime Minister**, in cooperation with King Alfred.

#### **Prime Minister:**

**Edward Morrison**

#### **Ministries:**

- **Department of Defence:** General Adrian Blackwell**.

- **Dock of State:** **Jonathan Morgan**.

- **Ministry of Interior:** **Elisabeth Hauser**.

- **Ministry of Economy:** **Marcus Billington**.

- **Ministry of Education:** Dr. ***Karen Evans**.

- **Ministry of Health:** Dr. **Richard Hastings**.

- **Ministry of Justice:** **David Ferguson**.

- **Ministry of Technology and Communications:** **Emily Turner**.


### 5. Bodies and Organisations

- **National Development Authority:** **George McAlpine**.

- **National Health Organisation:** **Dr. William Cornell**.

- **General Organisation for Culture:** **Margaret Rivers**.


### 6. Council of Nobles

**The Council of Nobles** includes senior figures and nobles in the country, and works to advise the king in the management of the affairs of the Kingdom.

- **Chairman of the Council of Nobility:** **Lord Charles Kingston**.


### 7. The People's Rights Council

**People's Rights Council** A government institution that aims to protect the rights of the people and achieve social justice. It includes representatives from various categories of people to ensure their voice in the government.

- **President of the People's Rights Council:** **Sara Harman**.


### 8. Royal Crown Council

**The Royal Crown Council** is concerned with the affairs of the Royal Family, including the Royal Guard and the organisation of Royal Events.

- **Chairman of the Royal Crown Council:** **Sir Andrew Windsor**.


### 9. The national constitution

After King Alfred took the throne, a **national constitution** was developed for the country, focussing on protecting the rights of citizens, and guaranteeing a system of government based on justice and equality. The Constitution guarantees the separation of powers between the Royal Government, the Council of Ministers, and the People's Rights Council, and defines the responsibilities of each entity to ensure stability and prosperity.

#### **The most prominent articles of the Constitution:**

1. **Supremacy of constitutional monarchy:** The king is the head of the state and the symbol of its unity, but he governs based on specific laws and democratic institutions.

2. **People's rights:** The state guarantees freedom of expression, civil rights, and equality among citizens in opportunities and a decent life.

3. **Separation of Powers:** The Constitution establishes a clear separation between the executive, legislative and judicial powers to ensure the balance of power.

4. **Justice and equality:** The state works to achieve social justice, and ensure the provision of education and health care rights to all citizens.

5. **Rule of Law:** No individual is excluded from the law, and applies equally to all.


### Future Vision

King Alfred aims to promote stability and develop the Kingdom through education, health, and technological innovation, while preserving national values and consolidating fair governance.


Basic Information
Nation Name: Fearless
Leader Name: Alfred
Nation ID: 619817
Founded: 09/07/2024 (11 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 4 minutes ago
Discord Username:pjohn0602
Unique ID: fb871bbefdd92560d87fc54c8
International Relations
Alliance: Federated States of Orbis Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:12 days
Color Trade Bloc: Roman Purple
Commendations: 3
Denouncements: 0
Nation Page Visits: 336
Population: 503,633
Infrastructure: 4,800.00
Land Area: 6,000 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 83.94 people/sq. mi
GDP: $348,801,594.00
GDP per Capita: $692.57
GNI: $-39,872,235.00
Economic Policies: Left
Currency: Currency Image Dollar
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Urbanization Urbanization Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: لا شيء لا شيء
National Animal: National Animal ImageLion
Approval Rating: 73% (73.01)
Pollution Index: 0 points
Radiation Index: 677.66 R (Global: 756.04 R)
Nation Rank: #4,356 of 11,637 Nations (37.43%)
Nation Score: More Information 941.05
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 4,279.94
Infrastructure Lost: 175.00
Money Looted: $29,756,212.29
Wars Won: 11
Wars Lost: 1

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

6 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
09/18 06:23 pm - Fearless declared war on Ratistan for the reason of "نسير إلى الحرب لاستعادة مجدنا.".
09/18 11:01 am - Dog Cat Dawg of Simonia has publicly commended the nation of Fearless.
09/18 10:31 am - Fearless declared war on Obelisk for the reason of "Trying an interplanetary expansion experiment, nbd".
09/18 10:30 am - Fearless declared war on Vershy for the reason of "Error detected: Your nation must be eliminated. Initiating war sequence.".
09/18 10:28 am - Fearless declared war on Vastelyvania for the reason of "Your defiance insults Rome's honor.".
09/17 02:37 am - Clarissa of Clarisse has publicly commended the nation of Fearless.
09/16 05:09 am - Fearless changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Purple.
09/16 05:06 am - Fearless has publicly commended the nation of Trilantis led by Marcus Liddell.
09/16 03:27 am - Fearless declared war on Extasis_Empire for the reason of "Veni, vidi, vici. Now, we shall conquer your lands as we did before.".
09/16 03:26 am - Fearless declared war on Napghanistan for the reason of "Your state exploits resources unsustainably. We intervene to protect the planet.".
09/16 03:22 am - Fearless declared war on dnnwnwn for the reason of "By the gods, your insolence cannot go unpunished.".
09/16 03:18 am - Fearless declared war on Humanity for the reason of "Your existence is inefficient. War protocol activated.".
09/16 03:11 am - Fearless declared war on singapore for the reason of "We don't like you".
09/13 08:09 pm - Fearless declared war on The Argentum Dynasty for the reason of "This, is, SPARTA!".
09/13 08:06 pm - Fearless declared war on Graad for the reason of "*Pirate noises intensifies*".
09/13 08:02 pm - Fearless declared war on Hopeful Dawn for the reason of "Your system is rigged against the people. We cannot stand by.".
09/13 07:57 pm - Fearless declared war on Kittyopia for the reason of "You threw shade, and now I'm throwing tanks. Hope you're ready, sis.".
09/13 07:55 pm - Fearless declared war on Femboy empire for the reason of "Get off my plane.".
09/13 02:36 pm - Fearless has publicly commended the nation of Melancholia led by LDR.
09/13 12:01 pm - Fearless founded a new city, City of peace.
09/12 09:53 pm - Ronald I of Allmenia has publicly commended the nation of Fearless.
09/12 06:10 pm - Fearless has publicly denounced the nation of Vatican City State led by Pius XII.
09/11 03:29 pm - Fearless had war declared by Vatican City State for the reason of "By the gods, your insolence cannot go unpunished.".
09/11 03:46 am - Fearless changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Purple.
09/10 08:36 pm - Fearless declared war on Jakarta for the reason of "Your leader's fashion sense is an international crisis".
09/08 04:45 am - Fearless founded a new city, King Alfred City.
09/07 07:51 pm - Fearless founded a new city, Red Cape City.
09/07 07:51 pm - Fearless founded a new city, City of Kings.
09/07 07:50 pm - Fearless founded a new city, Casterly Rock.
09/07 04:15 pm - Alfred built a new project: Activity Center
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
1 National Project
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.