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Imperia - Europa

The Federation of Imperia - Europa is a nation led by Conventus Foederalis on the continent of Antarctica. The Federation of Imperia - Europa's government is a Federal Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Federation of Imperia - Europa favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Federation of Imperia - Europa is the Euro. At 480 days old, The Federation of Imperia - Europa is an ancient nation. The Federation of Imperia - Europa has a population of 5,617,592 and a land area of 42,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 133.75. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Act of Union of 2104 Between Imperia and Europa


We, the sovereign representatives of the nations of Imperia and Europa, recognizing the need for unity, cooperation, and the promotion of peace and prosperity, hereby agree to the establishment of a political and economic federation. This union is founded on the principles of mutual respect, shared governance, and common values, with the goal of ensuring the continued security and well-being of our people. Let this Act mark the creation of a new federation, embodying the motto: "Continens Europaea unitur, et in aeternum erit" ("The European continent is united and shall endure forever").

Chapter I: Establishment of the Federation

Name of the Federation: The nations of Imperia and Europa shall unite to form the Federation of Imperia - Europa, hereinafter referred to as "the Federation."

Sovereignty and Federal Authority:

  • Imperia and Europa, as founding states, shall retain internal sovereignty over their local governance, culture, and traditions.
  • The Federal Government, known as the Conventus Foederalis, shall be the supreme governing authority in all matters of federal jurisdiction, as outlined in this Act.
  • The federal system shall be based on the principles of shared responsibility and respect for the autonomy of member states.

Territorial Integrity: The territories of Imperia and Europa, including all lands, waters, and airspace, shall collectively form the territory of the Federation. No part of the Federation may be ceded or partitioned without the express consent of both founding nations and the Conventus Foederalis.

Federal Capital: The capital of the Federation shall be located in Maior Europa, a new, purpose-built city on the border between Imperia and Europa. Maior Europa shall serve as the seat of the Conventus Foederalis and as the symbol of unity between the two nations.

Chapter II: The Federal Government (Conventus Foederalis)

Structure of the Conventus Foederalis:

  • The Conventus Foederalis shall be composed of three main branches: the Federal Executive, the Federal Legislature, and the Federal Judiciary.
  • The Conventus Foederalis shall have the authority to enact laws, regulate foreign affairs, provide for common defense, and oversee federal taxation, commerce, and infrastructure.

Federal Executive:

  • The President of the Federation shall serve as the head of state and government of the Federation. The President shall be elected by popular vote from all citizens of Imperia and Europa and shall serve a term of six years.
  • The President shall be advised by a Federal Cabinet, composed of ministers representing various federal departments such as defense, foreign affairs, commerce, and justice.
  • The President shall have the power to veto legislation passed by the Federal Legislature but can be overridden by a two-thirds majority vote in both chambers.

Federal Legislature:

  • The Federal Senate shall be composed of an equal number of senators from both Imperia and Europa, ensuring balanced representation. Each state shall elect its senators for a six-year term.
  • The Federal Assembly shall be composed of representatives elected in proportion to population from both states. The Assembly shall be responsible for proposing and debating federal laws.
  • All federal legislation must be passed by both chambers of the Federal Legislature before being submitted to the President for approval.

Federal Judiciary:

  • The Supreme Court of the Federation shall serve as the highest judicial authority in the Federation, with jurisdiction over all matters of federal law, constitutional interpretation, and disputes between the member states.
  • The Supreme Court shall be composed of justices appointed by the President and confirmed by the Federal Senate. Justices shall serve lifetime appointments, subject to removal only by impeachment.

Chapter III: Powers and Responsibilities

Division of Powers:

  • The Conventus Foederalis shall have exclusive authority over foreign policy, defense, federal taxation, immigration, trade, and federal infrastructure projects.
  • All powers not expressly granted to the Federal Government by this Act shall remain with the individual states of Imperia and Europa.

Common Defense:

  • A Federal Defense Force shall be established, combining the military resources of Imperia and Europa under unified command. The Federal Defense Force shall protect the territorial integrity of the Federation and its interests abroad.
  • Each member state shall maintain its own regional defense forces, which may be called upon by the Conventus Foederalis in times of need.

Federal Economy and Currency:

  • The Federation shall adopt a single currency, the Euro, which shall be regulated by the newly created Federal Reserve Bank.
  • A Federal Economic Council shall oversee trade policy, federal taxation, and financial regulation to ensure the economic prosperity of both member states.

Federal Citizenship and Rights:

  • All citizens of Imperia and Europa shall automatically become citizens of the Federation. They shall enjoy full rights and protections under federal law, including the right to vote in federal elections and the right to free movement across the Federation.
  • The Federal Bill of Rights shall be enacted to guarantee individual freedoms, including freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and due process under law.

Chapter IV: Constitutional Amendments

Amendment Process:

  • Amendments to this Act of Union may be proposed by a two-thirds majority in either chamber of the Federal Legislature or by the unanimous agreement of both member states.
  • Proposed amendments shall require ratification by a majority of voters in both Imperia and Europa through a referendum.

Chapter V: Ratification and Enactment

Ratification: This Act shall be ratified by the legislatures of Imperia and Europa, and by a popular referendum in both states. Upon ratification, the Federation of Imperia-Europa shall be formally established.

Enactment Date: The provisions of this Act shall come into force on January 1, 2104, marking the official creation of the Federation of Imperia-Europa.

Transitional Provisions: A transitional period of three years shall be established, during which existing institutions of Imperia and Europa shall be integrated into the new federal framework.

Conclusion: This Act of Union stands as a testament to the enduring bond between Imperia and Europa, built upon shared values and a commitment to a prosperous, peaceful future. United under the banner of the Conventus Foederalis, and guided by our motto "Continens Europaea unitur, et in aeternum erit", we commit to the creation of a lasting and united Federation.

Signed on this day,
In Veii, on the 12th of December, 2103.
By the Sovereign of Imperia, _______________
By the Sovereign of Europa, _______________
Witnessed by the Conventus Foederalis


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Imperia - Europa
Leader Name: Conventus Foederalis
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Identity of The Imperian Federation was nothing ancient. Instead, it was built out of the ruins of Deutsches Ostasia after the collapse of Der Reich at home. The Federation soon began rebuilding what was left of the colony.
Continent: Antarctica
Land Area: 67,592.28 sq. km
Terrain: Mostly flat with the large Mekong Delta, with some hilly terrain scattering across the Federation.
Highest Peak: Frank Hill, 1,098 meters
Lowest Valley: Monstro Deep, -56 meters
Climate: Tropical
People & Society
Population: 5,617,592 people
Demonym: Imperian
Demonym Plural: Imperians
Ethnic Groups: Vietnamese - 89.2%
Imperian - 5.4%
Khmer - 4.3%
Languages: Vietnamese (Southern Dialect) - 93.2%
Standardhochdeutsch - 5.2%
Khmer - 1.3%
Religions: No Religion / Folk Religion - 70.8%
Buddhidm - 5.6%
Caodaism - 3.4%
Life Expectancy: 79 years
Obesity: 2.1%
Alcohol Users: 78.7%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The Imperian Federation has a stable economy, rising from the ruins of the Indochinese Plan implemented by General Governor - Róbêt Gaschollers. Most of the population still lives in poverty. Mostly consists of producing consumer goods, tourism and plantations. IT industries are being tested.
Average Yearly Income: $150.77
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $7,589,538,377.00
GDP per Capita: $1,351.03
Gross National Income (GNI): $4,249,594,260.00
Industries: Major industries include: Consumer goods export, tourism, Income tax,... etc
History: The Armed Force was the remnants of the 57th Indochinese Army who deserted to a newly independance former colony after the collapse of Der Reich at home.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 10,500
Aircraft: 1,575
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 02/26/2024 03:27 pm