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Kingdom of Ambusin is a nation led by King Ryditoes Salamar on the continent of Europe. Kingdom of Ambusin's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Ambusin favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Ambusin is the Royal Mark. At 497 days old, Kingdom of Ambusin is an ancient nation. Kingdom of Ambusin has a population of 2,081,164 and a land area of 44,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 47.30. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Formerly known as Juan Ponce de Leon/La Florida Federation
Former alliances (before deleting the original country)
United Armies (UA) - Intern MA officer
Soldiers of Liberty (SoL) - MA officer
Minute Men (MM) - MA officer
Major conflicts :
Camelot vs SoL (spring 2022)
Waffle House cycle
Personal accomplishments :
1v4ed the UA and won doing significant damages
Used 4-6 nukes while cycling Waffle House
All info above is what I remember right at this time.
Language : Ambulsa (little lore abt Ambula. The first several generations of settlers spoke Korean, but the close proximity to Russia, in the 1500s~1600s the Ambusian people started to mix the two together creating Ambulsa. As time went on the Korean origins has faded even more. As of 2094 the Korean influence only remains in the Ambusin accent. Also idk either so spellings/meanings of words in either language so I just make up the words and what they mean)
Translated city names
Kingdom of Ambusin :
Ambusia - Home (though the word actually used for home/house is Wulk)
Arstozika - No translation
Purlansk - No translation
Katzotik - No translation
North Abadha - Already english (I forgor to write it in Ambulsa)
Blosta - Deep coast (Recently to avoid errors when talking about deep coasts people have been saying Sta [Beach/Coast] Tonik [Bottomless/very deep] thus Statonik)
Lumanskion - Safe harbor (not used in conversations, though Luman = Harbor and skion = safe. The two terms when apart like are frequently used)
Lomantcha - No translation
Sokant Eva Ambulia - Bottom of Ambulia (Ambulia is the archipelago, also Sokant - Bottom of)
Ankansk - No translation
Krislo - Timber/Logging
Koskovia - No translation
Dikontac Eva Golbanta - Edge of the World (Dikonta - World, Eva - of the/of/the, & Golbanta - Edge
Boriank - No translation
Viceka Morla - River Mouth (Viceka - River, Morla - Mouth)
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