Achievement Showcase
Spider-Verse is a nation led by Tyrant Technic on the continent of Australia. Spider-Verse's government is a Dictatorship with very conservative social policies. Economically, Spider-Verse favors moderate policies. The official currency of Spider-Verse is the Dollar. At 829 days old, Spider-Verse is an ancient nation. Spider-Verse has a population of 15,062,689 and a land area of 168,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 89.66. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Okay people, lets do this one last time...
My name is Tech, Technic, Tyrant Technic and a few other choice words J Jonah Jameson has used.
I made the terrible decision to play this game two years ago and I'm pretty sure you know the rest!
I joined a few alliances.
Nation Career
UL: Low Mil Gov, High Mil Gov, High Econ Gov, Head Mil Gov, Head IA Gov, Co-Head FA Gov, 2iC (16/11/22 - 16/10/23)
Aurora: Member (16/10/23 - 4/12/23)
The Cypher: Mid Mil Gov, Head of MA (4/12/23 - 15/02/2024)
Aurora: Member (15/02/2024 - 2/03/24)
Event Horizon: Member, Scion, Low Mil Gov (2/03/24 - current)
Won an award for Most Reliable Member/Best Helper of Fellow Members.
Fought a couple wars.
War History
Operation Nuremberg Trials: Unknown net
Ragnarok: $307,424,165 net
Singularity's Infra Shaving Exploit: $1,046,050,533 net
New Year Nuke Me: $29,766,353.79 net
Clinical Trials: $2,108,974,446 net
Stop the Count (EVH dogpile): $1,974,580,485 net
Got mad when Across the Spider-Verse was snubbed at the Academy Awards.
Was officially ranked EVH's 3rd biggest r#tard (now 2nd since Spoeb left).
Met some cool people.
Wall of Bloody Legends
Said f#ck you over 600 times with Chai in EVH's member chat in a single day...
...and we DIDN'T get muted by Krampus!
Made a #iconic meme that was a smash hit with opps and allies alike
Built the Unforgiven Legion up to the best it ever was...
...and then nuke turreted them a few months after I left so I could go net pos in New Year Nuke Me lmfao.
And uhh... I did this.
We don't really talk about this.
Look, I've done loads of MA, IA, a bit of FA, hell I've even done some EA!
But after everything, I still hate P&W.
I mean, who wouldn't?
So anyway, obligatory Spider-Verse gifs because these movies are incredible and the only thing keeping me sane and live rent free in my head ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.