Achievement Showcase
Spider-Verse is a nation led by Tyrant Technic on the continent of Australia. Spider-Verse's government is a Dictatorship with very conservative social policies. Economically, Spider-Verse favors moderate policies. The official currency of Spider-Verse is the Dollar. At 850 days old, Spider-Verse is an ancient nation. Spider-Verse has a population of 16,544,509 and a land area of 172,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 96.19. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Okay people, lets do this one last time...
My name is Tech, Technic, Tyrant Technic and a few other choice words J Jonah Jameson has used.
I made the terrible decision to play this game two years ago and I'm pretty sure you know the rest!
I joined a few alliances.
Nation Career
UL: Low Mil Gov, High Mil Gov, High Econ Gov, Head Mil Gov, Head IA Gov, Co-Head FA Gov, 2iC (16/11/22 - 16/10/23)
Aurora: Member (16/10/23 - 4/12/23)
The Cypher: Mid Mil Gov, Head of MA (4/12/23 - 15/02/2024)
Aurora: Member (15/02/2024 - 2/03/24)
Event Horizon: Member, Scion, Low Mil Gov (2/03/24 - current)
Won an award for Most Reliable Member/Best Helper of Fellow Members.
Fought a couple wars.
War History
Operation Nuremberg Trials: Unknown net
Ragnarok: $307,424,165 net
Singularity's Infra Shaving Exploit: $1,046,050,533 net
New Year Nuke Me: $29,766,353.79 net
Clinical Trials: $2,108,974,446 net
Stop the Count (EVH dogpile): $1,974,580,485 net
Got mad when Across the Spider-Verse was snubbed at the Academy Awards.
Was officially ranked EVH's 3rd biggest r#tard (now 2nd since Spoeb left).
Met some cool people.
Wall of Bloody Legends
Said f#ck you over 600 times with Chai in EVH's member chat in a single day...
...and we DIDN'T get muted by Krampus!
Made a #iconic meme that was a smash hit with opps and allies alike
Built the Unforgiven Legion up to the best it ever was...
...and then nuke turreted them a few months after I left so I could go net pos in New Year Nuke Me lmfao.
And uhh... I did this.
We don't really talk about this.
Look, I've done loads of MA, IA, a bit of FA, hell I've even done some EA!
But after everything, I still hate P&W.
I mean, who wouldn't?
So anyway, obligatory Spider-Verse gifs because these movies are incredible and the only thing keeping me sane and live rent free in my head ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
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