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Ajman State

Achievement Showcase


The kingdom of Ajman State is a nation led by Prince Rakan Bin Huthlen on the continent of Africa. The kingdom of Ajman State's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The kingdom of Ajman State favors far right wing policies. The official currency of The kingdom of Ajman State is the Ajmi Rial. At 1,059 days old, The kingdom of Ajman State is an ancient nation. The kingdom of Ajman State has a population of 5,482,231 and a land area of 131,380.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 41.73. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Ajman tribe 

is spread in the Arabian Peninsula. Al-Ajman is a warlike tribe that participated in the unification of the present Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They are called muhazamat alqanazie because of their dominance in wars 🥷🏿.



Al-Ajman live in the eastern region of The Arabian Peninsula, as shown on the map 


Ajman Bedouin on the Move (With Womens Litter, Hawdaj) Near Thaj, Saudi Arabia, 13th March 1911.


The Bedouin tribe is on its way to the ranks of the developed countries in the world, whether through peace or war

  • August 2022 -

The first Arab nuclear missile ☢️

Basic Information
Nation Name: Ajman State
Leader Name: Rakan Bin Huthlen
Nation ID: 439613
Founded: 05/04/2022 (1,059 Days Old)
Last Activity: Last active on 03/17/2025
Discord Username:mohammed1435#3845
Unique ID: 52556a1a033de4df8abe383f0
International Relations
Alliance: Rose Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:31 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Beige Protection Bloc
Beige Turns Left: 24 (2 days)
Commendations: 139
Denouncements: 13
Nation Page Visits: 17,282
Population: 5,482,231
Infrastructure: 38,844.36
Land Area: 131,380 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 41.73 people/sq. mi
GDP: $10,062,994,157.00
GDP per Capita: $1,835.57
GNI: $8,247,672,860.00
Economic Policies: Far Right
Currency: Currency Image Ajmi Rial
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Urbanization Urbanization Icon
Social Policies: Conservative
State Religion: Islam Islam
National Animal: National Animal ImageArabian horse 🐎
Approval Rating: 0% (-273.47)
Pollution Index: 1,337 points
Radiation Index: 113.72 R (Global: 151.87 R)
OBL Team: Alajmi
Nation Rank: #2,353 of 11,380 Nations (20.68%)
Nation Score: More Information 4,391.11
War Policy: Help Turtle Turtle Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 147,702.09
Infrastructure Lost: 237,010.00
Money Looted: $220,855,513.03
Wars Won: 133
Wars Lost: 90

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

32 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/23 04:27 am - Ajman State had war declared by Falcon Car Warsh for the reason of "By the gods, your insolence cannot go unpunished.".
03/23 03:14 am - Ajman State had war declared by Goblin for the reason of "inactive applicant; dm for peace ".
03/23 02:00 am - Ajman State had war declared by Wingnut for the reason of "Literally can't even with your country's vibes. Time to fix this mess.".
03/15 04:36 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Zylenon II for the reason of "Your imperialist policies threaten global peace. We must act to restore balance.".
03/15 02:52 am - Ajman State had war declared by Wild Space for the reason of "You threw shade, and now I'm throwing tanks. Hope you're ready, sis.".
03/14 10:23 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Coolossus for the reason of "Trying an interplanetary expansion experiment, nbd".
03/10 01:36 am - Ajman State changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Pink.
03/08 10:15 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Lovecraft for the reason of "Your leader's fashion sense is an international crisis".
03/08 09:12 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Rosewood Republic for the reason of "For Motherland!".
03/08 08:00 pm - Ajman State had war declared by The Kingdom of Mann for the reason of "Blood for the blood god, Skulls for the skull throne".
02/28 10:19 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Tortuga Dominions for the reason of "Your country is a total mess. Sad! Time to go to war, and we'll win like never before.".
02/28 08:01 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Xaba Kingdom for the reason of "Just Business".
02/28 08:00 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Shizzles Fiefdom for the reason of "Your country is a total mess. Sad! Time to go to war, and we'll win like never before.".
02/26 08:53 pm - DiamondB10 removed Rakan Bin Huthlen from the alliance and set them as an applicant. They previously had the position: Rosian.
02/21 01:26 am - Ajman State had war declared by Falcon Car Warsh for the reason of "Cuz you're a cutie with a smoothie with no fumes, you know what that means: get on the platter you're for the table".
02/21 12:29 am - Ajman State had war declared by INDIAA for the reason of "Economic inequality thrives under your rule. We declare war for the oppressed.".
02/20 07:37 pm - Ajman State had war declared by Anarchist Empire for the reason of "Inactive".
02/16 10:59 pm - Ajman State changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Pink.
02/08 05:00 am - Ajman State had war declared by MIBHG Country for the reason of "🫥🫥🫥🫥".
02/08 04:30 am - Ajman State had war declared by PLOP for the reason of "YOUR MOM IS HOT".
02/08 04:10 am - Ajman State had war declared by Aerylia for the reason of "Nice Infra bro.".
01/31 10:04 am - Ajman State had war declared by Chinaa for the reason of "OMG, your country is like, sooo basic. Time for a glow-up, war style.".
01/31 05:02 am - Ajman State had war declared by The HRE for the reason of "By the gods, your insolence cannot go unpunished.".
01/31 04:41 am - Ajman State had war declared by Falcon Car Warsh for the reason of "inactive raid dm for peace negotiation ".
01/23 12:28 pm - Ajman State changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Pink.
01/23 02:06 am - Ajman State had war declared by The Kingdom of Narnia for the reason of "You're a disease, and I'm the cure.".
01/23 01:26 am - Ajman State had war declared by Polishlithuaniancommonwealth for the reason of "Frankly, your leadership is weak. We're bringing the best war, the strongest war.".
01/23 01:25 am - Ajman State had war declared by The HRE for the reason of "Nice Infra bro.".
01/15 10:55 am - Ajman State had war declared by Chinaa for the reason of "Your defiance insults Rome's honor.".
01/15 12:49 am - Ajman State had war declared by Erebens for the reason of "Erebens' Judgement".
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
15 National Projects
Advanced Engineering Corps
Advanced Engineering Corps is a national project that reduces the cost of land and infrastructure by 5%.
Arable Land Agency
Arable Land Agency is a national project that reduces the cost of land by 5%.
Bauxiteworks is a national project that increases Aluminum Refineries' productivity by 36% nationwide.
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Clinical Research Center
Clinical Research Center is a national project that allows you to build an additional Hospital in each city.
International Trade Center
International Trade Center is a national project that increases the Commerce rate in each city by 1%, allows your maximum commerce rate in cities to reach 115% and increases the maximum number of Banks per city from 5 to 6.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Mass Irrigation
Mass Irrigation is a national project that boosts food production nationwide.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.
Space Program
Space Program is a national project that enables construction of an additional Missile per day. Also enables further outer-space national projects.
Telecommunications Satellite
Telecommunications Satellite is a national project that increases the Commerce rate in each city by 2%, increases the maximum Commerce rate to 125% in all cities and Increases the maximum number of Malls per city increases from 4 to 5.
Uranium Enrichment Program
Uranium Enrichment Program is a national project that doubles Uranium production in your nation.
Vital Defense System
Vital Defense System is a national project that gives you a 25% chance of thwarting enemy nuclear attacks and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed.