Achievement Showcase
The Federal Republic of MemeTopia is a nation led by President BluStryke on the continent of North America. The Federal Republic of MemeTopia's government is a Federal Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Federal Republic of MemeTopia favors far right wing policies. The official currency of The Federal Republic of MemeTopia is the MemeTopian Dollar. At 1,240 days old, The Federal Republic of MemeTopia is an ancient nation. The Federal Republic of MemeTopia has a population of 7,935,676 and a land area of 59,150.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 134.16. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Political Affiliations:
IA Sentinel (Mid IA gov) of Nemesys
Retributor (Member) of Nemesys
Former Acolyte (Member) of EVH (Event Horizon)
Former Undersecretary of the Interior (Low IA) in FSO
Former Secretary of the Interior (High IA) in FSO
Former Undersecretary of Education in FSO
Former Citizen of The Federated States of Orbis (FSO)
(March 16th, 2023 - July 16th, 2024)
Former Member and Head FA of The Republic Senate
Former Member and Low IA Gov in The Coven/Black Skies
Former Member and Low IA Gov of Sanctuary
Wars or Conflicts Involved in:
Armenia's Revenge (with Sanctuary)
Rick’s Last Roll (with Sanctuary)
Greek Fire (with The Coven/Black Skies)
Microbrawl (with FSO)
TI blitz (with EVH)
Major Achievements:
First Nuke eaten: 05/28/2022 (Real World Time) 07/27/2076 (In Game Time)
10,000 Infra destroyed reached: 06/1/2022 (Real World Time) 09/11/2076 (In Game Time)
2,000 Nation Score Reached 07/4/2022 (Real World Time) 10/9/2078 (In Game Time)
20,000 infra destroyed reached: 11/16/2022 (Real World Times ) 03/8/2082 (In Game Time)
10,000 infra lost reached: 11/16/2022 (Real World Time) 03/8/2082 (In Game Time)
Greek Fire Bronze Ribbon, awarded by The Coven/Black Skies
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