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The Great British Empire

The Republic of The Great British Empire is a nation led by Prime Minister Bradley on the continent of Africa. The Republic of The Great British Empire's government is a Communist Democracy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Republic of The Great British Empire favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Republic of The Great British Empire is the Pound Sterling. At 3,297 days old, The Republic of The Great British Empire is an ancient nation. The Republic of The Great British Empire has a population of 14,962,276 and a land area of 209,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 71.59. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

  • Former Sensi of Communications for Shuriken
  • Former Head of Valyrian Foreign Affairs
  • Former Dragonlord of Valyria
  • Former Royal Advisor to the Seven Kingdoms
  • Former Advisor to Nights Watch
  • First person to launch an offensive war against Advanced Idea Mechanics (30th August, 2017 against Bezzers)
  • First and Former Illusive Man of Cerberus
  • I was retired for 2.5 years.
  • Awarded the Order of Éowyn by Jax Teller, King of The Rohirrim
  • Former Grand Maester of Seven Kingdoms (Head of Recruitment, Development and Economic Affairs).
  • Voted most likely to become Prime Minister irl in the Name Withheld 2021 Awards
  • Voted best fighter in the Name Withheld 2022 Awards
  • Founder and Former Leader of Name Withheld
  • Voted most likely to coup Bezzers in the Name Withheld 2023 Awards


Founder and Former Leader of Name Withheld


Founded: Saturday 27th February, 2016. 

Proudest achievement:

Prime Minister Bradley of The Great British Empire detonated a nuclear weapon in the nation of South Yorkshire and eliminated 25 Resistance. The attack destroyed 1,839.00 infrastructure in the city of Hatfield and 2 improvements.

Duke of House Qoherys.


I don't send tips for baseball.




View Bank Activity | View Nation

Show rows starting at

Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)02/15/2025 01:49 pm Bank Withheld BankThe Great British EmpireThe Hylian Empire$0.00285,
2)02/15/2025 01:47 pm Bank Withheld BankThe Great British EmpireThe Hylian Empire$400,000,,000.0025,000.0025,000.0063,000.00
3)02/14/2025 07:14 pm Bank Withheld BankThe Great British EmpireThe Hylian Empire$1,000,000,
4)02/08/2025 04:29 pm The Great British EmpireFredonian Socialist RepublicThe Great British Empire$192,420.00404.002.00131.00818.000.001.00886.00376.00463.00446.00266.00
5)02/08/2025 03:20 pm The Great British EmpireThe NetworkThe Great British Empire$447,614.00235.001.0070.00437.000.000.00473.00203.00250.00241.00143.00
6)02/07/2025 07:03 pm The Great British EmpireThe Chiss AscendancyThe Great British Empire$547,988.001,137.004.00171.001,,148.00590.00721.00670.00432.00
7)02/07/2025 12:17 pm The Great British EmpireThe Great British Empire$517,453.002,067.007.00268.001,702.001.002.001,797.001,078.001,210.001,091.00875.00
8)02/07/2025 05:34 am The Great British EmpireUnited ArchipelagoThe Great British Empire$144,297.00872.002.0096.00611.000.000.00644.00405.00455.00410.00329.00
9)02/06/2025 10:15 pm The Great British EmpireNine Eight SevenThe Great British Empire$135,769.001,101.002.00108.00687.000.000.00723.00472.00529.00477.00383.00
10)02/06/2025 10:09 pm The Great British EmpireLovecraftThe Great British Empire$449,355.003,647.009.00359.002,,394.001,562.001,753.001,580.001,268.00
11)02/04/2025 08:11 pm BankThe Great British EmpireThe Hylian Empire$,000.0010,
12)02/04/2025 08:10 pm The Great British EmpireName Withheld BankThe Great British Empire$300,000,
13)02/04/2025 08:10 pm BankThe Great British EmpireThe Hylian Empire$,000.0010,000.00
14)02/04/2025 08:09 pm BankThe Great British EmpireThe Hylian Empire$0.001,000,
15)02/04/2025 05:27 pm Weaponized Assault Penguins BankThe Great British EmpireHasbridge$

Showing 0-15 of 2,211 Records