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Federation of Knox

Achievement Showcase


Federation of Knox is a nation led by King Jacob Knox on the continent of North America. Federation of Knox's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, Federation of Knox favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Federation of Knox is the Dollar. At 1,396 days old, Federation of Knox is an ancient nation. Federation of Knox has a population of 14,454,539 and a land area of 94,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 153.77. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Welcome to the Federation of Knox, an absolute monarchy ruled by King Jacob Knox.


King Knox appoints his government on the basis of merit and loyalty. Those who are good at what they do and loyal to the Crown receive rewards. The disloyal are disposed of, and those who do mediocre work are relegated to the lower, working classes of society.


The Federation of Knox is a peaceful nation of various peoples, both natives and those who migrate to the country in search of a better life. Do not be fooled, however, as King Knox is swift to take action in service of his allies and is more than willing to take on a foe who so thinks they may attack his nation.


Long live the Federation! Long live King Knox!

Long live Event Horizon!!


Learn more about the Federation of Knox here.

Learn more about Jacob Knox here.




Joros Corinsol for being a good person and friend

Rainbowgeist for being an awesome person

Y-zard for helping me learn more about foreign affairs

George Putin for helping me learn more about internal affairs

All of Aurora for giving me an awesome home when things got tough



Facts as of April 7th, 2024

Federation of Knox is currently:

1,643rd oldest nation in Orbis (founded 09/29/2020)

Between 779th and 926th most cities in Orbis (c33)

962nd in score (6,872.50)

Between 5,445th and 5,600th in alliance seniority (36 days)

Basic Information
Nation Name: Federation of Knox
Leader Name: Jacob Knox
Nation ID: 244934
Founded: 09/29/2020 (1,396 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 58 hours ago
Forum Account:Click Here
Discord Username:epicdude203
Unique ID: 002b35ecc94faff8251eb059d
International Relations
Alliance: Event Horizon Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:147 days
Color Trade Bloc: Olive Horizon Coast
Commendations: 86
Denouncements: 12
Nation Page Visits: 22,471
Population: 14,454,539
Infrastructure: 101,750.00
Land Area: 94,000 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 153.77 people/sq. mi
GDP: $23,132,171,639.00
GDP per Capita: $1,600.34
GNI: $10,332,618,560.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Dollar
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Open Markets Open Markets Icon
Social Policies: Libertarian
State Religion: Secularism Secularism
National Animal: National Animal ImageSerpen
Approval Rating: 0% (-517.74)
Pollution Index: 4,995 points
Radiation Index: 82.18 R (Global: 79.36 R)
OBL Team: Knockers
Nation Rank: #610 of 12,612 Nations (4.84%)
Nation Score: More Information 7,968.75
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 214,327.05
Infrastructure Lost: 91,626.00
Money Looted: $367,747,411.64
Wars Won: 127
Wars Lost: 16

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

37 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
06/17 10:51 am - OwO of UwU Empire has publicly denounced the nation of Federation of Knox.
06/12 06:01 pm - Federation of Knox founded a new city, La Ciudad de Knox.
06/02 10:07 pm - Jacob Knox built a new project: Spy Satellite
06/02 02:54 pm - Federation of Knox founded a new city, New Knox Haven.
05/31 07:15 am - pqnos of pqnismos has publicly commended the nation of Federation of Knox.
05/20 03:33 pm - Federation of Knox founded a new city, Knoxtopia.
Federation of Knox Celebrates Three Years

Official Transmission from the King on the Nation's Anniversary

The Federation of Knox Celebrates Two Years

Official Transmission from the King on the Nation's Anniversary

The Federation of Knox Celebrates One Year

Official Transmission from the King and description of festivities

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
22 National Projects
Advanced Urban Planning
Advanced Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $100,000,000.
Advanced Engineering Corps
Advanced Engineering Corps is a national project that reduces the cost of land and infrastructure by 5%.
Arable Land Agency
Arable Land Agency is a national project that reduces the cost of land by 5%.
Bureau of Domestic Affairs
Bureau of Domestic Affairs is a national project that reduces the timer for changing Domestic Policies to 1 turn.
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Clinical Research Center
Clinical Research Center is a national project that allows you to build an additional Hospital in each city.
Government Support Agency
Government Support Agency adds a +50% effect modifier to the nation's selected Domestic Policy.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
International Trade Center
International Trade Center is a national project that allows your maximum commerce rate in cities to reach 115%.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Ironworks is a national project that boosts Steel Mills' production by 36% nationwide.
Metropolitan Planning
Metropolitan Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $150,000,000.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.
Propaganda Bureau
Propaganda Bureau is a national project that increases your military unit recruitment rate.
Recycling Initiative
Recycling Initiative is a national project that increases the effectiveness of Recycling Centers in the nation.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.
Space Program
Space Program is a national project that enables construction of an additional Missile per day. Also enables further outer-space national projects.
Spy Satellite
Spy Satellite is a national project that enables training of an additional Spy per day as well as increasing damage and decreasing cost of Espionage.
Uranium Enrichment Program
Uranium Enrichment Program is a national project that doubles Uranium production in your nation.
Urban Planning
Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $50,000,000.
Vital Defense System
Vital Defense System is a national project that gives you a 25% chance of thwarting enemy nuclear attacks and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed.