Achievement Showcase
Waterland is a nation led by General Captain Parrish on the continent of North America. Waterland's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Waterland favors left wing policies. The official currency of Waterland is the Dollar. At 2,533 days old, Waterland is an ancient nation. Waterland has a population of 4,879,477 and a land area of 155,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 31.48. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Waterland comes from humble beginnings when a small settlement was built on the coast in what now is known as the city of waterdam. This settlement soon formed as Captain Parrish a hero within their ranks found ways to help the settlement survive and he was granted the full reign of Waterland. Captain Parrish denied full power and accepted the government of a constitutional monarchy and looks to lead Waterland onward into greatness.
Member of Rose
Previous positions include: (from most recent to least recent)
Knight of Rose (Econ)
Member of Rose
Minister of Econ in the Ming Empire
Minister of Rites and Personnel and War in The Ming Empire (IA and MA)
Minister of Milcom in The Ming Empire Member of The Ming Empire
Regent of GodFury
Patrician of the House of Ares of GodFury
Praetor in the House of Ares of GodFury
Member of GodFury
Member of Yakuza
Wars Involved In:
Duck Hunt (Knight of Rose Econ)
NPO's Last Time (Head of Econ for the Ming Empire)
Dial Up War (Head of MA and IA for The Ming Empire)
Knightfall (Head of MA for GodFury)
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