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The Syndicate






Chief Global Strategist (FA): Tarroc
Chief Operations Officer (IA): President Tom
Chief Security Officer (Milcom): Flaredragon 
Chief Financial Officer (Econ): Shiho Nishizumi


Vice President of Finance (Econ): Fiji God  
Vice President of Operations (IA): MaiseeDaisee  
Vice President of Asset Acquisition (Milcom): Bruckai  
Vice President of Operational Affairs (IA): NightKnight  
Vice President of Corporate Outreach (FA): leonissenbaum




(chiefly wrongfully convicted felons on accounts of fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, public intoxication, and manufacture and possession of weapons of mass destruction) 
Timmy, Chaunce, Zed, Sisyphus, Leopold von Habsburg, Gray, Golden Pope, WANA, Lucas, and Konungr Odinn

The $yndicate is an invite-only alliance located on the Green sphere; t$ is one of the most prominent and influential alliances in Orbis history. Unsolicited applications are not accepted; all nations interested in gaining membership with The $yndicate must apply to The Enterprise first. Please contact President Tom with any inquiries about exceptions to this policy. In-game messages may be ignored at the discretion of the receiving government member.

Raids on $yndicate Associates and/or Applicants are strictly prohibited and will be dealt with swiftly, regardless of perceived inactivity. The $yndicate is politically selective but willing to work with any alliance should the right circumstances be met. Please contact Tarroc on Discord with any and all Foreign Affairs requests.

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status
The Firm02/19/20202green10,716.2521,432.50Active
The Enterprise04/20/202058lime2,952.02171,217.26Active