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Pantheon: October 15, 2015 - February 15, 2021. Rest in Peace.


Memorial held by Inst until February 26th. Transferred to Scratchy then. 

Proudly maintained by The Immortals


Pantheon Memorial Wall

‘’Ah yes Pantheon, great times! Ichigo betrayed us. I will never forget Pantheon, i am pretty sure without Pantheon i wouldn't be here, i would probably be losing a war or something, or even have rage quitted. Oh yeah, f@#& you Six…i hope you are doing bad. 


Farewell Pantheon!"


Nerabitia, gnome god Gnomizonicos

“Thanks to all those that made the early days so fun and exciting, it was fun while it lasted. Also, Hi Saxplayer”

Printer635 - Ex founder of Pantheon





-Limbu, infamous war-dodger and opportunist



My name is Damianidis. I feel I just haven't said a proper farewell to Pantheon. I left mad, really mad. I left feeling betrayed by Ichigo Kurosaki. Holy !@#$. It's been a whole month since Pantheon got declared defunct. I'll never forget Pantheon. Pantheon taught me how to play this game. Without Pantheon, I'm pretty sure my nation wouldn't be the same. My nation would probably be in a raiding alliance or something. If this nation is owned by or if this nation is owned by a friend of SixSadistic66, I'd like to ask something. Why? Why did you do all of this? Are you happy making one of the most respected alliances in Orbis a !@#$ laughing stock? What the !@#$ is wrong with you? !@#$ you Six. Literally, you deserve to die in a !@#$ lava pit. No, even worse, you deserve eternal pixel hell. If this isn't SixSadistic66 and they don't know who even that is, I'm sorry. 


Nevertheless, Goodbye.

Damianidis, President of Neo Falhro.

May god be with you."



" - Motky, ex-Champion of the Gods






" - Matt the Loser, certified Bank Thief and former General Secretary (Foreign Affairs, other roles)





"Pantheon was the definition of survival and resistance in the Orbis" - Nomi aka SixSadistic66, Former Titan of Pantheon

"Those of us that have taken refuge in Aurora after the coup of Pantheon involving Six and Ichigo are saddened by news of Pantheon's demise. We worked hard for Pantheon; Pantheon was our home. We will always look back on the days before the initial coup as a good time in our gaming days. Pantheon was a growing, fun place to be. Some of us learned valuable game lessons, and, unfortunately, all of us learned the lesson of how quickly trust can be broken by those you least expect it from. So, with a heavy heart we say so long to the once great Pantheon." -Auroran Pantheon Diaspora


"Pantheon was once a noble alliance that we could all be proud of, but as time went on things fell apart and everything it touched became broken. May pantheon rest in peace"  -Odin, Milcom during the Six era.


We stand above an Ashen field

Watered by time, warmed by decay.

Traces of our sin flow before us,

Yearning for dusk, calling for May.


Behind us stand Borges' doors,

and greetings of friends we shalln't see again.

Above us shines the cobalt sky

Beneath which fly no birds.


This is our place of remembrance.

This is our place of mourning.

From us come not cries, tears, nor gnashing of teeth,

Regrets are hidden, memories held in the belly.

Centered atop this unconsoled hill,

We walk down and depart away,

from tills to be gilded, nevermore.

” -Einstein on the Beach. Milcom commander during the Nova Riata War.


If you're a Pantheon ex-member, feel free to contact me if you'd like to put anything up on this wall. This is for Pantheon's remembrance, not as what it was, since it WAS the laughingstock of Orbis, but as we imagined and remembered it to be.

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Pantheon (🏛️)
The Last (holder): Broke , Scratchy
Founded: 10/05/2015 (3,462 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: The Immortals Yellow Bloc
Members: 2
Alliance Rank: #96 of 492 (19.51%)
Score: 20,537.80
Avg Score: 10,268.90
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 86
Total Infrastructure: 197,500.00
Total Land: 344,000.00
Total GDP: $58,147,347,356
Total GNI: $96,292,970
Total Soldiers: 1,287,000
Total Tanks: 107,500
Total Aircraft: 6,420
Total Ships: 797
Total Spies: 120
Total Missiles: 47
Total Nuclear Weapons: 8
Wars Won: 163
Wars Lost: 141
The Emperor4,056.25
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
Extension The ImmortalsN/A