Darkstar |
D A R K S T A R'Darkstar never falls'Growing from the corpse of the ICS and its shattered dreams, our alliance is the deluge. We believe in quality over quantity. We believe in blitz warfare, in friendship, and specialization. We believe in elitism and the unwavering determination of man that enables him to move the world. Lead us, follow us, or get out of our way. Discord is mandatory! Applicants, we do not offer a vague "joining bonus" with only a player-baiting purpose. We will send you enough money to improve your nation, and only at the condition that you actually improve it. POLICIESElitism, friendship and automation. We expect our members to be efficient at war, that means to train a lot. Applicants will be expected to fight a war against an active player before joining. We offer a safekeep system to all our members, available 24/7 and fully offshored. Members are encouraged to help each other. If a brother fails, everyone fails. Our taxes vary depending on military tensions. FOREIGN AFFAIRSWE DO NOT MERGE! UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! For all FA requests, please open a FA ticket on our Discord server. We do not sign random treaties. We do not sign NPTs. We do not sign protectorates at the moment. We are protected by Event Horizon We accept treaties, if they are negotiated with actual terms and we have a tier in common. We do not negotiate ransoms. We'd rather see our infra burn than give anything, while making sure that you receive the maximum amount of damage we can inflict, even if we lose more in the process. Click the button below to join the Discord server if you're a member or if you just want to chill there. ~~~~ Note: by attacking any of us without explicitly marking it as a counter, you agree to have most of your spies killed, your infra destroyed, your army annihilated, and to eat multiple missiles/nukes. It will not be a fair fight. If you don't have any free slots, or are in Beige, or have a score too extreme for us to hit, we will hit another member of your alliance as a compensation. ~~~~ |
Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.
Alliance Name | Date | Members | Color | Average Score | Score | Status |
This alliance has an alliance-member only market. |