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Federation of States

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United Republic Federation of States is a nation led by Alpha Commander Lucas Thomas on the continent of Europe. United Republic Federation of States's government is a Stratocracy with very moderate social policies. Economically, United Republic Federation of States favors moderate policies. The official currency of United Republic Federation of States is the Dollar. At 2,790 days old, United Republic Federation of States is an ancient nation. United Republic Federation of States has a population of 6,469,416 and a land area of 68,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 95.14. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The United Republic Federation's Alpha Commander  is the head of the Government, the Military Commission controls military situations within or around the country. The Parliament controls the Politics and Law within the country, while Economist maintains the Economy. The URF Armed Force acts as an National Military to protect the sovereignty of the nation, its territories, and its people.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Federation of States
Leader Name: Lucas Thomas
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Bald eagle
History: In winter of 2016, during the United Kingdom exit from the European Union. The People in Belfast began to rebel, soon causing riots across the Northern Irish State. Soon a leader named Nicholas Thomas and his mercenary group, the United Merc Federation. Moved in and took the territory, resulting in a devastating war.

March 2017: British Task Force led by HMS Daring was sent to blockade the territory, they were soon intercepted by Federation Destroyers. The Battle for the Irish Sea begins as the first missile was fired. British Tornados attempt to attack the Federation fleet, but was attacked by F-16s from Antrim. The battle ended in Federation victory.

April 5, 2017: British Tornados and EuroFighters are deployed on a bombing campaign. They targeted Belfast, dropping laser-guided bombs. Federation F-16s have launched again, causing British planes to retreat.

June 7, 2017: British Troops and Irish Troops are deployed near the border for an invasion, Federation's K1-88 Tanks are deployed against them. The Battle of Sligo begins with a British bombardment, outside the city into the plains as K1 tanks moved in. As Federation infantry moved into the city, the allied forces were pushed out. Allowing Federation armies to take the city.

August 2017: The British situation grew dire as much of their resources are running out, the War with the Federation proved to be a high cost with little payout. They soon prepare for an all-out, finale attack. The HMS Queen Elizabeth Task Force along with Royal Marines would be sent to take the territory, overrunning the Federation Forces. Operation Loyalty was launched, soon several cities were taken by the Royal Marines. Within a week, the trap was in effect and soon Federation Troops surround the Marines, terminating most and capturing a few.

October 1, 2017: The British Commonwealth and Ireland soon recognizes the territory as an independent nation. The treaty of Paris also allowed for the Federation to take part of Ireland.

October 16, 2017: The war for the Northern territory was soon declared over. The Republic Federation Military was soon placed as a temporary Police Force until new Law Enforcement was in place. Several Cities and landmarks were changed to signify it's independence.

Continent: Europe
Land Area: 109,435.12 sq. km
Terrain: Most metropolitan cities are near the coast with few inland cities and villiages, all connected with a highway and railroad system. In between them are mostly farmland and Resource areas, evenly separating the population between 80 per sq. miles.
Highest Peak: St. Lucas Hills, 12 meters
Lowest Valley: St. Farms Valley, -10 meters
People & Society
Population: 6,469,416 people
Demonym: Ulsterian
Demonym Plural: Ulsterians
Ethnic Groups: Caucasians - 62.0%
Irish - 28.0%
Other - 10.0%
Languages: English - 90.0%
Irish - 5.0%
Other - 5.0%
Religions: Political Christianity - 75.2%
Protestant Christianity - 14.8%
Other - 10.0%
Life Expectancy: 85 years
Obesity: 1.4%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0.1%
Description: This nation has a Right Economy with Authoritarian views to it. Much of the money spent could be on new Weapons for the military to new buildings for the Civilians. The wealthy will pay majority of the taxes, as lower and Middle class has more of an accessible way of paying taxes.
Average Yearly Income: $255.02
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $5,869,146,278.00
GDP per Capita: $907.21
Gross National Income (GNI): $3,038,381,545.00
Industries: Federation of States has a high yield of Coal, Lead, and Iron for export. The main Military companies are the Sharp Industries, Armed Company, and Allied Shipyards to supply the Military with new tanks like the S1 Main Battle Tanks and Licensed K1A3FM Tanks. It also has the ability to produce aircraft like A-10M Strike Fighters, Su-27 Flankers, and AV-8N Naval Attackers. Along with civilian vehicles and equipment.
History: The Federation Military was established at first as a Law Enforcement unit to enforce the URF laws. But as the nation grew, it became part of the newly established Department of Defense as the United Republic Federation Defense Force. After the Foltest Wars, they was reformed into the United Republic Federation Military

Many types of equipment used were from Russian, American, and Asian countries that look for income. This gives the nation a variety of combat combinations to choose from. From the Su-27 Flankers to the Hobart-class Destroyers, this Nation is given the capability to fight on all terrain.

As a result, the United Republic Federation Military is comprised of four groups: The URF Army, URF Viper Corp, the URF Air Force, and URF Navy.

The URF's Army is equipped with:
- 7,700 Army Vehicles
- 4,120 Marine Vehicles
- 9,920 Reserve Vehicles
- 260 VC Vehicles

The URF Air Force's:
- 420 Superiority Fighters
- 250 Attack Aircraft
- 280 Helicopters
- 55 Support Aircraft
- 40 VC Fighters
- 45 VC Helicopters

The URF Navy:
- 10 Aircraft Carriers
- 7 Assault Ships
- 13 Battlecruisers
- 16 Cruisers
- 35 Destroyers
- 40 Frigates
- 40 Corvettes
- 50 Patrol Boat
- 35 Submarines
- 40 Support Ships
- 255 Aircraft
Soldiers: 345,000
Tanks: 20,000
Aircraft: 1,695
Ships: 250
Missiles: 10
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 12/16/2024 08:27 am