Achievement Showcase
Kingdom of Urithiru is a nation led by Queen Jasnah Kholin on the continent of North America. Kingdom of Urithiru's government is a Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Urithiru favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Urithiru is the Dollar. At 2,826 days old, Kingdom of Urithiru is an ancient nation. Kingdom of Urithiru has a population of 16,629,032 and a land area of 191,250.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 86.95. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Aysslamic Crusade - Seven Kingdoms Subject
Knightfall - Seven Kingdoms Subject
Surf's Up - Seven Kingdoms Subject
NPO's Last Time - Seven Kingdoms Lord Commander
Duck Hunt - Seven Kingdoms Lord Commander
Brawlywood - The $yndicate Associate
Time's Up - The $yndicate Associate
The Big $hort - The $yndicate/Enterpri$e Director of Security
Fault in Our Stars - The $yndicate Vice President of Security
Steamed HOGG - The $yndicate Vice President of Security
Darkest Hour - The $yndicate Vice President of Security
Dodge This - The $yndicate ESM Advisor
New Year Nuke Me - The $yndicate ESM Advisor
Darkest Hour Deux - The $yndicate ESM Advisor
Ask Yang what happens when you ask me for sports betting advice (bad stuff, don’t do it)
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