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The Melotian Empire

The Melotian Empire is a nation led by Emperor Noir on the continent of Africa. The Melotian Empire's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Melotian Empire favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Melotian Empire is the Mexican Peso. At 4 days old, The Melotian Empire is a new nation. The Melotian Empire has a population of 349,160 and a land area of 2,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 139.66. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 59.7054%.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)03/04/2025 01:04 am United People of WellbeingThe Melotian EmpireUnited People of Wellbeing$1,584,890.003,
2)03/04/2025 01:04 am CaunamexThe Melotian EmpireCaunamex$892,681.00138.000.000.0060.000.0013.
3)03/04/2025 01:03 am The universityThe Melotian EmpireThe university$974,203.000.00155.
4)03/04/2025 01:03 am Snezhnayan IndustriesThe Melotian EmpireSnezhnayan Industries$3,788,725.002,819.000.0059.00103.
5)03/04/2025 01:03 am UshaklndThe Melotian EmpireUshaklnd$1,894,937.
6)03/02/2025 01:03 am Flop of Tropica RealnessThe Melotian EmpireFlop of Tropica Realness$2,487,
7)03/02/2025 01:03 am Republic of AscorThe Melotian EmpireRepublic of Ascor$2,460,480.00406.0091.0030.00110.0050.00528.0017.00207.00173.00192.00157.00
8)03/02/2025 01:02 am PijonThe Melotian EmpirePijon$4,066,
9)03/02/2025 01:02 am prussaiThe Melotian Empireprussai$2,439,
10)03/02/2025 01:01 am HafniaThe Melotian EmpireHafnia$3,339,639.
11)02/28/2025 12:57 am Nemesys BankThe Melotian EmpireDraginian Empire$10,000,

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