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Federative Republic of Dravo-Traskovica is a nation led by Chancellor Kiran Guvnicek on the continent of Europe. Federative Republic of Dravo-Traskovica's government is a Social Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Federative Republic of Dravo-Traskovica favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Federative Republic of Dravo-Traskovica is the Zloty. At 116 days old, Federative Republic of Dravo-Traskovica is a mature nation. Federative Republic of Dravo-Traskovica has a population of 350,964 and a land area of 6,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 58.49. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Dravo-Traskovica
Leader Name: Kiran Guvnicek
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: After a long period of subservience and supervision, Dravan and Traskovici movements joined into coalition with Lotinci and other minorities in the region. What started as a spontaneous riot quickly became an open uprising. At the beginning, it was apparent that northern regime forces couldn't contain such an unrest, thus prepared a pacification campaign, further increasing the resistance. Entire uprising resulted in Bornicki Sulin Campaign, which became the longest and fiercest conflict the region has seen. That campaign resulted in complete withdrawal of regime forces, which was sealed by a ceasefire, while following peace negotiations cemented the independence of Dravo-Traskovica. That marked an official beginning of the end of tyrannical hegemony in the region that aided in further decay of former regime, causing other states to secede until complete dissolution of former dictatorship.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 9,656.04 sq. km
Terrain: Terrain is dominated by lakes, rivers and marshes, with small hills inbetween. Among those landmarks abandoned bunkers and strongholds are located. Once part of sophisticated defences, now in total disrepair.
Highest Peak: Traskovicka Suma, 160 meters
Lowest Valley: Nezickovi Bod, -132 meters
Climate: This nation's climate is temper and timid, with clear seasonal changes. Year has 4 seasons, albeit recently a slight decrease in average temperature has been noticed, due to long lingering clouds cause by nuclear detonations on the continent.
People & Society
Population: 350,964 people
Demonym: Dravan
Demonym Plural: Dravans
Ethnic Groups: Dravan - 74.6%
Traskovican - 21.3%
Lotince - 4.1%
Languages: Dravan - 78.9%
Traskovican - 19.6%
Lotinci - 1.5%
Religions: Starodrava Yahadut - 34.3%
Traskova Ekklisia - 24.4%
Atheism/No religion - 41.3%
Life Expectancy: 67 years
Obesity: 8%
Alcohol Users: 8.2%
Tobacco Users: 25.7%
Cannabis Users: 11.2%
Hard Drug Users: 1.3%
Description: Economy is open-market and currency based, with fair representation of all buisiness. Government has a well-structured legislature, consumer and competition rights in place, as well as preventive measures against corruption, reducing it to a negligible margin. In addition, all recreational drugs in public use are taxed.
Average Yearly Income: $59.63
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $364,722,800.00
GDP per Capita: $1,039.20
Gross National Income (GNI): $145,489,000.00
Industries: Major industries consists of both national and privately owned sectors. Most prominent are civilian shipbuilders like VodoTehnologija and water tourism with one of the biggest water ski complexes on the continent. After the independence however small arms industry rose to prominence, with manufacturers like Dravske Zbrojnice and Precizna Tvornica "Grifon" offering various products for both domestic and foreign customers.
Soldiers: 45,000
Tanks: 3,750
Aircraft: 225
Ships: 34
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 02/17/2025 10:57 pm