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SANGA EMPIRE is a nation led by Yorko ZORO on the continent of Europe. SANGA EMPIRE's government is a Democratic Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, SANGA EMPIRE favors left wing policies. The official currency of SANGA EMPIRE is the SANG. At 98 days old, SANGA EMPIRE is a mature nation. SANGA EMPIRE has a population of 1,313,559 and a land area of 11,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 119.41. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.




"Progressive Government brings Egalitarian Society".

Democratic Republic of SANGAEMPIRE is a fledgling, safe nation, renowned for its burgeoning Golden Eagle population. The hard-nosed, hard-working, democratic population of 5 million SANGAEMPIREians enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.

The relatively small government juggles the competing demands of Education, Law & Order, and Spirituality. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 13.3%.

Euthanasia is legal, citizens are barcoded to keep track of their movements, same-!@#$ marriages are increasingly common, and bicyclists are banned from major roads. Crime is relatively low, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. SANGAEMPIRE's national animal is the Golden Eagle, which can occasionally be seen dodging aircraft in the nation's cities.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)02/06/2025 02:46 pm SANGA EMPIREAdriatican EmpireSANGA EMPIRE$381,569.
2)02/05/2025 04:40 am SANGA EMPIREStahlheimSANGA EMPIRE$1,555,906.
3)02/04/2025 04:01 pm SANGA EMPIRESouth KoreaSANGA EMPIRE$404,785.
4)01/13/2025 03:43 am SANGA EMPIREGrelandiaSANGA EMPIRE$298,438.001,703.000.000.00111.
5)01/13/2025 03:08 am The Mortals BankSANGA EMPIREVideirasNation$34,427.0010.
6)01/13/2025 03:08 am VideirasNationSANGA EMPIREVideirasNation$1,
7)01/12/2025 05:58 pm SANGA EMPIREW3ast RepublicSANGA EMPIRE$30,568.002,
8)01/12/2025 04:01 pm SANGA EMPIREEuropeaSANGA EMPIRE$272,101.003,
9)01/11/2025 12:47 pm Pacific Pirates BankSANGA EMPIRELachland$5,000,
10)01/11/2025 11:08 am Pacific Pirates BankSANGA EMPIRELachland$,000.000.00
11)01/10/2025 05:19 am SANGA EMPIREPacific Pirates BankSANGA EMPIRE$15,000,000.000.0041.0068.000.004.0092.0043.
12)01/09/2025 03:58 am AtlantsSANGA EMPIREAtlants$221,612.002,720.0041.0068.0026.004.0092.0043.000.003.0018.0017.00
13)01/08/2025 07:34 pm SANGA EMPIREPacific Pirates BankSANGA EMPIRE$10,000,,,000.001,000.00
14)01/04/2025 04:47 am The High Table BankSANGA EMPIRELaVale$90,000,,
15)01/02/2025 01:33 am The High Table BankSANGA EMPIRELaVale$200,000,,500.,000.000.006,000.00

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