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Kingdom of Rizia

Kingdom of Rizia is a nation led by King Romus Toras on the continent of Africa. Kingdom of Rizia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Rizia favors left wing policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Rizia is the Rizian Guilder. At 144 days old, Kingdom of Rizia is a mature nation. Kingdom of Rizia has a population of 4,841,398 and a land area of 40,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 121.03. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

"Monarch, your reign and your abode,

Your scepter, and the orb you hold,

And e'en the ground on which you trod,

Will all be dust when you are cold."

                                                                                      - Victor Hugo


The Kingdom of Rizia (Rizian: Regneo di Rizia) or known simply as Rizia, is a country situated in southeastern Merkopa. Rizia is bordered by Wehlen to the northwest, Morella to the southwest, and Pales to the southeast. It also shares maritime borders with Lespia to the north over the Sudis Sea and Kyrute to the southeast. The country's population is estimated to be around 40 million. Porte Drazon is the country's capital and largest city.

Rizia is best described as a middling regional power, due to its weaker military in comparison to its neighbors. Conversely, it is the 14th largest economy by nominal GDP in the world, significantly outranking nearly all their neighbors except Lespia. Its economy is based in resource extraction, historically concentrated towards oil extraction, though recently it has looked to diversify its mineral sectors. In addition, Rizia is a major exporter of wine in the region.

It is also renowned for its commitment to the Wruhecist faith. The country also prides itself on exceptional women's rights, free healthcare, and a low tax rate, although it has a poor human rights record. Rizia is a member of OMEC, GRACE, and the Alliance of Nations. The current king of Rizia is Romus Toras, ascending to throne in 1949.

Rizia is a semi-constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. It is a decentralized, unitary state in which the King is sovereign. The Rizian government is comprised of two main governmental bodies: The House of Delegates, comprised of 70 Rizian representatives, and the Royal Council, who serve as the King's advisors in civil, foreign, economic, and military affairs. However, the House of Delegates has historically been a weak force and has been called a puppet government subservient to the monarch's stronger powers.

The King of Rizia, despite being a constitutional monarch, retains significant political power within the government. He has the ability to enact royal decrees, which are deemed to be law in the kingdom.



Map of Rizia

King Romus Toras

Heir Apparent Vina Toras

Grand Vizier Hugo Toras

Foreign Affairs Councilor Laurento Esquibel

    Grand Wiscerer Sal Ignacius

Treasury & Economy Councilor Elena Werner

War & Security Councilor Lucita Azaro


All hail the King!

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Kingdom of Rizia
Leader Name: Romus Toras
Currency: Currency Image
Rizian Guilder
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: --- Early History (499 - 1805) ---
-> Rezenid and Markian eras (499-1615)
Rizia's name finds its origins in the Rezenid Empire, a powerful confederation that dominated much of Southern Merkopa at the beginning of the first millennium, which was in turn named after the Rezna dynasty. The Reznas managed to consolidate several smaller territories into a unified and expansive state, intricately linked by centralized bureaucracy, strategic diplomacy and Wruhecism, all centered in the city of Drazon. The city was established near the mouth of the Zpana River, taking advantage of the fertile soil. Eventually, the old Rezenid capital merged with the city of Porte Novo on the northern bank of the Zpana, transforming into the city of Porte Drazon.

Though famed for its robust trade networks, advanced naval capabilities and technological advancements, its dominance waned as internal strife weakened its central authority, making it susceptible to external threats. This decline culminated in its eventual absorption by the expanding Markian Empire. The Reznas fled to the West, and it is said that the Recznieks of Wehlen were their distant descendants. The region fell to the Markian Empire in the early 1100s, which expanded on existing Rezenid infrastructure and mined small amounts of gold to support their expansion.

-> Rubaz dynasty (1615-1805)
Markian rule lasted until 1615 when the Rubaz family led a successful rebellion, creating a new kingdom in the former Rezenid hearthland. The first king of Rizia, Victoriano Rubaz, who claimed to be of Rezna descent, named his new kingdom after the Rezenid Empire — Rizia.

During his reign and those of his descendants, Rizia expanded in wealth and influence. The kingdom originally harbored colonial ambitions, but after the destruction of much of the royal fleet during the Valgish conquest of Pales, the family focused on the excavation and trade of gold. The mineral was mined all over the kingdom, and transported on Rizia’s first railroads. It was during this time that a feudal system was established. Various noble families governed the Valenqiris, Brenas, Montaklar, Cardesse, Porte Drazon and Iza regions. In return for their autonomy, they swore fealty to the Rubaz family, paid taxes, and provided military support when necessary.

Under this system, Rizia flourished economically and culturally. The nobles, keen to display their wealth and power, patronized the arts and sciences, leading to a renaissance in Rizian culture. This era saw the construction of grand palaces, the establishment of renowned academic institutions, and significant advancements in technology. However, the feudal system also sowed the seeds of discord. The autonomy of the noble families allowed them to amass significant power and wealth, and over time, some began to chafe under the rule of the Rubazes. Regional identities and loyalties grew stronger, often at the expense of national unity.

--- Modern History (1805 - present) ---
-> Rise of House Toras (1805 - 1860)
In 1805, following the death of Xavi Rubaz, a split between his three heirs led to the War of Rizian Succession; the civil war lasted for four years and involved foreign powers like the Empire of Valgos, the Empire of Moridia, and the Mousser Empire. House Toras, led by Ariana Toras, was victorious in the war and took control of Rizia Imperii and Valenqiris. Thus, beginning the Toras family's hold on the Rizian throne. The two other houses, House Azaro and House Sazon, took control of Cardesse-Montaklar and Brenas respectively.

-> Lyzian and Valerian eras (1860 - 1949)
A period of rapid industrialization and development of modern gold mining technologies ensued during the reign of Lyza Toras. This propelled Rizia into unprecedented economic prosperity and allowed the country to exert widespread influence in southern Merkopa. Queen Lyza also enacted various decrees that allowed for social reform such as the expansion of women's rights and universal access to education. In 1918, Queen Lyza passed away, and her eldest son, Valero Toras, ascended to the throne.

Early in Valero's reign, he began a war against the newly-independent Grand Duchy of Pales; the Rizian army succeeded in capturing western Pales. However, Lespia intervened in support of the Grand Duchy, which grinded the war to a halt, which led to a ceasefire. This soured support within the country for the King, which led to a mutiny by the Rizian Navy on April 7 , 1923, beginning the largest revolt against the Rizian monarchy in history. Supported by republicans and factions of House Sazon, the revolt spread across the country, even succeeding in kidnapping the Crown Prince and murdering the Duke of Cardesse-Montaklar. The King only managed to stop the revolt via Wehzek military intervention. In return, however, the Territory of Zille would be leased to Wehlen for 25 years.

Following the uprising, most of the republican supporters were suppressed; the Duke of Brenas was executed for his role in the uprising and his wife was sent to exile in the island of Caleqabiz. Meanwhile, the city of Iza was put under the stewardship of Hugo Toras. Valero would however acknowledge the demands of the pro-democratic faction, establishing the House of Delegates. Later on, the kingdom pursued closer ties with Rumburg, later becoming a member of GRACE. On November 18, 1949, Valero passed away. His son, Romus, ascended to the throne.
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 64,373.60 sq. km
Terrain: Rizia is located on the Rizian Peninsula, surrounded by the Gulf of Moridia to the west, the Sudis Sea to the north, and the Antacean Sea to its east. It is neighbored by Wehlen to the northwest, Morella to its southwest, Pales to its southeast, and separated from Lespia by the Sudis Sea. The country is also densely populated.
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
Climate: The country has a climate similar to Lespia.
People & Society
Population: 4,841,398 people
Demonym: Rizian
Demonym Plural: Rizians
Ethnic Groups: Rizian - 72.4%
Wehzek - 6.2%
Morellan - 4.9%
Languages: Rizian - 100.0%
Religions: Wruhecism - 66.7%
Dastnurity - 17.0%
Golcondism - 8.1%
Life Expectancy: 83 years
Obesity: 4.3%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Average Yearly Income: $181.25
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $5,979,252,371.00
GDP per Capita: $1,235.03
Gross National Income (GNI): $2,814,664,650.00
Industries: The economy of Rizia is reliant on resource extraction, which has historically consisted of oil extraction and viticulture.

- Oil and Natural Gas
- Tourism
- Military Industry

Its currency is the Rizian Guilder.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 10,000
Aircraft: 1,500
Ships: 100
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 10/23/2024 11:14 pm